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Tag Archives: tw: what happened this is the opposite of what i wanted


“I find that pain responses are telling of one’s character. Words are one thing, action another. If you could hear the scramble of thoughts that blossom in the mind as soon as pain enters the equation, you would find one can change dramatically from the projected persona of seconds before,” Dalie spoke as he slid the blade in deeper, some part of it unnervingly raking against bone before he twisted the blade to cut a slightly different path. He twisted the blade to open wide the wound, tilting it forward as though he had intention to push the blade until the hilt reached Krystal’s opposite hip bone, yet he stopped at a rough 45 degree angle opposite to the line of the cut. “Pain is a strange feeling, no doubt. It is a body’s internal alarm system that something is wrong. I find that near all physical senses perform this or that task simply to ensure the body’s survival. …Something nearly alien to one such as me for a long time. I process pain too, yet respond to it differently.” During his strange casually spoken rant, Dalie’s fingers dug into the open cut and procured a small oval organ. “Would you like this in a jar?” he questioned.