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Tag Archives: tw: violence

Having a mortal blindfolded and tied tighter than necessary to a chair, Dalie grabbed their forehead and forced them to bend their head backwards, exposing their neck. He traced the tip of his knife aganst the paleness of their flesh, starting along the chin and slowly dragging it down to their collarbone. The mortal started to beg which Dalie only responded to by throwing their head forward, causing them a moment of dizziness.

Having let go of them, he walked some place behind them as they sobbed and uttered a prayer to their god. He thought it was amusing. “And what doth the human believe in?” he asked as he stepped further back, deliberately making each footfall echo in the near-empty room. “If there is no one to save you, no hero at the end of the day like in all the fantastical stories, is there really a god?” He scanned the table pushed up against the wall behind the mortal and set his knife down, fingers tracing the edge of another.

He returned to his place behind the mortal, still sobbing where he was strapped down as he continued to speak. “Or does he just not care about some pathetic lifeform whom is merely the blip of an existence in the sands of time?” With that, he grabbed the person’s face and violently snapped their neck. He tilted his head and eyed the now dead sack of meat before him then looked up the ceiling before removing himself from that room.






Loki steeled his jaw, not flinching even as Dalie’s face loomed dangerously close.  How a deranged lunatic could excite him so, was beyond him.  Even now his pulse quickened, arousal fogging his mind.  What else did he have to lose, aside from the obvious? “I want you to fuck me like my exposed organs are the sexiest things you’ve ever seen,” he said plainly.  Spending time on Midgard had it’s perks if their crude language could truly be appreciated.  ”Then I want you to stitch my body back together.  I don’t know if you are aware, but traveling after such a procedure can be rather difficult.”


Dalie acknowledged the request with decided silence at first, crimson eyes locked on the other’s for several seconds. He shifted weight from one foot to another, then stood still keeping to the silence that pierced the room. His stillness was abruptly changed when his bloodied hand rose up to snatch Loki’s neck and jaw with a striking force, gripping onto the soft flesh menacingly. He applied strength to his arm, forcing Loki to be lifted from the ground as Dalie moved forward, slamming Loki into the wall that was several feet away only seconds prior. “An odd request,” he said, his lips an inch from Loki’s chin. “What would Dalie gain from such?”

The vice grip around his throat almost startled him.  It would have if he had not known to expect violence from his volatile companion, should he even be called such.  Now Dalie’s palm pressed tight against his throat, restricting his breathing and stirring fear within the pit of his stomach, another influence to confound his condition.  

His hand gripped Dalie’s, finger’s digging into his skin.  He could survive without oxygen.  It was one of the perks of being a god, but to be dangled in the air like that, unable to fill his lungs completely.  It was startling how powerless it made him feel.

Loki squeezed his eyes shut as his back was slammed against the wall, both startled and exhilarated.  He opened his eyes once more to peer down at the Jötunn’s blue visage, question still in the air.  ”You have your own agenda, your own prize which you will take whether I give it or not.  What I ask is for something in return,” he rasped.  ”Does Dalie not understand the concept of a simple exchange?”

Dalie slowly lowered Loki just enough for the tips of his toes to touch the ground yet he kept Loki as pressed to the wall without total asphyxiation as possible. Once again, Dalie let silence come between them for what seemed like a long time before making any sort of further gesture or effort to speak. The only part of him that moved,—aside from the repetitive expansion and collapse of his chest as he breathed—was his eyes, scanning every inch of Loki, reading his behavior like a book. Finally, he tilted his head forward in such a way that his bottom jaw nearly sat on his own collarbone, his eyes never leaving Loki’s face. “This one knows exchange, though again the question would arise. What would Dalie gain from such?”

He snapped his hand away from Loki’s neck before Loki had the chance to speak a hoarse reply, eyes following Loki’s eye-level as he regained balance on his own two feet. Dalie shifted in position so his side faced Loki, giving one the impression he might turn and leave. Instead, he leaned against Loki, pressing Loki into the wall by his own hip against Loki’s lower torso. His bloodied hand rested on the side of the wall as he leaned. “Curious, this one is though,” Dalie started, narrowing his red eyes into slits as he spoke. “How would Loki like to get fucked?”

The ground was under Loki’s feet, teasing him.  Then Dalie removed his hand from his throat and his heels dropped to meet it. His question lingered in the air unanswered as Loki leaned against the wall, breathing labored.  His fingers brushed over the cut to find it was already scabbing over.  The Jötunn wouldn’t like that.  ”I do not profess to know your ways, Dalie.  I have no idea what you would gain from our commingling.”  Despite their positions his tone still remained conversational.

Dalie’s body language screamed disinterest, but he never seemed the type to communicate openly.  He didn’t seem the type to lose interest, Loki concluded about the same time as the person in question rammed him with his hip, wedging him against the wall like before.  His elbows bumped the wall, palms pressing flat against it.  Then he was asked an odd question.  How would he like to be fucked?  Several images entered his mind.  A smile tugged at his lips.  ”Surprise me.”

Dalie distracted the god from his pain by pressing his cold lips on his neck. He proceeded to rub his lips down the crook of the god’s neck, finding insult in the cloths that hid his shoulder. Reaching up with his damaged arm, Dalie’s glove squeaked as he balled his hand into a fist around the neckline of the god’s upper garments and harshly pulled it over his shoulder to expose the skin that reacted to his own coldness.

He pulled his hip from Loki’s waist, creating a gap between them as he sucked on the tender flesh of Loki’s neck. His hand that rested on Loki’s shoulder slithered down his arm then found the god’s side. He dug his fingers into Loki’s torso in a tight squeeze as he leaned forward, rubbing his chest against Loki’s own, never once parting his lips from Loki’s neck.

He could tell how distracted still the god was by his own pain, such that Dalie only found amusing. His amusement in it was simply that he knew he wasn’t going to ease that pain any time soon. Instead, as his lips reached Loki’s jawline, his left hand met the wound on Loki’s side and his fingers vanished into it. He decided from there to increase the pain by spreading the fingers of his hand into the wound, likely tampering the delicate organs inside.


“Perhaps I have, just not in the way you intended,” Dalie said. He grabbed the hand that tenderly clung to the wound and peeled it away as he let his left hand’s fingers push into and widen the wound. The main resistance was that of Loki’s upper-garments, not nearly as soft and yielding as his flesh. “New lesson. Today we learn the anatomy of a jotun.”






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“Just a little bit of fun,” Dalie said, his voice a little deeper than before. He set the syringe on the counter nearby her face just to serve as a constant reminder of what he said he would do. He reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled out a collar. “How about we see if this fits, yes?,” he held the delicate silk collar in front of her as he spoke then snapped it in front of her face. Though the black silk collar with golden trim matching that of the Asgardian coat Dalie once wore looked harmless, it was far from harmless. Only able to be opened, closed and telepathically controlled by himself, the thin fabric could be a weapon to kill that whom wore it should Dalie ever command it so. He couldn’t recall the last time he slipped one of these around a victim’s neck. Though as powerful and threatening as they were, he rarely ever used them against those who had the misfortune of having one placed around their neck, mostly satisfied with the fear they garnered just by simply being existent.




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Dalie glared as though Krystal’s gesture upset him, though it did not. Instead, he used it as an excuse to hurt her some more. He knew she was on the verge of passing out, so he pressed his hands on both wounds he’d cut into her—intentionally applying more weight than was even necessary—and healed them shut. He then ran a bloody finger along Krystal’s jaw and cooed, “No, no… Now is not the time to sleep.” He snapped his fingers to summon a syringe; a small bit of blood slapped her face with the force of his snap. He held the syringe just above her face so she could see it. “This is enough adrenaline to make you wish to run a 100 meter marathon. If you start to slip…” he made a slight stabbing gesture at her chest with the needle, “I will inject this into your heart.”




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“All right,” Dalie stepped toward the counter where Krystal now laid, ignoring the fact that his boot slightly slid in the pool of blood left on the floor. He set the jar down close by then lifted her shirt to expose her stomach. Without warning, shoved the knife into the opposite side of her hips. Pausing a moment to gauge Krystal’s reaction response, Dalie continued his gesture, pulling the knife toward himself then pulling it out when he felt there was enough of a cut. He set the knife down atop Krystal, it didn’t matter if she took it suddenly and stabbed him with it, he was used to being stabbed. He slid his blood-stained hand over the curve of her hip, his fingers vanishing into the cut he just made. With a slow twist of his hand, he found the second organ and pulled it out, intentionally slow to enhance the pain from the removal. Blood dripped from his hand as he transferred the small organ into the jar. Instead of adding some silly rant, Dalie stayed silent for a lingering moment, eyes scanning Krystal as though he was attempting to read her vitals. 


Now how may I answer that simply? I think I may not… I have taken some pleasure out of causing accidents on freeways, some fatal and some only casing serious injury. Once or twice, I entered the hospitals of those whose car accidents I caused and suffocated them with pillows or stuck them with needles full of air. I also sealed one industry with their workers inside then dropping in some old mustard gas to suffocate and kill them. Once I entered a mortal’s home and slipped into a closet door, waited for them to fall asleep and fed them a couple drops of potion that would force them to sleep for a few hours uninterrupted. As they slept, I removed one of their legs and healed their body so they would not die from blood loss. Then I waited for the potion to wear off and watched them discover something missing about themselves that was there before they slept. ‘Twas certainly most amusing to see them panic and stress out, completely drowned in confusion as to how it could have happened. I kidnapped a juvenile delinquent from his home and teleported him to the middle of a desert, no food or water either way for days of walking. Then I left him there. I came back for him a few days later, found his decaying corpse and brought him back to his home for his foster family to find. ‘Twas amusing they did not bother to call the police during his absence, having been so used to him leaving unannounced and returning several days later. One another day, I captured four cats, killed them by twisting their necks, then tied them to the ceiling fan of one particular cat hoarder’s home. I then sliced open each carcass’s underbelly and rigged the wiring of the fan to turn on with the light. She did not come home until late in the evening. Imagine her shock and horror at the sight of four cats, one to each blade of her ceiling fan, blood splattering the floor in circular patterns. I also went to a nature preserve and stuck a few of the wild animals into the holes of the fence and let the preserve’s workers discover their corpses the next morning. While there, I picked up one vicious wild animal and teleported it to an unsuspecting mortal’s home. When they came home from work, they found a wild tiger in their front room, tearing up some of their furniture. Not too long ago, I ran into a mortal who was deathly afraid of snakes. I then gathered several non-venomous snakes and tucked them into her bed while she slept and let her discover them snuggling against her body in the morning.  I tied weights to two mortals and drowned them in a large aquatic exhibit for the workers to find in the morning. I force-fed four mortals jewels that I stole from prominent jeweler stores and erased the memory of being force-fed from their minds. They died shortly after due to digestive complications, and never knew why they suffered. I later entered an abortion clinic, stole an aborted fetus and disguised myself as a female, entering the waiting room with the dead fetus in a jar and set it on the table for the others waiting to see. I said, “I will not be needing this anymore,” and then left the clinic. Later on, I made a sign and placed it near a garbage can in a small neighborhood park. I then kidnapped a child and instructed it to stay in the garbage can until someone found it, explaining it was a form of hide and seek. The sign read, “Dispose of unwanted children here.” Of course the police got involved and the parents got in trouble as I left the paint can, newsprint I painted the sign over, and several pieces of wood that the sign was made of in their garage. And recently, I dissected one individual. She disliked it yet behaved well all things considering. 

Finding his day had been dreadfully uneventful, Dalie exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, a useless thing that really didn’t meddle much with his biological chemistry enough to make a difference, and tossed it on the ground. He stepped on the butt with his boot and rotated his foot atop it, casually extinguishing it, then returned his focus to the street before him. He looks both ways for traffic and pedestrians then teleported to a grassy hillside in Ireland.

The hour of the day was slightly younger than the day in Sweden, also much clearer than the sparse cloud cover, causing Dalie to squint until his eyes adjusted to the bright, exposed sun. He started hiking down the hillside until he found the first sign of life, some farmer’s herd of sheep in the distance grazing. The herdsman and dog seem nowhere in sight, Dalie concluded as he surveyed the land. He approached the sheep in the same slow stride as before. A few sheep responded to the approaching stranger by running around the circular cluster of other sheep and stopping on the opposite end. 

Dalie’s pant-leg brushed against the wool of one young sheep yet it didn’t respond to him until it noticed him reaching down for it. The sheep attempted to bolt away yet Dalie grasped it by the scruff of the neck. It cried out gaining the attention of other sheep, yet they appeared frozen where they stood, uncertain of what to do about this stranger at present. Dalie teleported himself and the sheep away from its habitat before any of the other sheep made a single movement. 

Teleporting himself to someone else’s kitchen, Dalie lifted the struggling sheep and sat it down on the counter. With one swift movement, he broke the sheep’s neck. Death followed a few seconds after the paralysis. Dalie checked a few drawers and cabinets until he found a few  knives that he felt would be of use and set them down next to the carcass. 

He picked up the chef’s knife and started to cut open the sheep, muttering to himself the song, “Mary had a little lamb,” as he plunged the knife deeper. Having a significant cut in the young sheep’s underbelly, Dalie dug his hands into it and cracked open the rib cage. He proceeded to skin the animal, not caring about the very large mess of blood that proceeded to stain the counter, the cabinets and drawers below, his arms, his clothes, and the floor. He started setting aside organs once the skin was ripped off, and severed the head from the body from the broken place of its neck. He tossed the head of the sheep into the sink.

After several minutes of messing with and tearing apart the dead thing with no real cooking intention in mind, Dalie chopped the lamb meat and organs on a chopping board he managed to find in one kitchen space then slid it all into a large frying pan and turned the fire on below it, smearing blood on everything he touched. 

Taking a break from the slaughter of the animal, he looked around the kitchen for a moment, the first time he actually surveyed the kitchen he was in. After a few minutes of thinking about the pros and cons about the kitchen, Dalie returned to cooking, using a spatula to turn over the meat.

A few minutes passed, the kitchen’s only noise was the blood and meat responding to the heat of fire. Then Dalie could hear a distinctive click from a door in another room. Sliding the pan off to a burner that was turned off, Dalie left the one burner on and casually slipped into the pantry and waited to hear the resident of the house’s response to their tampered kitchen. 


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“Beside the panicked thoughts that flit through your brain and cries out in pain, you still maintain a certain composure. I find this about you fascinating and am rather curious as to how this all pans out,” Dalie spoke as he removed the blade from the open and stretched cut. He flicked his hand a little lazily, yet it was enough to force loose blood to flick across Krystal. Yet the gesture wasn’t intended of malice, instead it was intended to summon a vessel to drop the small organ into. Dalie slipped his bloodied fingers holding the organ into the opening of the glass jar and dropped the organ in. “One down, one to go, yes?” Dalie asked as he pushed Krystal into a counter just two feet behind her. “Perhaps you should lay down first.” 


“I find that pain responses are telling of one’s character. Words are one thing, action another. If you could hear the scramble of thoughts that blossom in the mind as soon as pain enters the equation, you would find one can change dramatically from the projected persona of seconds before,” Dalie spoke as he slid the blade in deeper, some part of it unnervingly raking against bone before he twisted the blade to cut a slightly different path. He twisted the blade to open wide the wound, tilting it forward as though he had intention to push the blade until the hilt reached Krystal’s opposite hip bone, yet he stopped at a rough 45 degree angle opposite to the line of the cut. “Pain is a strange feeling, no doubt. It is a body’s internal alarm system that something is wrong. I find that near all physical senses perform this or that task simply to ensure the body’s survival. …Something nearly alien to one such as me for a long time. I process pain too, yet respond to it differently.” During his strange casually spoken rant, Dalie’s fingers dug into the open cut and procured a small oval organ. “Would you like this in a jar?” he questioned.