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Tag Archives: trigger wanring

Finding his day had been dreadfully uneventful, Dalie exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, a useless thing that really didn’t meddle much with his biological chemistry enough to make a difference, and tossed it on the ground. He stepped on the butt with his boot and rotated his foot atop it, casually extinguishing it, then returned his focus to the street before him. He looks both ways for traffic and pedestrians then teleported to a grassy hillside in Ireland.

The hour of the day was slightly younger than the day in Sweden, also much clearer than the sparse cloud cover, causing Dalie to squint until his eyes adjusted to the bright, exposed sun. He started hiking down the hillside until he found the first sign of life, some farmer’s herd of sheep in the distance grazing. The herdsman and dog seem nowhere in sight, Dalie concluded as he surveyed the land. He approached the sheep in the same slow stride as before. A few sheep responded to the approaching stranger by running around the circular cluster of other sheep and stopping on the opposite end. 

Dalie’s pant-leg brushed against the wool of one young sheep yet it didn’t respond to him until it noticed him reaching down for it. The sheep attempted to bolt away yet Dalie grasped it by the scruff of the neck. It cried out gaining the attention of other sheep, yet they appeared frozen where they stood, uncertain of what to do about this stranger at present. Dalie teleported himself and the sheep away from its habitat before any of the other sheep made a single movement. 

Teleporting himself to someone else’s kitchen, Dalie lifted the struggling sheep and sat it down on the counter. With one swift movement, he broke the sheep’s neck. Death followed a few seconds after the paralysis. Dalie checked a few drawers and cabinets until he found a few  knives that he felt would be of use and set them down next to the carcass. 

He picked up the chef’s knife and started to cut open the sheep, muttering to himself the song, “Mary had a little lamb,” as he plunged the knife deeper. Having a significant cut in the young sheep’s underbelly, Dalie dug his hands into it and cracked open the rib cage. He proceeded to skin the animal, not caring about the very large mess of blood that proceeded to stain the counter, the cabinets and drawers below, his arms, his clothes, and the floor. He started setting aside organs once the skin was ripped off, and severed the head from the body from the broken place of its neck. He tossed the head of the sheep into the sink.

After several minutes of messing with and tearing apart the dead thing with no real cooking intention in mind, Dalie chopped the lamb meat and organs on a chopping board he managed to find in one kitchen space then slid it all into a large frying pan and turned the fire on below it, smearing blood on everything he touched. 

Taking a break from the slaughter of the animal, he looked around the kitchen for a moment, the first time he actually surveyed the kitchen he was in. After a few minutes of thinking about the pros and cons about the kitchen, Dalie returned to cooking, using a spatula to turn over the meat.

A few minutes passed, the kitchen’s only noise was the blood and meat responding to the heat of fire. Then Dalie could hear a distinctive click from a door in another room. Sliding the pan off to a burner that was turned off, Dalie left the one burner on and casually slipped into the pantry and waited to hear the resident of the house’s response to their tampered kitchen. 


“I find that pain responses are telling of one’s character. Words are one thing, action another. If you could hear the scramble of thoughts that blossom in the mind as soon as pain enters the equation, you would find one can change dramatically from the projected persona of seconds before,” Dalie spoke as he slid the blade in deeper, some part of it unnervingly raking against bone before he twisted the blade to cut a slightly different path. He twisted the blade to open wide the wound, tilting it forward as though he had intention to push the blade until the hilt reached Krystal’s opposite hip bone, yet he stopped at a rough 45 degree angle opposite to the line of the cut. “Pain is a strange feeling, no doubt. It is a body’s internal alarm system that something is wrong. I find that near all physical senses perform this or that task simply to ensure the body’s survival. …Something nearly alien to one such as me for a long time. I process pain too, yet respond to it differently.” During his strange casually spoken rant, Dalie’s fingers dug into the open cut and procured a small oval organ. “Would you like this in a jar?” he questioned. 


My accident, the aftermath

I want to lick it.



So here are the only 3 acceptable photos I got. Cayenne refused to fire up, Sourpatch refused to sit still, and while Nougat was being good, my camera refused to focus. I didn’t even bother trying with the other herps.

Happy holidays I guess?



(( … Wow. This is way too sexy. Wut is wrong with me. @_o ))


paradox albino pied is the most amazing morph ever okay





holy shit why is its face so cute I mean look at it