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Tag Archives: torture method

I have been gone for much of today. While ‘tis none of thy business what I have been up to, I shall share with ye all some of the things I did since last I graced this realm with mine presence.

  • Feed the vile feline creature cat food that was given to me by Sigyn
  • Found one of Magnus’ guns and used the feline for target practice. It was very fast and managed to get away from the bullets. 
  • Blew out the tires of Magnus’ vehicle with his gun.
  • Went for a stroll.
  • Summoned a baseball bat and proceeded to beat two mortal children into submission. I managed to break several bones. Since they would not shut up, I stabbed them both in the throat with mine scepter.
  • Chased a victim down a narrow alleyway that led to a dead-end and pulled the flesh off their arms and face. Then I snapped their neck after their screams were starting to draw attention.
  • Blew up 6 vehicles. The first was an accident when I fired mine scepter at the hood of the vehicle. Once I discovered they easily catch fire, I proceeded to blow up a few more. I targeted ones that had people driving in them. I believe there were approximately seven victims in total.
  • Stared at a wall for an hour.
  • Proceeded to harvest three individuals and locked them i a room with mineself. I then chopped their fingers off and created a finger necklace. I made sure they watched me make it and watch their stumpy hands bleed all over the place. I put them out of their misery after I finished with the necklace.
  • Made a bed of long nails and threw one victim onto it. Slammed another bed of nails atop them to create some manner of… nail-victim sandwich of sorts… 
  • Shoved hot coals down the throat of another victim and watched them suffocate to death.
  • Read a few books on the art of Salvador Dali and medieval torture methods.
  • Impaled three victims with shattered glass. Watched them bleed to death.
  • Harvested the eyes of five victims. Killed them all in various methods, but pulled their eyes from their sockets first and foremost. Later on had some toast with their eye-jelly. Fed some of the eye-jelly to the feline. It seemed to like it.

I would rather play with humans anyway. Yes… Killing mortals. I shall skin them alive and wear their flesh as I rip and shred every tendon on their bodies until they either bleed to death or die from the excruciating pain of their muscles ripping from their bodies in combination with air exposure.

[2/2]More of a state of preperation if you will, for matters such as poison, experimenting with different levels of bodily elements or causing damage to the nervous system in different ways. In any case, I’ll be bold and take credit for inspiring you.

I had truthfully considered messing with a sleeping being before but then dismissed it for I had equated it to a temporary death and I do not like playing with dead toys and I can sometimes lose mine patience in things so I did not really see any potential in the venue. Now I am simply reminded of it again and an reconsidering my earlier dismissal.

I am starting to think of possible things one can do to a sleeping being… I was thinking simple… set them up in an unfamiliar space… one that looks unsafe, perhaps they find themselves in a contraption that is potentially deadly… or they find themselves hanging from somewhere, a tall building mayhaps, by a rope… or allow them to find themselves changed, marked with wounds or something upon waking. The pain would flood them once the sleepiness left…Mayhaps they find themselves sleeping on a grill being cooked, or boiling in water… I learned once ye can sit in water that slowly and steadily increases in heat and not feel alarmed… mayhaps I could place a victim in a body of water where I then slowly raise the temperature of to boil their body… then they shall wake up to find themselves boiling…

Yes, I suspect something to induce their sleep would be needed… Hmm… I could make a potion that forces one into sleep… Oooh… I can imagine the possibilities now…

Trapping mine victim in a frightful dream. They would not be able to wake from it. That would be better than they being able to run away… Yes… I could give mine victim some potion that forces them to stay sleeping then enter their mind and cast a dream illusion of something they fear. Mayhaps force them to relive a memory but twist it in a horrific way, a worse way. Mayhaps create a new situation, a potential future, a torture scene. Something that shall scare them in the dream that they cannot wake from. As they would be unable to wake from it, I could take it as far as I wish… and when they finally do wake… they could have troubles sleeping in the future. Ehehehehe… curious… I think I like this torture…

Ye cannot escape mine tortures even with thy eyelids closed? Ehe… ehehehe… ehehehehehehe.

“Ye say ye were sent here to be killed. I wonder by whom. Oh well, I suppose it matters not for ye surrender thy life to me all the same. I find that curious though I shall not bother to ask why.” A million or more possible ways to end this being’s life run through his mind in a matter of seconds. Simple or complex? Painful or painless? Long and enduring or quick and to the point? Objects used or with own hands? Each question had a division of several answers to the duality of the question. And there were several more questions. He knew nothing of this being and could not gauge his own interest in investment in their death.

He stepped to the greyfaced being, “This shall hurt, I imagine.” He shoved his scepter into the being’s belly button of their abdomen and grabbed their shoulder with his free hand. He forced his scepter up, slicing a deep gash up their abdomen, into their chest, stopping at their collar bone. He stared at their face blankly as they cried in pain and writhed under his touch. The being may not have been afraid of death but it was always natural for one’s body to fight it as much as possible. The scepter cut through most of the being’s vital organs and ripped many in half or shreds. The being was coughing up blood in no time. He threw the being to the ground, “Try to stay alive just a little longer.” He used his healing hand to heal some of the damage just a bit to slow their impending doom just a few minutes more. He summoned with magic a pile of rocks and shoved them into the open torso of the being casually. He was getting the being’s blood all over his hands as he worked. He managed to stuff as much he could of the being’s torso with rocks and by that time the being had passed away.

“Pity I did not work fast enough…” he muttered, though he did not really mind at all. He continued, nonetheless. He scratched his cheek absentmindedly, getting a bit of the being’s blood on his face. He lifted his chestplate and pulled out a golden needle that he always carried on his person just for a special twin or an occasion such as this. He also pulled out his red thread and threaded the needle. He then sewed up the being’s chest and abdomen. He made sure the stitches were taut. Once he was finished with his stitch, he teleported himself and the being’s dead body to a lakeside. He picked up and put the body inside a boat and sat down inside and began to row the boat to the middle of the lake. He then pushed the greyfaced being’s body into the lake. “May the fishes find use for ye, greyfaced one.” With that, he teleported away.

Yes, cooking the whole person. Mayhaps ye are correct, cooking them not entirely at once though I think a bit of teasing would be better than cooking them from their feet up. It would be curious if one cooked parts of their victim at a time. Mayhaps start with one hand then the other hand. Then cook the feet one by one. Hmm… yes, that might be even better.

…Tickle torture sounds a bit dull. Mayhaps tickle the victims with something that could tear their flesh after while from too much tickling… I have seen it done. The wet sheet torture sounds curious as well.

One torture I quite like is one that I saw in some Midgardian movie. Set up a small room and put the victim in the room. This room in the Midgardian movie I saw was arranged to have two glass walls so one could observe the victim inside, though they had a camera set up to record the entire affair and were not present for it. The victim shall be unable to get out of the room. They shall have a bed, a toilet, and a sink along with one nice meal, so they are not completely without. Leave the victim in the room for several hours with absolutely nothing. They will scream and wonder why they are there to begin with. The room is rigged to fill with water. Though at first the water comes in spurts to frighten the victim. One spurt of water to wet the floor then the room is silent again for an hour or so, then another spurt, nothing again, then another spurt, so on and so forth. Then the water turns on nonstop and proceeds to fill this room completely up with water. ‘Tis a bit slow, I would say it should take about an hour, or mayhaps one can rig it to fill slower. The victim is helpless and unable to escape. The room fills with water and higher up the water level rises, there is less air for the victim to breath and soon… there is no more airspace. The victim drowns, of course, but not before they’ve experienced a great deal of confusion, stress, fear, and panic. 

Well, I basically invented one torture I wish to some day carry out on a twin of mine. Though I know ye have seen that already.

One torture I have considered carrying out is first laying a victim on a table and restraining them. I shall have many unfamiliar utensils splayed about they so they shall know I have much intent to tear them to shreds. Just behind me, there shall be a nice fireplace heating up a few things while I work on mine victim. Though I shall start small. I shall prick their fingers, one by one, then I shall make small incisions. I shall make minor cuts up their arms. I am just playing games with they. These are minor pains so they shall only be mildly afraid but slightly unguarded believing I am just going easy on they.

That is when I shall violently stab through their lower-arms with a thin metal rod. I shall make it so that it goes right through the flesh, in between the bones then I shall yank it down the arm so to rip muscle and flesh. And then I shall turn to the fireplace and pick up hot coals and stick they into the torn flesh wounds of the arms. Then I shall stitch their arms up with the coals inside. I know the coals shall cool, but they shall make healing in the arms quite painful for they do not belong there. One would actually have to remove them, mayhaps, for healing to properly commence. I shall then get a metal coil and wrap it tight around their upper arms. And by tight, I mean so tight it digs into the flesh of mine victim, drawing blood. I shall set up a device to attach the end of the coil to so that the coils shall heat slowly over time and cook on the victim’s arms.

As the coil is cooking mine victim’s arm, I shall move to their chest. I shall make a Y-shaped cut on their chest as though I with to perform and autopsy… and an autopsy I shall perform, though mine victim shall be very much alive. And I will be careful to keep them alive as long as possible.

I shall tell ye if ye be one who fear the needle… I have a plan for ye so stay far away if ye know what be good for ye.

Under mine chestplate, I have an uncountable number of thick golden sewing needles. I have they for a very special individual I have mine eye on… Fortunately for me, this individual fears the needle so much that he freezes up at the mere sight of they. I have this beautiful plan in mine mind for one such as he. I wish to approach him one fine day when he least expect it. ‘Twould have to be a good day for he. Things going so well for he. Nothing to bring down such a lovely day for he. But then he shall see me. We shall have a bit of conversation, it will be tense of course for he does not like me. That matters not, for then I shall pull from under mine chestplate a needle. He shall stiffen in fear. This I know for certain for I have done this once before. The mere sight of the needle is enough to stop he.

I wish to restrain him, and so restrain him I shall. He will not put up a fight once the needle is in his sight. But first I shall strip him of all his clothes. I will then tie him up against a wall. I will tease him with the needle, rake it against his flesh for a while. I wish to run the needle along his arms, legs, his torso. I will occasionally press it into his flesh so that it may pull skin or draw blood. Then, once I have enough fun with that, I shall sew his lips. I shall make sure the stitches are taught. Then I shall puncture his flesh from his mouth with needles, for I have many. I shall create a serpentine design with the needles all down his torso. I am certain the intensity of his fear will be great, so I shall have on mine person something to keep him awake, the mortal drug, adrenaline. If I see he is about to become incapacitated, I shall inject some adrenaline into he. Nay, he must stay awake to feel every needle puncture his form.

Once I have the serpentine image on his torso as I envision, or mayhaps instead when I run out of needles, I shall then proceed to rip every needle out violently from his flesh. Every single needle. Of course, I shall clean him up for he will be a very bloody mess by the time I am done with he. And I shall even be a bit kind, for I shall sew up the wounds I have given him. Again, I shall make sure the stitches are taught. And I shall clean his bleeding flesh as I work. I will then use mine hands to perform a little healing to his wounds. I shall give his torso some momentary peace then. I will stick the needles into his arms and thighs then, as though his body were a pin cushion and twist each needle around into his muscles and flesh. And then I shall leave they there.

The strings would still be in his flesh, but he will have stopped bleeding. There is only one way to remedy that. I shall then rip the stitches out from his skin. I will also rip the stitches from his lips, provided he did not rip those himself when he screamed in pain and agony. I shall once more clean his wounds though only so I may add insult to injury by squeezing lime juice in his wounds. After all that, I believe I would have had all the fun I care to with this individual. I shall free him of his restraints and leave him there to cry.