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Tag Archives: torture method


Brazen Bull or the Sicilian Bull is a  execution device designed in ancient Greece.Perillos of Athens, a brass-founder, proposed to Phalaris, the tyrant of Akragas, Sicily, the invention of a new means for executing criminals. Accordingly, he cast a bull, made entirely of brass, hollow, with a door in the side. The condemned were shut in the bull and a fire was set under it, heating the metal until it became yellow hot and causing the person inside to roast to death. The bull was  designed in such a way that its smoke rose in spicy clouds of incense. The head of the ox was designed with a complex system of tubes and stops so that the prisoner’s screams were converted into sounds like the bellowing of an infuriated bull. It is also said that when the bull was reopened, the scorched bones of the remains shone like jewels and were made into bracelets.


The garrote very common once,  is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion. The garrote is a device that strangles a person to death. It can also be used to break a person’s neck. The device was used in Spain until it was outlawed in 1978 with the abolition of the death penalty. It normally consisted of a seat in which the prisoner was restrained while the executioner tightened a metal band around his neck until he died. Some versions of the garrote incorporated a metal bolt which pressed in to the spinal chord, breaking the neck. The victim may pass into a state of severe and painful convulsions and then pass into death. This spiked version is known as the Catalan garrote. The last execution by garrote was José Luis Cerveto in October 1977. Andorra was the last country in the world to outlaw its use, doing so in 1990. However garroting is still common in India according Indian author and forensic expert Parikh.


This is a form of torture used first by Persians in 401BC.
The word scaphism comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning scooped or hollowed.
The naked person was firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowing boats (or a hollowed-out tree trunk), with the head, hands, and feet protruding. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body in order to attract insects to the exposed appendages.

He or she would then be left to float on a stagnant pond or be exposed to the sun. The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed and increasingly gangrenous flesh. The feeding would be repeated each day in some cases to prolong the torture, so that dehydration or starvation did not provide him or her with the release of death. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock. Delirium would typically set in after a few days. Death by scaphism was painful, humiliating, and protracted. 


Oh, a sneak peak just for you, persistent one. Ah yes, I know. A fire brewing on the side, yes. Some rods turning bright red. Ah, but wait, not yet to use them, no… no too early. First the coals. Yes, they already seem quite hot. Wait, this coal has fire on it, allow one to extinguish it before shoving said coal down one’s throat. No, no… you shall not swallow the hot coal. Worry not, I have skill in sewing. I will have your throat open and shut before you know it, coals shoved inside like one’s throat is a Christmas stocking, how festive for the holidays. Yes? Yes, I think it so.

“All right,” Dalie said. He cracked his knuckles slowly as he thought for a moment. Then he proceeded to crack other finger joints, still deciding. He made a mental inventory check, what all did he carry on him at the time. This being was going willingly, he didn’t have to be too terribly violent though being in the realm he had been for the time he had been there he wanted to see blood, lots of it. Something inside him snapped. He would not stop even if some small part of him told himself to. He would not stop until the blood was everywhere.

“Yes, all right,” he said again, his voice icy cold. He grabbed the greyfaced being’s arm and broke it with his bare hands. He ripped the greyfaced being’s arm off at the broken bone and as the being fidgetted, unwillingly letting out a cry of agony, Dalie tore muscle off the severed arm and hand, exposing the splintered bone. This would be his weapon from hereon out, Dalie decided. He shoved the bloodied splintered bone into the greyfaced being’s face, targeting the soft flesh of the greyfaced being’s cheek for their cries he found irritating. Then he told them to shut up, though he knew they would not. He grabbed hold of the greyfaced being’s other arm and stabbed it with the bone tool, then drug the bone down, tearing flesh and muscle apart as he did so. The greyfaced being’s blood was spewing everywhere. Dalie forcefully slapped them when they yelled out in pain again. “I said silence!”

He shoved the bone deep into the being’s gut now, then withdrew it. He put the bone and limp severed hand into his pocket then dug both his hands into the wound he just made in the being’s gut. With his bare hands, he tore open the being’s stomach. They fell to their knees, the pain of the assault making them dizzy, the blood-loss from previous impalement making it hard to maintain consciousness. Dalie slowly eased himself to his own knees simply to persist attacking the greyfaced being’s abdomen. He proceeded to rip organs out, one by one and tossing them to his side. This was something he had done to several beings before.

He stuck one of his hands deep into the being’s torso, all the way to his elbow, as he reached for the being’s heart. It was still beating as the being was still alive though barely so. He ripped that out too. The being sputtered for a few seconds. Dalie watched as their body struggled to cling to life, failing miserably. The being went limp in Dalie’s grasp, death finally taking them. Dalie let their body drop to the floor and stood back on his feet. He watched as a couple pools of blood began to form around the being where he tore them up. He pulled the severed arm and hand from his pocket and tossed it on top of the corpse and left without a word spoken.

One of those things is air itself. Fill a syringe with air, ingect into the neck, the victim slowly chokes to death.

Something I am full aware of. Death is fun to cause, though I like to cause suffering more than death.



These are rather cruel.


These are…disturbing.

Will you tell me anyway~?

Fine. I shall tell ye where I went. I went to a pet shop after it was closed. I doused the place in gasoline and lit it on fire. I listened to the screams of the helpless creatures and watched as the fire consumed the place. Eventually Midgardian firefighters came to the scene to cease it. I blew up their vehicle. I watched as the fire spread from the pet shop to the neighboring buildings. I blew up two more fire-stopping vehicles that arrived on the scene because I wanted the fire to continue. I sat and watched for a while then left, allowing the firefighting teams to do their job.

Proof I have a heart? Of course I have a heart. Every living creature does.

He steps over to the mortal as he speaks, “Nay, I am not annoyed by ye. Though I do enjoy the taste of a heart.” Without a second’s delay, he grabs her by the neck and pushes her to a wall. He forms an ice blade with his hand and punctures her abdomen. The ice sticks to her skin as he rips it back out and allows it to melt away. He then shoves his hand into the open wound of her abdomen and pushed his hand upward, clasps onto her beating heart and rips it violently out through her abdomen. Still having hold of her neck, he throws her to the ground and watches as she bleeds to death for a couple minutes move, consuming her heart in mild amusement as she does. He finishes eating the heart and walks away, leaving the dead literally heartless mortal there.