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Slipping past the guards was easy. He was fortunate to have learned that glamouring spell from Liefully, his original creator. Appearing as the golden-haired god, Thor, Dalie waltzed in the direction of the Relics room. He nodded once to the guards and instructed them to keep deaf ears, to which they silently nodded.

Once past them, he closed the doors gently, his hands a little shaky as he did his best not to show his giddiness. This Asgard was not one he was familiar with. He couldn’t know with certainty if the Asgardians in this universe would react to him as those in his own. He did not feel like finding out, however.

With the doors closed, Dalie felt it was safe enough to remove his “mask,” as it were. He returned to his Jotun blue skin, raven black hair, and slightly smaller physical frame of that of the golden haired god. He didn’t care about any of the relics in the room, save for one. The one that had eluded him for several months. He couldn’t find Liefully and steal the one in his possession, plus a certain foreboding told Dalie it might not be such a good idea to try… given that Liefully had gone alone to Nidavellir those months ago and his behavior around Dalie seemed… challenging.

Nonetheless, the important thing was he was finally in the grasp of the precious item. Dalie neared it with something that seemed like a caution. In fact, he was more than likely impressed with it. He had never seen the Casket with his own two eyes before. The vision of it from the memories of his original creator did not seem to do it quite enough justice.

He leaned forward to get a closer look at it. The glow it cast stung his eyes, yet he couldn’t stop looking at it. By the creases and edges of it, the glow got lost, and in its place there looked something deep and vibrant like ultramarine blue against that saturated cyan that manifested from the casket’s center. For a moment, Dalie just stood there and stared at it, wondering how it manifested the power he knew it capable of. Finally he lifted a hand to touch it.

He knew from the start that such a gesture was in vain as he could not feel anything in his right hand. It seemed more like a force of habit than anything else. He could only observe and try to imagine what he would have been feeling in that moment. He suspected the casket would feel cold to the touch, yet such coldness would be greeted pleasantly.

Without much further delay, Dalie rested both hands at either side of it and yanked it from it’s perch. He stood still, breath unable to escape him, for several seconds. He stalled further action, almost as though he expected to be abruptly interrupted, like perhaps the guards would barge in, the real Thor would walk in, something, anything. But nothing happened. This was far too easy, Dalie felt. Nonetheless, he waved his hands to send the casket elsewhere.

…Until he could find further use of it. He resumed his previous appearance as Thor and left the Relics room. The guards that stood at the doorway seemed to think nothing of “Thor’s” visit to the place.









And what help do you believe another may provide? You are cursed. 



Your attitude is certainly not making me any more inclined to help. It is not as though I cursed you, is it? Why are you being so unnecessarily hostile?






And what help do you believe another may provide? You are cursed. 










The level of anger from Loki was as clear as a cloudless day but that did not lead him to falter in the slightest. Instead, he glared at Loki with the same cold eyes that Loki used on him. “I do not hate you, Loki, despite what you would lead yourself to believe. I have no reason to hate you. You are punished for your crimes but that does not mean you are a blemish, as you say,” he said. He paused, keeping eyes locked on Loki, thinking how he would direct the conversation to lead him closer to what he wanted.

“So much are you Frigga’s son that she would betray the safety of this realm and give you something you should not have being a prisoner as you are?” he asked the other.

“So you claim, brother. Then tell me, why has it taken you so long to come and see me? Or have been to busy with your royal duties as the new king? Amusing how you claim to love me, yet show me no affection. Just like your father!” He hisses. He bolts up from his seat on the bed walking over to wall. The wall itself is stained with blood of Loki’s own. A common place where he would beat his fists in moments of sheer madness. Indeed in that moment, he does slam a fist there out of his frustration, fortunately not breaking his skin.

“Your very presence here irritates me. I am not your brother. I am no son of Odin. The only one in this house that has ever loved me is mother. It is why she gave me the Casket of Winters to show her affection towards me, to let me know that despite me being a monster and mad, she still loves me as her son. Is that why you’ve come? To interrogate me about the Casket? I will have none of that. Now go before I attack you, for surely the guards have told you what I have done in the past to them.”



“Loki, if you wish to disown your family, then so be it. You wish not to be a son of Odin, that is your choice, not Odin’s say. Your mind is so corrupt and toxic to itself you have yourself believe you must be the disdain of your family, when really that is only what you want it to be. I am not going to waste more time to try to convince you that you belong within the family,” he said.

He took a few steps toward Loki and then continued speaking, “But you are wrong to assume you may threaten me to leave. I am not the brought you once knew. I will leave only when you tell me where the Casket is.”

Something is off about the thunderer. Loki can tell now. Thor would never give up. His pride made him stubborn and until the very end, he would always claim that Loki is and would always be his brother and a son of Odin and Asgard. But perhaps he truly is not the thunder god that he once knew.

“Then waste no more time on me, Thor.. Go back to your throne and watch over your subjects for you have no reason to be here with me. Also, do you think me a fool or are you just oafish? Has your call to your kingly duties made you forgotten where the Casket is? You know where it is, in the same place that it has always been. I’ll leave your feeble mind to figure it out. Now go and don’t come back here for your annoy me.”


The same place it has always been… That was all he needed to know. Apparently in this particular universe, the Casket was still in the vault. Knowing its location was a step int he right direction, though getting to it was now the problem. In any case, he doubted he needed anything else from this Loki so he decided it was time to end their conversation.

“Thank you for your time, brother,” he said, the darkness of who he truly was showing through just a bit, enough for any loved one of Thor to notice. But that was of no concern to him anymore. Who would listen to a prisoner?

He turned and strode to the door, opening it with no effort as he ad the key for it. He gave Loki one more look before completely vanishing, just out of curiosity if there were any last words from the imprisoned silvertongue.




The level of anger from Loki was as clear as a cloudless day but that did not lead him to falter in the slightest. Instead, he glared at Loki with the same cold eyes that Loki used on him. “I do not hate you, Loki, despite what you would lead yourself to believe. I have no reason to hate you. You are punished for your crimes but that does not mean you are a blemish, as you say,” he said. He paused, keeping eyes locked on Loki, thinking how he would direct the conversation to lead him closer to what he wanted.

“So much are you Frigga’s son that she would betray the safety of this realm and give you something you should not have being a prisoner as you are?” he asked the other.

“So you claim, brother. Then tell me, why has it taken you so long to come and see me? Or have been to busy with your royal duties as the new king? Amusing how you claim to love me, yet show me no affection. Just like your father!” He hisses. He bolts up from his seat on the bed walking over to wall. The wall itself is stained with blood of Loki’s own. A common place where he would beat his fists in moments of sheer madness. Indeed in that moment, he does slam a fist there out of his frustration, fortunately not breaking his skin.

“Your very presence here irritates me. I am not your brother. I am no son of Odin. The only one in this house that has ever loved me is mother. It is why she gave me the Casket of Winters to show her affection towards me, to let me know that despite me being a monster and mad, she still loves me as her son. Is that why you’ve come? To interrogate me about the Casket? I will have none of that. Now go before I attack you, for surely the guards have told you what I have done in the past to them.”


“Loki, if you wish to disown your family, then so be it. You wish not to be a son of Odin, that is your choice, not Odin’s say. Your mind is so corrupt and toxic to itself you have yourself believe you must be the disdain of your family, when really that is only what you want it to be. I am not going to waste more time to try to convince you that you belong within the family,” he said.

He took a few steps toward Loki and then continued speaking, “But you are wrong to assume you may threaten me to leave. I am not the brought you once knew. I will leave only when you tell me where the Casket is.”





Closing the door behind him, he took a few steps toward the god before speaking. The door was the last sound in the room for several seconds as the golden haired one locked eyes with Loki. He kept a steady wary glare on Loki, the room’s silence seemed to augment the sound of his slow exhale. Then he spoke acknowledging the other, “Loki.”


He gave one more exhale before crossing his arms as he stood in front of the god, deciding to stay somewhat silent to let the other fester in thought of what he could possibly want or why he would be here. He would wait for a question before speaking again, however long it might take Loki to conjure one.

He is slow to reply. Somehow the idea of Thor visiting his cell is quite difficult for him to fathom. True, he had visits from Frigga, but never from the thunderer until now. No doubt Thor thought him to be a shame to their family, no longer willing to call him brother after how lost he had become in the darkness and madness of the Tesseract.

His emerald eyes look up to meet Thor’s glare as he digests this scene. After several moments of tense silence, he removes his hand from his hair slick from his natural oils. After folding his hand into his lap, he finally speaks. “What brings you here, son of Odin? Clearly I, a mad man, am not fit enough to be in your presence, oh sweet king.”



“Mad you certainly are. However, would you so have it set in your twisted, dark mind that I would not see to it to speak to you?” He asked. He shifted his step, nearing the other only by a couple inches more, the distance between them still great. “No. I would not simply ignore your existence, Loki. As mad as you are, you are still Loki, son of Odin, brother of Thor. You have changed much, certainly. But you remain one of the family. It is only yourself who so believes himself not fit for such confrontations.”

He paused to take a breath then continued, “Would it be easier for you if your family hated and despised you half as much as you despise yourself?”

His eyes narrow at the other. There is anger blossoming within those emerald pools. “I have no father, only a mother. Frigga is the only one who has come down here to comfort me. You are right when you say that I have changed, Thor, for I am Loki Friggason.” He adamant about this, the slight twinge of anger prominent in his voice. “Forgive me for thinking that one who claims to be my brother would come to visit me more often in these troubled times. Now leave me be and go attend to whatever royal duties you have, King Thor. Hate me and keep me in this cell for I have not been deemed worthy to be out of it. Or perhaps have me executed so I am no longer a blemish to your house.”


The level of anger from Loki was as clear as a cloudless day but that did not lead him to falter in the slightest. Instead, he glared at Loki with the same cold eyes that Loki used on him. “I do not hate you, Loki, despite what you would lead yourself to believe. I have no reason to hate you. You are punished for your crimes but that does not mean you are a blemish, as you say,” he said. He paused, keeping eyes locked on Loki, thinking how he would direct the conversation to lead him closer to what he wanted.

“So much are you Frigga’s son that she would betray the safety of this realm and give you something you should not have being a prisoner as you are?” he asked the other.

Thor: Hey brother ❤
Dalie: I am not your brother.
Thor: Yeah, okay. I love you too.
Dalie: No, I mean it. I am not your brother. I never was.
Thor: Yeah, sure. You can keep saying that but I will remember all the times we played together and fought together.
Dalie: Listen, you big oaf, I never had a brother. I never had a family.



Closing the door behind him, he took a few steps toward the god before speaking. The door was the last sound in the room for several seconds as the golden haired one locked eyes with Loki. He kept a steady wary glare on Loki, the room’s silence seemed to augment the sound of his slow exhale. Then he spoke acknowledging the other, “Loki.”


He gave one more exhale before crossing his arms as he stood in front of the god, deciding to stay somewhat silent to let the other fester in thought of what he could possibly want or why he would be here. He would wait for a question before speaking again, however long it might take Loki to conjure one.

He is slow to reply. Somehow the idea of Thor visiting his cell is quite difficult for him to fathom. True, he had visits from Frigga, but never from the thunderer until now. No doubt Thor thought him to be a shame to their family, no longer willing to call him brother after how lost he had become in the darkness and madness of the Tesseract.

His emerald eyes look up to meet Thor’s glare as he digests this scene. After several moments of tense silence, he removes his hand from his hair slick from his natural oils. After folding his hand into his lap, he finally speaks. “What brings you here, son of Odin? Clearly I, a mad man, am not fit enough to be in your presence, oh sweet king.”


“Mad you certainly are. However, would you so have it set in your twisted, dark mind that I would not see to it to speak to you?” He asked. He shifted his step, nearing the other only by a couple inches more, the distance between them still great. “No. I would not simply ignore your existence, Loki. As mad as you are, you are still Loki, son of Odin, brother of Thor. You have changed much, certainly. But you remain one of the family. It is only yourself who so believes himself not fit for such confrontations.”

He paused to take a breath then continued, “Would it be easier for you if your family hated and despised you half as much as you despise yourself?”