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Tag Archives: stripperloki

((OOC: Responding to stripper-loki, first of all I’m not that anon. XD

I just have horrible thread tracking skills plus I lost my laptop that had threads bookmarked. LOL;; So I legit lost all my threads. That’s the bottom line.

I have said on January 25th, if people want to roleplay with me, then let me know. That is when I went on my official hiatus (details here: ((OOC: Attention)). Which I have linked to in my description on my blog’s page, so if people actually read that, they would see this link.) So I hope I am not one of the people you are upset with about communication.

I am on hiatus now, due to the factors stated in the above link AND because I lost my decent laptop. The laptop I use now over-heats quickly. I have to turn it off in an hour or three hours or keep a fan directly on it (which then freezes my fingers even if I have gloves on) or else it over-heats.

I basically don’t roleplay anymore, since I am on a forced hiatus due to my laptop, and due to the fact that no one has contacted me on Skype to let me know they’ve replied to threads, or due to the same shit as always:

If I do not reply to your thread for a long time, chances are

  • I lost it (as I have poor organization skills)
  • My muse is not cooperating to write a decent reply
  • I didn’t know you had replied already
  • I was busy with things of the life nature
  • I was distracted with other roleplay things (such as magic anons or crises in their muse’s life)
  • I was distracted with other things that are not of the roleplay nature (perhaps drawing, editing gifs, eating food, watching videos on youtube, chatting on Skype, etc.)
  • I am not inspired to continue it (which makes me sad) 
  • I am not YET inspired to continue it (I require a bit of time on the hope I find inspiration later)
  • The thread seemed finished enough (if it was developed enough)
  • I am not feeling physically well enough to write replies to certain threads (headaches, exhaustion, sickness, etc.) and I want to make sure the response to your thread is not a shitty one
  • I am likely distracted RPing as one of my other muses for a time as I have three muses (dalieisinyourcloset, liefullyloki, artoftruthandlies)

I can’t reply to threads in a prompt manner, unfortunately. And it doesn’t help that people don’t poke me or let me know that it’s my turn to reply to a thread. I’ve considered simply retiring from roleplaying since I can’t roleplay like I used to.

But I do agree to some extent with that anon, that complaining about it with curse words and stuff doesn’t make people want to reply to threads any faster. It makes them a bit more deterred. I literally just kind of gave up posting reminders that people need to actually poke me about our thread. Because no one ever does and I am tired of being upset and feeling neglected all the time.))




((One of these days, one of these RPs is ACTUALLY GOING TO MAKE IT THE SEX PART))

((OOC: I’ve only ever done that one time! I’m sorry. :’D))

((Ours was the closest I got. I lost hope weeks ago.))

((OOC: You should RP with people who are all for smut RP. I might know a few. I’m not sure. XD I follow a few who write smut RP often though. But for me, I find it awkward and I struggle through it. XD I would still continue our thread if you want but it’d be slow, mostly because Dalie is a weird muse and just ignores threads for a long time between replies. It’s just how Dalie is. He’s kind of a day-to-day kind of muse. I can’t plan too much with him because in the end, he always does what he wants. There are even threads with Magnus he sometimes takes a long time to reply to. He’s just a weird muse. But I keep thread replies written down and am trying to track better so when he does decide to reply to a thread, I haven’t forgotten anyone. :’D I don’t like anyone feeling like they’re ignored and it’s very frustrating I can’t get my muse to reply to threads when I want him to. But if I try to push him, the replies will likely be terrible and I don’t want to write something bad. So usually I have to play the waiting game with Dalie. He focuses on different things at different times.))



((OOC: Yeah, usually if I unfollow friends on tumblr it’s because they post triggering things for me, not because I care less or because I’m judging them for what they post. I don’t think any less of people who I unfollow that post things that I find triggering. It’s their own choice to do what they do. I still care about them, but it’s just harmful to me. I don’t want to be made sick, or be worrying, or be forced to relive traumatic experiences nearly every night, because of what others post. I do share my own opinion but I can respect people’s differences. Like, I saw your argument a few days ago and respect your decision, you can do what you want. I personally don’t want to RP smut with people under 18, though I have a couple times last year with one person. I got into RPing late, like 3 months before I turned 18, so smut was never an issue for me. Last year was basically the first time I started RPing smut (I’m 23 now). I never did it before then. I still find it awkward and uncomfortable, but I am willing to try, not going to completely push it away and say no. But I’m just not comfortable with RPing smut with people under-aged. I will RP most anything else. XD Unless they’re 13, I might have to say no to violence and gore too. LOL;; But I mean, just because I won’t doesn’t mean I’m going to hate on others who do. It’s just my own opinion and morale, and I don’t think less of others that do RP smut with under-aged RPers. There really are some who are very mature for their age. I grew up around adults, so I acted pretty mature when I was a minor, so I totally get that. But I still draw the line on some things. XD But yeah, I will share my opinion, but it’s just my opinion. It’s not a law. LOL. I’m not going to accuse others of wrongness because they don’t agree with my opinion. XD What’s wrong is saying my opinion is wrong. People have actually told me my opinion on some things is wrong. It’s my opinion, it’s not a fact. You can’t tell someone their opinion is wrong. So I get offended when I see that gif of the guy who’s says something like “I can respect people who have different opinions EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE FUCKING WRONG.” Makes me want to shank a bitch. XD))

((Not touching the first part with the 10-foot pole, but I will say this. You can hold your opinion, and that is your opinion, but the second you act on it to the harm of others, there is nothing to protect you from others calling your opinion stupid and no right you can claim that they are wrong to do so. There are opinions that are wrong, and as much as you have a right to act on your own opinions so others have the right to call you out for them. We as a society would never progress if we had to allow every person to act out their opinion. If that were the case, we would in fact be set back by ever person with misguided ideals. The unfortunate thing is that, in most cases, having an opinion also means acting on it to the harm of others, as so many of our opinions concern the rights and respects of other people. There are some things that are just stupid, and everyone has the right to call them out and fight about them.))

((OOC: Like I said, I will express my opinion, but I’m not going to enforce it on others or expect others to follow suit. I don’t appreciate having to defend my opinion and my choices just because it upsets someone else that I don’t do what they do. I know some opinions are wrong, and everyone has their own side to something, but no one’s in the right by trying to enforce their own opinion on any other person. There are certain things I will not do because I’m not comfortable with them or I am against them. I do not believe my drawing the line with certain things is harmful to others, as everyone has their own limits about this or that. Likewise, I’m not going to push another completely away because they do what I don’t.))



((OOC: Yes exactly. I can respect people doing their own thing and stuff. I’m fine with that. I’m not going to stop talking to someone because they do drugs or drink alcohol. It just bothers me to some extent though, because I’ve been negatively affected in the past by those who made those kind of decisions. And definitely when their actions become harmful to other people, that’s when I find some serious issues. But I generally don’t care how different people are, what they do with their own lives, as long as they don’t try to push their own lifestyle onto me, try to pressure me into something I don’t want to do, or judge me for choosing to do what I do.))

((Pretty much. People make their own choices, if they might be poor ones that notably affect their health, then we should try to help, but not judge them. Then again, we can only help insofar as our own health and safety, unfortunately, and sometimes we need to pull away from people who’s own choices hurt us. When it comes to things like opinions, let’s just keep it all to ourselves. If people start pushing their opinions at me, I shove it right back, as could be seen a few days ago.))

((OOC: Yeah, usually if I unfollow friends on tumblr it’s because they post triggering things for me, not because I care less or because I’m judging them for what they post. I don’t think any less of people who I unfollow that post things that I find triggering. It’s their own choice to do what they do. I still care about them, but it’s just harmful to me. I don’t want to be made sick, or be worrying, or be forced to relive traumatic experiences nearly every night, because of what others post. I do share my own opinion but I can respect people’s differences. Like, I saw your argument a few days ago and respect your decision, you can do what you want. I personally don’t want to RP smut with people under 18, though I have a couple times last year with one person. I got into RPing late, like 3 months before I turned 18, so smut was never an issue for me. Last year was basically the first time I started RPing smut (I’m 23 now). I never did it before then. I still find it awkward and uncomfortable, but I am willing to try, not going to completely push it away and say no. But I’m just not comfortable with RPing smut with people under-aged. I will RP most anything else. XD Unless they’re 13, I might have to say no to violence and gore too. LOL;; But I mean, just because I won’t doesn’t mean I’m going to hate on others who do. It’s just my own opinion and morale, and I don’t think less of others that do RP smut with under-aged RPers. There really are some who are very mature for their age. I grew up around adults, so I acted pretty mature when I was a minor, so I totally get that. But I still draw the line on some things. XD But yeah, I will share my opinion, but it’s just my opinion. It’s not a law. LOL. I’m not going to accuse others of wrongness because they don’t agree with my opinion. XD What’s wrong is saying my opinion is wrong. People have actually told me my opinion on some things is wrong. It’s my opinion, it’s not a fact. You can’t tell someone their opinion is wrong. So I get offended when I see that gif of the guy who’s says something like “I can respect people who have different opinions EVEN THOUGH YOU’RE FUCKING WRONG.” Makes me want to shank a bitch. XD))








imagedalieisinyourcloset replied to your post: ((And the rest of you don’t want to plot?))

((OOC: Not good with feels & Dalie. XD Unless you want him to call yours mean names related to his profession and he can go be sad after Dalie leaves. XD))


((OOC: I knooow~ I don’t even have anything against strippers and pole dancers. I kind of admire them like dsfgkjhlshfg I canNOT do what they do. I would be horribly mortified people are looking at me oMG. And then pole dancing is beautiful. XD I also think prostitutes deserve more respect~ It’s one of the oldest professions, why people who do it barely have any legal rights doing it is way beyond me. And they’re treated like trash and it’s like why, why, WHY. I’ve never met a prostitute personally, though I admire them too. They still do what they do, running a lot of risks of getting caught, hurt, or possibly even killed, being rejected by society, but they still do it. They deserve more love. uvu I’m pro-prostitution rights. I’m writing a book series where one of the political things that happens in the series is prostitution rights get passed in the US and it causes a huge uproar in some sectors and changes how society interacts with them for the most part. The rights they get are better than what Nevada gives them.))

((me right now: wut are werds.))

((OOC: Lol! I actually wrote in Dalie’s disclaimer page that I’m pro-prostitution rights. XD Most of the stigmas toward prostitution I know are based on what I see in movies and television series, not my own personal views. I watch a lot of Law & Order episodes, and prostitutes are frequent victims. The way people act when police try to investigate a prostitute’s rape or murder is despicable. :c All like “well she got what was coming to her” or “who cares, she was just a low-life whore” or like “she was asking for it” and stuff like that. So a lot of the offensiveness of Dalie is based off of how I’ve seen others depicted in related situations. Humans can be really ugly creatures to other humans, and Dalie kind of just represents that side in some respect. But I like this one episode of Law & Order SVU season 13, where they were dealing with a serial killer targeting girls who were advertising themselves in a certain magazine (they were prostituting, yes). I think it was the DEA or something, I don’t remember, but he had to speak to the press when they found several dead bodies on a beach and he was like “These were someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother, someone’s friend.” stuff like that. And that made me fgkjhkgkg. uvu))

((It’s moments like there where I wish I were more eloquent and could actually contribute to this conversation.))

((OOC: It’s fine~ The only prostitutes I have a problem with is the ones who abuse drugs and alcohol (once or twice… eeeeh okay I guess) and don’t use protection (STIs are scary to get, why risk it?), but that’s because they’re not being respectful to their own bodies. :’D But I still wouldn’t consider them less human or something because of that. Just people not making the right decisions, like anyone else. I’ve seen a lot of people who get into drugs and alcohol. Some people who I would look up to when I was younger. It makes me sad when people get into drugs and stuff. Drugs are just baaad. They can be permanently damaging and lethal. I lost my uncle to drugs, my grandma to alcohol, and a really nice neighbor to AIDs. It was just the lifestyles they chose to take. Unfortunate their lives had to end because of those poor decisions, they were all great people that I admired.))

((I respect people for making the choices they do as long as they’re to their own person. it’s when the harm branches out to other people that I start losing respect and taking issue.))

((OOC: Yes exactly. I can respect people doing their own thing and stuff. I’m fine with that. I’m not going to stop talking to someone because they do drugs or drink alcohol. It just bothers me to some extent though, because I’ve been negatively affected in the past by those who made those kind of decisions. And definitely when their actions become harmful to other people, that’s when I find some serious issues. But I generally don’t care how different people are, what they do with their own lives, as long as they don’t try to push their own lifestyle onto me, try to pressure me into something I don’t want to do, or judge me for choosing to do what I do.))






imagedalieisinyourcloset replied to your post: ((And the rest of you don’t want to plot?))

((OOC: Not good with feels & Dalie. XD Unless you want him to call yours mean names related to his profession and he can go be sad after Dalie leaves. XD))


((OOC: I knooow~ I don’t even have anything against strippers and pole dancers. I kind of admire them like dsfgkjhlshfg I canNOT do what they do. I would be horribly mortified people are looking at me oMG. And then pole dancing is beautiful. XD I also think prostitutes deserve more respect~ It’s one of the oldest professions, why people who do it barely have any legal rights doing it is way beyond me. And they’re treated like trash and it’s like why, why, WHY. I’ve never met a prostitute personally, though I admire them too. They still do what they do, running a lot of risks of getting caught, hurt, or possibly even killed, being rejected by society, but they still do it. They deserve more love. uvu I’m pro-prostitution rights. I’m writing a book series where one of the political things that happens in the series is prostitution rights get passed in the US and it causes a huge uproar in some sectors and changes how society interacts with them for the most part. The rights they get are better than what Nevada gives them.))

((me right now: wut are werds.))

((OOC: Lol! I actually wrote in Dalie’s disclaimer page that I’m pro-prostitution rights. XD Most of the stigmas toward prostitution I know are based on what I see in movies and television series, not my own personal views. I watch a lot of Law & Order episodes, and prostitutes are frequent victims. The way people act when police try to investigate a prostitute’s rape or murder is despicable. :c All like “well she got what was coming to her” or “who cares, she was just a low-life whore” or like “she was asking for it” and stuff like that. So a lot of the offensiveness of Dalie is based off of how I’ve seen others depicted in related situations. Humans can be really ugly creatures to other humans, and Dalie kind of just represents that side in some respect. But I like this one episode of Law & Order SVU season 13, where they were dealing with a serial killer targeting girls who were advertising themselves in a certain magazine (they were prostituting, yes). I think it was the DEA or something, I don’t remember, but he had to speak to the press when they found several dead bodies on a beach and he was like “These were someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother, someone’s friend.” stuff like that. And that made me fgkjhkgkg. uvu))

((It’s moments like there where I wish I were more eloquent and could actually contribute to this conversation.))

((OOC: It’s fine~ The only prostitutes I have a problem with is the ones who abuse drugs and alcohol (once or twice… eeeeh okay I guess) and don’t use protection (STIs are scary to get, why risk it?), but that’s because they’re not being respectful to their own bodies. :’D But I still wouldn’t consider them less human or something because of that. Just people not making the right decisions, like anyone else. I’ve seen a lot of people who get into drugs and alcohol. Some people who I would look up to when I was younger. It makes me sad when people get into drugs and stuff. Drugs are just baaad. They can be permanently damaging and lethal. I lost my uncle to drugs, my grandma to alcohol, and a really nice neighbor to AIDs. It was just the lifestyles they chose to take. Unfortunate their lives had to end because of those poor decisions, they were all great people that I admired.))




imagedalieisinyourcloset replied to your post: ((And the rest of you don’t want to plot?))

((OOC: Not good with feels & Dalie. XD Unless you want him to call yours mean names related to his profession and he can go be sad after Dalie leaves. XD))


((OOC: I knooow~ I don’t even have anything against strippers and pole dancers. I kind of admire them like dsfgkjhlshfg I canNOT do what they do. I would be horribly mortified people are looking at me oMG. And then pole dancing is beautiful. XD I also think prostitutes deserve more respect~ It’s one of the oldest professions, why people who do it barely have any legal rights doing it is way beyond me. And they’re treated like trash and it’s like why, why, WHY. I’ve never met a prostitute personally, though I admire them too. They still do what they do, running a lot of risks of getting caught, hurt, or possibly even killed, being rejected by society, but they still do it. They deserve more love. uvu I’m pro-prostitution rights. I’m writing a book series where one of the political things that happens in the series is prostitution rights get passed in the US and it causes a huge uproar in some sectors and changes how society interacts with them for the most part. The rights they get are better than what Nevada gives them.))

((me right now: wut are werds.))

((OOC: Lol! I actually wrote in Dalie’s disclaimer page that I’m pro-prostitution rights. XD Most of the stigmas toward prostitution I know are based on what I see in movies and television series, not my own personal views. I watch a lot of Law & Order episodes, and prostitutes are frequent victims. The way people act when police try to investigate a prostitute’s rape or murder is despicable. :c All like “well she got what was coming to her” or “who cares, she was just a low-life whore” or like “she was asking for it” and stuff like that. So a lot of the offensiveness of Dalie is based off of how I’ve seen others depicted in related situations. Humans can be really ugly creatures to other humans, and Dalie kind of just represents that side in some respect. But I like this one episode of Law & Order SVU season 13, where they were dealing with a serial killer targeting girls who were advertising themselves in a certain magazine (they were prostituting, yes). I think it was the DEA or something, I don’t remember, but he had to speak to the press when they found several dead bodies on a beach and he was like “These were someone’s daughter, someone’s sister, someone’s mother, someone’s friend.” stuff like that. And that made me fgkjhkgkg. uvu))


imagedalieisinyourcloset replied to your post: ((And the rest of you don’t want to plot?))

((OOC: Not good with feels & Dalie. XD Unless you want him to call yours mean names related to his profession and he can go be sad after Dalie leaves. XD))


((OOC: I knooow~ I don’t even have anything against strippers and pole dancers. I kind of admire them like dsfgkjhlshfg I canNOT do what they do. I would be horribly mortified people are looking at me oMG. And then pole dancing is beautiful. XD I also think prostitutes deserve more respect~ It’s one of the oldest professions, why people who do it barely have any legal rights doing it is way beyond me. And they’re treated like trash and it’s like why, why, WHY. I’ve never met a prostitute personally, though I admire them too. They still do what they do, running a lot of risks of getting caught, hurt, or possibly even killed, being rejected by society, but they still do it. They deserve more love. uvu I’m pro-prostitution rights. I’m writing a book series where one of the political things that happens in the series is prostitution rights get passed in the US and it causes a huge uproar in some sectors and changes how society interacts with them for the most part. The rights they get are better than what Nevada gives them.))


imagedouble-o-coulson replied to your post: ((Why can’t I just crawl through the computer into…


I am a literal furnace, I will make your bed a sauna (assuming I share. I would have no idea because I have never actually shared a bed with anyone. They either kick me out or look at me like I’m crazy when I suggest it.)

imagedalieisinyourcloset replied to your post: ((Why can’t I just crawl through the computer into…

((OOC: Computer screens = biggest cockblock LOL.))

really fuckin’ true.

imagelokiravennason replied to your post: ((Why can’t I just crawl through the computer into…


thank you, love. that gif is just so cute.

((OOC: We have a bed in the living room that is available. XD But we like never have anyone come sleep over. I haven’t shared my bed with anyone since I was a kid!!! And that was with my mom. Which is one reason why I can’t sleep with TVs on. I have managed to psychologically damage myself where I will not go to sleep if I hear a TV, because when I was little I would protest the fact that my mom left the tv on as it upset me. LOL;; I was a weird kid.

Maybe someday in the future, they will make a way to travel distances really fast that won’t be hazardous to one’s health. [I am iffy on the teleportation machine stuff. I have seen The Fly, no thank you.]))

stripper-loki replied to your post: stripper-loki replied to your post: stripper-loki…

((*sleeps fitfullly*))

((OOC: *pets hair*))