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Tag Archives: signal boost


Anon Hate

Anon Hate is a serious issue here on Tumblr. It hurts, and it can even call upon suicide for many others. If you find it funny, you should be seriously ashamed of yourself.

Usually I don’t draw things like this. No, I did not receive Anon Hate today, but I just wanted to show all of you what it looks like to the victim on the other side of the screen.

If you’re a gentle soul, sensitive, or just hate negative words, DEACTIVATE YOUR ANONYMOUS OPTION RIGHT NOW! Your life is too precious!!






Post to your Facebook & Twitter:

Protest on July 4th:

Find out about other actions:

Not normally this blog’s topic, but this needs to be spread like crazy. Internet privacy is a big fucking deal, and 83 notes on this as I reblog this is pathetic.

If you dont reblog this, I will judge you so hard

america is kinda really disgusting


It’s time to vote for your favorite works submitted for the Super Fun Contest Contest. The winners of each category will then be rewarded with a $10 Amazon Gift Card on July 23rd when the poll closes! Thanks for all the amazing entries and good luck to everyone who participated!

  • You get one vote – make it count.
  • Yes, you may vote for yourself.
  • And before anyone asks – yes, google forums was the best way we knew to do this even though there are many disadvantages.

Works Submitted
Go Vote here!!






Okay Pagan and Witchcraft tags. The above candle is from Artisan Witchcrafts on Etsy.

I see at least one of her products posted almost DAILY without credit, source or a click-through link. Stop fucking doing it. It’s a shitty thing to do to someone. You did not take the photo, you did not make the product, you are preventing her from getting potential customers and that is wrong.

This doesn’t only happen to her shop, and it is so common in this community in particular. For some, this is how they make their living, you should be promoting them openly if you enjoy looking at their products, not stealing from them. Just don’t post a product without a source. Seriously, if there’s room for your Love and Light comments, there’s room for a damn link.

Signal boost. The constant theft of art and photography in the pagan tags makes me so angry. And any attempts to correct people are, 90% of the time, met with anger, insults, and a refusal to change. I’m having a hard time believing anymore that they don’t know that what they’re doing is wrong. 

Reports to tumblr staff have of course been unhelpful as well. I have been told that they need a report from the artist whose things have been stolen. So if you see this happening with your things, please send them a report and maybe we can start to see things clear up a little?


^^Thank yoooou!


This isn’t an issue only in the pagan and witchcraft tags. This is a site-wide issue. I see this happening everywhere. It’s not right. It pisses me off since I am an artist and, yes, it is considered theft for not citing your sources. I will never understand why people will think that it’s free to use and post wherever just because it’s on the internet. 






Reblogging for you guys in advance.

ho shit

Reblogging because I missed it last year and I want my damn slurpee.








yesterday, a facebook page was created titled “The Sluts Of Lorain County” in order to belittle women and teenage girls of Lorain County, Ohio. within less than 24 hours this page has gained nearly 4,000 likes and the number is growing. these pictures are being posted without these girls’ consent, and many people are identifying these girls in the comment sections by tagging them. some of these girls are as young as freshman in high school. this is both disgusting and dangerous. many of the pictures posted are just girls in halloween costumes, or in bikinis at the beach. like, excuse a girl for not wearing her fucking sweatsuit to the beach. not only is this slut-shaming and sexist, but it’s also a large form of cyber-bullying and harassment. are there any guys’ pictures posted on this page? of course not. when one woman reported the page, Facebook responded:

“Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the page you reported for harassment and found it doesn’t violate our community standard on bullying and harassment.”

okay, Facebook. please explain to me what the fuck your “community standard on bullying and harassment” is then. maybe you should rethink and rewrite your standards, because i’m certain that posting pictures of people without their consent in order to accuse them of being promiscuous is, in fact, both bullying and harassment.

so please, SIGNAL BOOST AND REPORT. hell, contact Facebook directly and help them to rethink their standards. it’s fucking bullshit the way someone is treated for dressing how they want (especially when it’s for an occasion i.e. homecoming, halloween, swimming, etc.) and no one should have to be subject to slut shaming and bullying.




This is my friend,she’s feeling down about not having many rp partners.Plus,she’s an amazing writer,an amazing FC and very nice.

Perfect human being




This is my kitty and I need to find him a home.  If you live in the mid- or eastern- Nebraska area and are interested PLEASE don’t be shy. The first to pictures have important information about him that you should know before adopting.

I to give Swoozle a home if I could, but I can’t. So instead, I will signal boost this in the hopes that one followers is in Nebraska and likes cats and can and wants to get one. Or that one of your followers do.
Save swoozle!

any of my followers live in nebraska?

((Someone adopt this cat!!))


Hello I am an adult with an anxiety disorder and I lost my comfort item.

My bunny is named Blue Bunny and she is my most important thing in the world. I would go without water sooner than I would give her up. I got her 18 years ago and she hasn’t slept without me since. Her ears and paws are threadbare in places, and her head is floppy and soft.

I got off the Amtrak Bus stop in La Cresenta, CA on the north side Honolulu Ave west of Lowell Ave.


Please PLEASE signal boost this. I have contacted the bus company but they haven’t found her and I’m scared.