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Tag Archives: rp

((OOC: Hey, sorry for not replying to this sooner. I’ve been awfully scatter-brained or otherwise away from the computer lately. XD Anyway, of course I will RP with you. I’m available to RP with anyone. Since your RP blog is a secondary one, what you can do is send Asks as Anon and sign them with your RP url, or even just send an ask with your own username. Or you can just write a starter and tag it with liefullyloki for me to find in my tracked tag, which I check fairly often, and I’ll reply to it when I can.

Don’t feel shy reminding me it’s my turn to reply. I am awfully scatter-brained and disorganized so you’d be doing me a solid by letting me know. XD 

Liefully currently lives on Midgard (Earth) and has a wife named Kristina (she’s more like a friend to him, their marriage was “mun magiced” XD) but he travels often to places like New York, London, and San Francisco. Really nowhere specific so I don’t believe location poses any problem there. But things are rolling in motion that he might be returning to Asgard soon. I’m not sure how I’ll factor that in with future roleplay, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. XD 

Basically all you need to know is he dresses like any regular civilian. Liefully is very thin, thinner than Tom Hiddleston, I’d say. Liefully has green eyes (not blue), and they’re a vibrant green, not a deep green like emeralds. His hair is black and extends beyond the shoulders. And he paints his nails black. XD He’s really friendly for the most part. You could totally find him in a library, a museum, or out checking out malls and shops. He likes to walk so it’s possible to run into him on the street.

And that’s about it for a debriefing on him. Feel free to write a starter, like I said before. Or I could try to write a starter, but that’ll take a few days because I have to mull it over. XD What’s your character’s blog URL?))

HMM. I picture Skadi being brown haired and brown eyed, but that’s just me. XD She could be blonde and blue eyed if you want.

You could probably check out the brown haired fc’s in this blog. 

This blog offers pictures with each FC name, all types of hair, skin, and eye colors, so you can look at the icons and decide which FC would look good for your Skadi: 

  • Female

A-E {x} | F-L {x} | M-R {x} | S-Z {x}

You can also check out the underused FC tag on tumblr for ideas as well. Just make sure whatever FC you do you, you’ll be able to find ample GIFs/pictures of if you plan on usinf GIFs/pictures a lot. uvu


Requested rebloggable a few times. I had to cut it up to get it all in there. ┐(‘~`;)┌

((OOC: I do my best to tag my triggers. Most of the posts I reblog or post have 6 or more tags. I run a pretty tight ship as far as tag organization goes. I do the best I can to help my followers not have to put up with things they’d rather not see on their dash. Because I know what it feels like to see untagged things that you don’t want to see but at the same time, there’s still a lot you enjoy about a certain blog that’s on your dash.

At the same time, I feel that yes, it is a case of “It’s my blog, I do what I want.” But you know what? While it is your blog and you can do what you want with it, your followers do NOT have to put up with your shit. If you’re going to post what you want and not show a little consideration toward your followers, consider that some of them will be triggered by what you post, then don’t get pissed off when they unfollow you. You have no right to be mad, no right to make your followers feel bad for leaving you since you wouldn’t tag your triggers.))




I’m fairly good at gif-making. So if there’s a edit to a gif you want, I’ll probably make it (for free). Below the cut are things I can do and examples of gif edits I have done in the past.))

  • Crops (cutting off a part of a gif) Example:


  • Captions (adding words) Examples:

  • Tumblrizing (made that up. XD Adding “tumblr” to faces) Examples: 

  • Color edits (changing colors) Examples:


  • Adding things. Examples:

  • ??? (pretty edits that I can’t describe? XD) Example: 

((OOC: Thank you, lokilaufeydottir, you rock! I also have posted some of the GIFs I started with months ago. Only about 140 gifs there.))

((OOC: For anyone who’s curious, I got the bulk of my Eva Green GIF collection from lokilaufeydottir’s side blog greenisqueen.))

((OOC: So since Asgardian’s mun and I aren’t able to get along out of character and I have said I refuse to continue roleplaying if we cannot find some way to get along, we’re basically not roleplaying anymore. It’s unfortunate. I was actually hoping we could try to maybe find something new to like together since we don’t like anything we both currently like. But that’s not going to happen. She doesn’t want to deal with an OOC relationship with me. I think it’s really extreme to kill off one’s muse though. But oh well, it’s her decision to do that. 

As for me, I think I will likely put Liefully on a hiatus. He is depressed now that he is alone again. And when he’s depressed, he doesn’t want to interact and talk, unfortunately. So Liefully’s on a hiatus for an unknown period of time. I will try to get him to interact and maybe he will. If he does, then he does. But I cannot force Liefully to interact when he’s sad.

I will still be roleplaying Dalie, and my new muse, Livvy. So if you don’t already, go ahead and follow one or both of them. Keep in mind though, Dalie posts a lot of triggering and NSFW content. I imagine the only type of NSFW stuff Livvy will post will be nude art, which I don’t find so inappropriate half the time anyway. My taste in artistic nude is often very tasteful (people have told me).

I just made Livvy today, you should totally go say hi to her! (Please?) :3 ))

((OOC: Lol I made an OC.))