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Tag Archives: role player blog

((OOC: This one is always available to roleplay with anyone and everyone. 

  • You can be in the same fandom
  • You can be the same character
  • You can be another version of a character that this one already roleplays with 
  • You can be an OC
  • You can be in a different fandom
  • I don’t have to know or like your fandom to roleplay with you

This one is shy though, so please do not expect a whole lot of

  • Me contacting you first
  • Me asking to roleplay with you
  • Me approaching to start a roleplay with you
  • Me writing a starter for you (I actually suck at starters so I prefer to avoid those)
  • Me sending roleplay Asks

This one has no concept of organization so

  • Sometimes replies are slow
  • Sometimes this one loses threads (actually, often times this one loses threads)
  • This one does not mind if you remind them it’s their turn to reply
  • This one would greatly appreciate if you tag every response (threads and asks) with their name so they may some day find it

If this one does not reply to your thread for a long time, chances are

  • I lost it (as this one has poor organization skills)
  • My muse is not cooperating to write a decent reply
  • I didn’t know you had replied already
  • I was busy with things of the life nature
  • This one was distracted with other roleplay things (such as magic anons or crises in their muse’s life)
  • This one was distracted with other things that are not of the roleplay nature (perhaps drawing, editing gifs, eating food, watching videos on youtube, chatting on Skype, etc.)
  • I am not inspired to continue it (which makes me sad) 
  • The thread seemed finished enough (if it was developed enough)
  • This one is not feeling physically well enough to write replies to certain threads (headaches, exhaustion, sickness, etc.) and wants to make sure the response to your thread is not a shitty one
  • This one is likely distracted RPing as the other muse for a time as this one has two muses

You do not need to ask to roleplay

  • Simply read this one’s muse’s headcanons (not all but some)
  • Write a starter and tag it with this one’s username
  • Respond to an open this one has written
  • Write IC Asks to this one’s muse

This one

  • Does not bite
  • Is not easily annoyed
  • Does not purposefully ignore anyone
  • Loves to talk to people OOC 
  • Does not care what your skill level is in writing/roleplaying (everyone is an equal in this one’s eyes)
  • Would likely love to roleplay with you
  • Is shy though, so does not like to approach others first
  • Does not always refer to self as “this one”

Please feel free to RP with me.))