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tomorrow……… is august„„„„,?????

its augu…….st?? tomorrW???????????

8th monTH???????? 4 ,more mont hs of 2013?????????????







He had to bite his hand, dribbles of rich, heady purple blood dripping from the splits as he muffled the harsh, barking peals of laughter that would have otherwise shattered the night. O, his li’ttlee lærlingr did not get the point? All the more fun. It were not a night for solemn, valiance, but for blood-split and new’found things. The lærlingr were a violent creature, Loptr surmised, not quite grown in to proper Wickedness. Not blossomed. Not grown.

“Hum, drum, li’tlee lærlingr,” he projected, not quite giving away his hiding spot, “That ye cannot figure it for thyself is a minor disappointment, but lo, I shall be kind; find Loptr. Find Loptr and fight him. Prove… thy mettle, as it were.”

Loki brushed his fingers on the bark of one tree as he waited, thinking Loptr wouldn’t answer. He had half a mind to leave but wondered if Loptr would summon him again and be upset he left… Probably. He looked down at the mud that Loptr had disturbed before disappearing from Loki’s sight. Then he spoke. Loki looked up, listening carefully to what he was saying, Loptr confirmed some of his suspicions, and where his words were coming from.

He turned his head slightly, trying to pin-point the location but the words bounced off trees, distorting the location of their source. He stepped toward where he thought Loptr was when he heard the mention of a fight. Loptr wanted him to fight him? He wondered how far it would go. He figured he’d lose since Loptr was older and no doubt stronger… That just meant Loki could be relentless.

Blood slithered, thick and heavy, for it were the blood of a beast made for cold-things, made of cold-things, that it fell from. Sludge, more than blood; slow-moving, rich, and a watched by a pair of green eyes, stark against the blue-flesh. His frigid form had left half-frosted remnants about the wood as to where he flitted, and the reek and trace of blood would be a good lead. A hunt were not a hunt, unless there were something to be hunted, something to be followed.

Loptr had settled in a once fox-den, grown large and exposed, but for the tangle of overgrowth and root scattered over a portion, and tensed wary to spring. If his lærlingr passed his hideaway unknowing, yet more blood would fall.

Loki looked down at the mud and noticed something off. He knelt down low to the ground, slightly cringing at the feel of the cold mud caking itself higher up his pants as he did. He picked up a bit of the mud and examined it, a small drip of blood on the surface. He examined the blood then the surrounding area. There did not appear to be any other life in the surrounding area so he could safely bet this was Loptr’s blood. He sniffed it then tasted it and the smell and taste seemed familiar. He smirked. Was his mentor making this easy for him?

He returned to his standing position and sensed for further blood spill. He took in a deep inhale of the air, his mind filtering out the atmosphere, the smell of earth, the smell of the trees, until he could pick up the faint scent of blood he had previously found. He turned his head to a side and repeated, trying to gauge if one way had the scent stronger than the other. He determined a path and took it, occasionally searching for the blood scent, for the scent of his mentor, noting that it was getting progressively stronger as he moved about.

He stopped at one tree, getting a little confused about where to move forth, the tree’s scent was throwing off the potency of the blood. He moved around the tree until he found his path again and moved forward once more. He arrived to the once fox-den noting the scent of his mentor seemed strongest though he could not see him. It seemed he reached a dead end. He did not see any openings in the general area, it looked like the plants had taken over, he did not see the space was hollow. He rested a hand on the over-growth, clawed at some of it slightly frustrated, and looked back at the path he walked from in confusion.

He crouched low to the ground to find the blood scent again, perhaps the path was not dead as it seemed. He stayed still, quiet, then heard a small sound from the overgrowth behind him. “Loptr, I know ye are there…”