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turn off / not my thing / haven’t thought of it before / cool / hot damn / TURN OOOOOOON / TAKE ME NOW

Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

I have entitled this part “Why the Heck is This Four Parts Long”. Enjoy.

His entire body froze up in fear as he closed his eyes, trying to deny the situation was occurring at all. 

FreeYou threw back his head and let out a scream as Dark Liefully roughly entered him without warning. Tears of agony started welling in his eyes while pain raced through his body, making him writhe. Dark Liefully laughed and started to thrust hard, giving him no time to adjust. FreeYou was screaming and thrashing in pain and horror as he was viciously taken by his twin. He pulled desperately at his bonds, but the leather binding his hands held fast.

FreeYou’s screams of pain were suddenly cut short as a strong hand appeared around his throat. FreeYou thrashed around violently, tears blurring the sight of Dark Liefully’s grinning face.  His world started to spin from lack of oxygen, chest burning from his need to shout out his pain. It was only when he saw black creeping in on the sides of his vision that Dark Liefully finally let go of his neck. FreeYou choked as he struggled to catch his breath, but the gag was making it difficult to breathe, and what little air he did manage to take in was immediately expelled by his screams as Dark Liefully had not slowed down his relentless pace at all.

“That’s right,” Dark Liefully breathed, “Scream for me, my twin.” FreeYou tried to swallow his shouts, but he couldn’t stop himself from yelping sharply in sync with Dark Liefully’s movements. “Do not lie to me twin, I know ye love this, ye love the feeling of mine prick pounding into thy tight hole.” Dark Liefully hissed. He grasped FreeYou’s cock and started pumping it roughly, causing FreeYou to let out a cry of surprise. FreeYou started to whimper as the pain faded to a dull throb, and the pleasure returned tenfold. He bucked and whined, and in the heat of his frenzied movements, Dark Liefully sank deeper within him. FreeYou made an obscene noise; one he could hardly believe he was capable of making as Dark Liefully brushed against his prostate.

FreeYou began thrusting mindlessly against Dark Liefully as the pleasure overwhelmed his senses. He couldn’t believe that anything could feel this good; he couldn’t believe that he had never introduced himself to such pleasures from coupling with others. He whined as Dark Liefully removed his hand from his straining cock and raked it down his chest, drawing blood. Dark Liefully’s thrusts began to increase in pace, and FreeYou gave a shout of surprise and pain as Dark Liefully bit down hard on his shoulder. He tensed as he felt Dark Liefully dig his fingernails into his leg. Another brush against his prostate had him jerking and screaming out his pleasure to the world. Dark Liefully moved his head to FreeYou’s ear. “Look at thyself, ye filthy whore, screaming like some wanton bitch in heat,” Dark Liefully whispered harshly before licking down the shell of his ear and biting at the lobe. FreeYou felt heat rush through him at the filthy words.

FreeYou’s thrusts became more and more desperate as he felt the pleasure building. Suddenly the firm hand was on his erection again, stroking it so hard that the pleasure bordered on pain. The dual sensation of Dark Liefully’s thumb rubbing harshly across the head of his dick and his cock pounding into him became too much, and FreeYou let out a long wail as his vision went white. He shuddered and spasmed violently as Dark Liefully gave two, three more rough thrusts before releasing his seed deep inside of him, groaning deeply into FreeYou’s ear. Both men lay still, their breath coming in short pants. FreeYou whimpered in discomfort when Dark Liefully pulled out, his semen oozing from FreeYou’s abused opening. 


My, this is the dirtiest yet… Yes, good.

I have no problem with four parts. And if you wish to make a fifth, I have no objection to that either.


Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

The story continues… (nsfw)

“You,” Dark Liefully whispered, “Are mine.”

FreeYou gave an involuntary gasp at the implications of what Dark Liefully said. So he really was going to take him. FreeYou closed his eyes, his heart pounding in fear. This couldn’t be happening; this emotionless version of himself couldn’t possibly bed him. Dark Liefully regarded him in amusement. “Having fun?” he asked teasingly. FreeYou opened his eyes and glared in response. Dark Liefully shook his head. “That is no way to behave. Come now, enjoy thyself, it shall make the time much more pleasurable.” FreeYou clenched his eyes shut once more, praying for escape, praying to be anywhere but here.

Dark Liefully leaned forward and grazed his teeth lightly down FreeYou’s neck. FreeYou shuddered and felt goose bumps forming on his arms. Dark Liefully ran his teeth over his collarbone and down to his chest. FreeYou felt a sudden stinging pleasure as Dark Liefully attacked his nipple, raking his teeth over the little nub, causing FreeYou to whimper and thrash. The sensation suddenly intensified as Dark Liefully brought his hand to his other nipple and started pinching and rolling it relentlessly. FreeYou barely had time to register it before he felt Dark Liefully’s other hand trace its way down his stomach, towards his growing erection.

FreeYou tugged desperately at his bonds, still whining and shaking from Dark Liefully’s attentions. Suddenly, FreeYou saw stars as Dark Liefully grasped his cock firmly and started to stroke it. He gave a delicious groan and bucked senselessly into Dark Liefully’s grip, thighs quivering. Dark Liefully removed himself from FreeYou’s chest to smile menacingly at him, still stroking his dick confidently. “I see that mine ministrations are finally getting through to thee,” he purred as FreeYou quaked and groaned. “Or would thou prefer if I stopped? I would not want to overwhelm thee.”

FreeYou’s eyes shot open and he let out a cry. Please, release me. Release me and I shall leave you alone. He cursed the gag that prevented him from voicing his thoughts. Dark Liefully slowed his movements to a stop, choosing instead to run his thumb teasingly over the head of FreeYou’s cock. FreeYou shivered and clenched his jaw as tightly as he could around the gag to stop himself from whimpering. “Is this more thy speed?” Dark Liefully asked, rubbing gentle circles over his tip. FreeYou could feel his self-restraint slipping as the burning in his groin increased. After another minute of the seemingly endless torture, FreeYou couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care how he looked, he needed something more than those ghosting touches, barely stimulating his throbbing flesh. He let out a sharp whine and jerked his hips forward, groaning as his cock pressed into Dark Liefully’s hand. 

Dark Liefully gave a small chuckle. “Thou art pleased with my actions? Allow me to continue.” FreeYou yelped in protest before Dark Liefully grasped his arousal and began to quickly stroke it. FreeYou gasped as his mind was suddenly fogged over with pleasure. But he was jerked back into reality as he felt a finger circling around his hole.

“Mmmf!” he shouted, twisting around violently, trying to escape.

“Hold still now, my twin,” Dark Liefully said with mock concern, “We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” FreeYou stopped struggling and simply stared at Dark Liefully in desperation, willing him to end this now. He whimpered as he felt the finger press gently into him, destroying any hope that this was merely some kind of sick joke. Dark Liefully was going to take him, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. 


You are a very naughty writer. I think I like that about you. Ehehehehe.





Oh good, then it should not come as any surprise then.

…You are coming nowhere near me. If you value that pathetic life of yours, of course.

‘Tis best not to threaten me, twin. When someone threatens me, I get a little interested in they and when I get a little interested in they, they tend to get hurt. Did ye hear what happened to mine lys tanke’s lover? I sent him into a panic when he tried to threaten mine death. Thy death threats are meaningless to me as are anyone’s. I know ye fear pain and death. I do not fear anything, I can take both in a stride. Ye have ambitions and goals, I do not. Ye harbor sentiment, I do not. The bottom line is ye have much to lose while I have nothing. I could easily destroy ye. I need not a silly little collar like mine lys tanke does.