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Tag Archives: oc

((OOC: So like, I guess I’ll show you guys some of my art. Though, eventually I’m sure you guys will realize I’m probably mentally insane and will quietly click the unfollow button. XD (No, I’m kidding. I’m not insane, I just have a really strange imagination.)

You: What? I do not see why she would say I’d think she’s insane. This drawing looks pretty average. Pfft, what she talkin’ bout.

*scrolls some more*







((OOC: So today I drew one of my ooooold OCs, Icabar.

He’s like an evil overlord type of guy in his realm. His realm seems to be run a lot on magic. Icabar used to be a slave though he killed his master and used magic to become immortal. He freed his race, the harpies, from their slavery and then enslaved everyone else. 

I drew Icabar for the first time on December 5th, 2007, which was obviously a really long time ago. It was when I was just starting to really get into drawing, although I had been drawing since like 2001, when I was in middle school. 

I thought it’d be fun to pull up my first sketches of him and compare them to today’s sketch and here they are:



And here’s some more drawings of him throughout the times:

XD I might be coloring today’s sketch. Not sure.))

((OOC: Guys, guys, guys. I drew my evil deity. This is one of the creepy OCs that lurks around in my brain.

Don’t stare at her too long.))

((OOC: Lol I made an OC.))


give a white girl a pencil and she will draw an eye thats literally all they do is draw fukin eyes

*is a white girl*

*looks at her pencil drawings*

Fuck. You are so right… it hurts. I can only draw eyes.

LMAO. I forgot I drew this last year for Christmas. ;u; My OCs dressing up for Christmas. :3

Dalie don’t even want to talk to Loki. It’s fine. Loki don’t want to talk to Dalie either. Ahahaha, two-way street. 

Loki has informed me that he would sick one of his childrens on teh Dalie. 

Dalie’s a douche but no, you cannot send one of your childrens to eat his soul. 

((BTW, this is my OC Loki:

Demi is one of my original characters. XD He’s the God of Anomalies, though he started out as the God of Dementia, so I call him Demi for short of Dementia. :’D He’s like… the craziest of all my OCs. LMAO. And he’s also a bit dangerous because he like has no problem with just flat out killing someone and he’s weird in that he causes a lot of bodily harm to himself just so he can fix himself up. Yep, das weird. He has an extremely irregular speech pattern. Dalie sometimes speaks like him and I’m just like NOPE. Demi is a predecessor to Dalie by a whole year and a half, so one could say Demi’s more developed than Dalie is, lol. 






LOL Demi x2^



So I’ll show you guys some of my arts. Baha, I put my OCs in embarrassing situations too much. :’D

Unfinished drawing of my OC Loki. (Drawn last night.) Gaaah, I need to stop drawing him so much. I have 300 other characters who need love. :’D