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Tag Archives: muse

I hate it when people have like 8 characters, and refers to all of them as their muses. It makes no sense

((OOC: As I see it, characters and muses are synonymous. I was confused at first why this term was being used, why we were called muns as well. But as I see it, the purpose for calling a character a muse actually ties to the ancient Greek concept of the 9 muses. They inspired writers, artists, musicians, anyone in the creative field. Basically that is why we call our characters muses. In a way, it is our characters that inspire us to write, to create their lives in the written word or through art/imagery. That is why they are called muses. And we are called the mundane, our lives seemingly dull and boring without our muses to inspire us.))






Mun (and lizard):















((OOC: So since Asgardian’s mun and I aren’t able to get along out of character and I have said I refuse to continue roleplaying if we cannot find some way to get along, we’re basically not roleplaying anymore. It’s unfortunate. I was actually hoping we could try to maybe find something new to like together since we don’t like anything we both currently like. But that’s not going to happen. She doesn’t want to deal with an OOC relationship with me. I think it’s really extreme to kill off one’s muse though. But oh well, it’s her decision to do that. 

As for me, I think I will likely put Liefully on a hiatus. He is depressed now that he is alone again. And when he’s depressed, he doesn’t want to interact and talk, unfortunately. So Liefully’s on a hiatus for an unknown period of time. I will try to get him to interact and maybe he will. If he does, then he does. But I cannot force Liefully to interact when he’s sad.

I will still be roleplaying Dalie, and my new muse, Livvy. So if you don’t already, go ahead and follow one or both of them. Keep in mind though, Dalie posts a lot of triggering and NSFW content. I imagine the only type of NSFW stuff Livvy will post will be nude art, which I don’t find so inappropriate half the time anyway. My taste in artistic nude is often very tasteful (people have told me).

I just made Livvy today, you should totally go say hi to her! (Please?) :3 ))

Um… hello? I know you’re there… Please talk to my character. Please?

(If you see “The URL you requested could not be found.” then look for “About the Mun” in the description panel.)

» About the Mun

There are THREE Liefullys that are all connected! I can’t speak for every Liefully out there in the universe but I will tell you there is at least one little family of three Liefullys and that is this Mun and her two Muses. Dealing with two Lokis who are pretty much polar opposites of each other is very difficult so I actually needed a blog of my own to just vent about them. LOL. I’M SORRY. I hate writing OOC but I just can’t keep everything in my head anymore with these two…

So I just want to thank everyone who follows ALL THREE OF US.


Liefully Himself (the lys tanke):

Dark Liefully (the mørk tanke):

Both of these Liefullys’ Mun (lol me):

I love all of you guys. You all rock. Even those of you who don’t follow all three of us. You rock too.

I love all my followers and Liefully loves all of his! (And damn he has a lot, omg. You’re all so amazing for sticking around and putting up with Liefully’s madness, seriously. Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. A LOT.)

…I’m sorry Dark Liefully’s an asshole and is suspicious of all of his followers though… I can’t make him be nice. He was just born that way. Sorry about him.