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Tag Archives: msromanov

[…but what are you going to do if someone unfollows you?]

((OOC: Lol nothing. I’ll just know. XD))


Oh, the things I do to the unlucky souls I capture. Just as the vessel says… there are worse things than death. And there are other places than the forrest that I go, that I live. My victims stay there too, until they exist no more.



((OOC: Oh thank you! I based it on what I know for critiquing art! XD Since I have a degree in art, lol. I can’t really critique writing so well. But I can critique the shit out of art. ovo))

ms-romanov replied to your post: Dalie didn’t set foot in the house for several…

[This makes me nervous…]

((OOC: It’s definitely not a good thing.))

ms-romanov replied to your post: krystalthedragonprincess replied to your post:…

((What about Dalie and Liefully watching a movie together and liveblogging?))

((OOC: I think they would have to be magic anoned to get along because Liefully hates Dalie and Dalie doesn’t have the patience to put up with Liefully. XD))

((OOC: I think he is actually drunk&high!dalie because he seems to be hallucinating. XD))

Thank you.

Are you all right?






Well, I did not ask for help. And I did not come to you, you approached me. So I see not why you wish to see a reaction from me. 

Fine, next time I won’t waste my time.

What’s wrong with you anyway?



…What matter is it to you? What would you gain from knowing?

You answer my question and I’ll answer yours.

Come on, just humor the pathetic mortal.

The one I loved with every fiber of my being has passed away and cannot be brought back. There. Satisfied?