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Tag Archives: meme

What are you to me (check all that apply)?
[] A stranger.
[] No one important.
[] An ant under my boot.
[] A pet.
[] A toy to mess with.
[] A source of entertainment.
[] Someone I would like to fuck.
[] Someone of romantic interest to me.
[] Other (will specify).

Where did I meet you?
[] In a club/at a bar.
[] On the streets.
[] I found your lost dog and brought it back to you. (Actually, I just used that as an excuse to come up to your door.)
[] I stole someone’s phone and found your contact information.
[] In a graveyard.
[] In your apartment, making myself at home.
[] In your kitchen where you found me rifling through your fridge.
[] In your bed. It was comfortable, by the way.
[] That one time I was swimming in a pool of blood.
[] One of your friends arranged a meeting with you.
[] I don’t even care where we met.
[] Other (will specify).

I think you (check all that apply):
[] Are a waste of molecular matter.
[] Are strange, odd, and/or weird.
[] Would look good covered in blood.
[] Would make a nice hood ornament.
[] Would taste good with a bit of red wine.
[] Are easy prey.
[] Are not worth my time.
[] Need to get me a pie before I shank you.
[] Are obnoxious.
[] Are fun to tease/mess with/scare.
[] Try too hard to gain my attention.
[] Are asking for trouble.
[] Are wasting my time having to fill this out for you.
[] Are my worst enemy reincarnated.
[] Are late.  Where’s my sandwich?
[] Are one of life’s greatest mysteries.
[] Other (will specify).

If you kissed me?
[] I would smile and laugh.
[] It would be a quickie.
[] It would involve tongue.
[] It would be aggressive.
[] I would softly bite your lip.
[] I would explore your neck and jaw.
[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember what happened last time?
[] I’d say that’s awkward…
[] I’d be shocked.
[] I would slap you.
[] I would push you away gently.
[] I would shove you away harshly.
[] We wouldn’t.
[] Lol no.
[] You would lose your tongue in a few seconds.
[] Other (will specify).

If you were caught in an explosion, I would:
[] Laugh in amusement.
[] Tell you to stop being a drama queen.
[] Check to see how injured you were.
[] Get upset that your blood got on my clothes.
[] Steal your wallet while you’re distracted with your broken limb.
[] Take your kidney while you’re passed out.
[] Pick you up and hang you by the legs in a nearby tree. (To ensure you don’t get hit by a car?)
[] Leave you there to die.
[] There was an explosion?

If I saw you right now, I would:
[] Steal your kidney.
[] Stab you with my knife.
[] Poke you in the eye.
[] Move into your apartment to piss you off.
[] Make you take my dog for a walk and hope you give her a bath as well.
[] Give you a hug while I whisper death threats in your ear.
[] Push you into oncoming traffic.
[] Tell my boyfriend “That’s the one who gave me a black eye!”
[] Yell at you.
[] Do nothing.
[] Other (will specify).

What I want from you (check all that apply):
[] A good laugh at your expense.
[] One of your limbs.
[] To test this questionable liquid substance.
[] A kiss.
[] Sex.
[] To be my bitch.
[] My money back.
[] To kiss my ass (figuratively).
[] To kiss my ass (literally).
[] To get hit by a car while I film it.
[] A sandwich.
[] A conversation.
[] Your blood.
[] Your soul.
[] A date.
[] To just shut up.
[] To just go away.
[] To give my dog a walk and a bath.
[] Your wallet.
[] Other (will specify).

Send me a ( # ) and I’ll fill this out. (Psychopath Edition)

Day #1: Your favorite character – Spider-Man
Day #2: Your favorite villain – Venom
Day #3: Your favorite diva – Does Loki count? If not, I’ll go with Tony Stark.
Day #4: Your favorite royal – Lol um… Dr. Doom. XD
Day #5: Your favorite team – The X-Men
Day #6: Your favorite organization – S.H.I.E.L.D.
Day #7: Your favorite creature – Lizard
Day #8: Your favorite movie – Fuuuuuuck. I like so many of them.
Day #9: Your favorite classic character – LOL CLASSIC? Well… I like Rogue…
Day #10: Your favorite costume – Um… Classic Storm had a badass outfit.
Day #11: Your favorite power – Mind powers are always cool.
Day #12: Your favorite weapon – Whatever Coulson used against Loki. XD
Day #13: Your least favorite character – Morbius XD But I still RPed him
Day #14: Your favorite romance – dfgsdgsdfgs SPIDER-MAN AND MARY JANE’S MARRIAGE UNTIL HE FUCKED THAT SHIT UP.
Day #15: The best rivalry – Omg, I love Spider-Man versus Venom, Eddie Brock Venom. Not that dweeb in the movies, but Comics Eddie Brock fdghdfhgdfh.
Day #16: The most powerful character – Um… I do not know… I’d say Lok but I’m biased plus as a villain he fails by default.
Day #17: Your favorite god – LOKI.
Day #18: Your favorite comic to screen character adaptation – Oh… I liked Wolverine.
Day #19: Your least favorite comic to screen character adaptation – Venom. Omg… I was crying.
Day #20: Your best casting of a character (if you were casting) – I never bother with trying to cast actors as characters. I don’t give a fuck.
Day #21: The most memorable death – COULSON NOOOOOOOOO.
Day #22: Your favorite universe/dimension – Marvel Zombies is a pretty wicked universe. XD
Day #23: The best form of transportation – LOL SPIDER-MAN’S WEB SLINGING. But only good for cities. So teleportation powers are always win.
Day #24: Your favorite cartoon adaptation – Spider-Man TAS
Day #25: Your favorite video game – I don’t play video games. I really liked the graphics for Spider-Man Web of Shadows, but I heard the game sucked.
Day #26: Your favorite elementalist – Um… Iceman.
Day #27: Your favorite non-human race – The Skrulls, okay? Okay.
Day #28: Your favorite comic time period – LOL. WHAT EVEN. Um modern time…
Day #29: Your favorite series you would suggest to read – Ultimate Spider-Man
Day #30: Your favorite Marvel Event – Civil War D:

Filling this out for Liefully because I’m bored. If you want, leave suggestions for some of the sections/questions in my ask box. I love feedback a ton. Maybe fill it out for your own character.

Three gifs from the end is your reaction when you first meet Loki:

50th gif is what you do when he asks you to/makes you join his army:

33rd gif is how you feel after defeating your first Avenger:

Apparently, Hawkeye has “joined” your side. 26th gif is your reaction:

47th gif is how you feel when Loki lets you try on his helmet:

Loki says he’s developing feelings for you. 11th gif is your reaction:

Oh dear, now Loki’s been captured. React with your 17th gif:

New York is being invaded by aliens! 35th gif is how you feel:

You run in to find Loki smashed and pulverized on the floor.Your 7th gif is how you respond:

Loki is being taken back to Asgard in a muzzle. 4th gif is how that makes you feel: