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Tag Archives: magic anonymous

These are all the spells from my “What do you see in my fortune today?” game.
All spells last 3 hours!: (or longer if your mun wants).
Gold: Everything my muse touches turns to gold. However, once the spell ends, everything turns back to normal. Affects living beings as well.
Darkness: My muse goes blind, but is thoroughly convinced that it is just night time.
Struggle: My muse becomes possessed by a demon. When someone says my muse’s name, my muse is able to gain control long enough to speak a single sentence.
Honesty: My muse becomes incapable of telling a lie.
Pink: My muse becomes very bashful around those they like, even if only a little. My muse can’t stop giggling when they’re near.
Confusion: My muse thinks they are someone else… My muse thinks they are an enemy of theirs!
Lost dog: A dog follows my muse everywhere they go. It keeps biting my muse’s legs and nothing my muse can do seems to make it go away.
Ghost: My muse thinks someone very special to them has died and appears to have returned to my muse in the form of a spirit. No one can reassure my muse they’re not dead.
Ringing: My muse keeps hearing what sounds like a phone going off constantly. As time progresses, my muse becomes more desperate to find where that sound is coming from to make it stop.
Surrender: My muse surrenders themselves to the next person they see (on your dashboard), willing to do anything they want my muse to do. ANYTHING.
Photography: My muse obtains incriminating photographs of one of their enemies (enemy’s mun decide what that is) and try to blackmail them with them. The photographs, and any possible copy of them, disappear when this spell ends.
White room: My muse is trapped in a blinding white room. Others cannot see what my muse sees. My muse can hear others, but they sound like they’re outside the room. If anyone touches my muse, they can see them, but then they too believe they have become stuck in this white room. The white room disappears when the spell ends.
Nudity: My muse thinks they have lost all their clothes or someone stole them. My muse becomes very delusional and try to search for them.
Baby: My muse’s internal clock insists they are running out of time. Procreation becomes my muse’s #1 objective, they don’t care who with. My muse tries to turn up the heat with everyone in sight, gender need not apply. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), my muse is infertile during this spell and immune to any diseases.
Fight: My muse tries to pick fights (verbal or physical) with everyone they talk to during this spell.
Double: Suddenly either a much younger version or a much older of my muse (mun decides) defies the laws of time and follows my muse around during this spell to share their input of my muse’s decisions and actions (whether it’s critical or not).
War: My muse tries to wage a war against the next person they see (on your dashboard). My muse tries to assemble a team to follow their orders and attack this individual.
Fruit: My muse finds a fruit in their kitchen. It looks ordinary enough so my muse decides to eat it. Once they bite into it, they see hallucinations on a mass scale.
Different: My muse behaves somewhat opposite from how they normally behave. (Good to evil or vice versa, likes become dislikes and vice versa, general mood and demeanor, anything.)
Coffee: My muse drank too much coffee so they become extremely energetic and hyped up.
Openness: All my muse’s thoughts become verbalized. There’s no hiding them. Whatever my muse thinks, they say.
Loss: My muse loses the ability to speak or communicate in any fashion. Not even a pen and paper does them any good.
Disorientation: My muse becomes extremely nauseous or dizzy every couple of minutes.
Cooking: My muse becomes obsessed to cook things and give them to everyone they see.
Fear: My muse develops a huge fear of the gender(s) they are normally very attracted to.
Happiness: My muse becomes extremely happy, peppy, or excited but doesn’t know why. It doesn’t matter though, nothing can break their smile.
Hunger: My muse develops a craving for a specific food or the first person they see (on your dashboard). Anon decides which. (This craving can be sexual or not. Your mun decides who/what the craving is for.)
Dancing: My muse starts dancing and doesn’t stop until this spell ends, even if they’re tired.
Chains: My muse becomes chained to the next person they see (on your dashboard). Nothing either of my muse or the other can do will break the chains. They break when this spell ends.
Sickness: My muse contracts a terrible cold. (Mun determines the manner of sickness and what the symptoms include.)
Love: My muse falls madly–and I mean MADLY–in love with the next person they see (on your dashboard).
Feel free to add more magic anons!: And don’t forget to have fun. 🙂

How this works: You send me the above question, and my muse “casts a spell” on yours (by using a random number generator, like Any instructions for muns are for “your” mun to decide, meaning not the mun of who’s casting the spell but the mun whose character receives it.
If your mun dislikes their fortune: Send another ask to me saying, “No! That can’t be my fortune! Please tell me you see something else!” and I will generate another random number.
All spells last 3 hours!: (or longer if your mun wants).
Here are the spells (numbered):
1: I see… gold, lot’s of gold. Everything you touch turns to gold. However, once the spell ends, everything turns back to normal. Careful not to touch living beings nonetheless…
2: I see… darkness. You go blind, but are thoroughly convinced that it is just night time.
3: I see… a struggle. You become possessed by a demon. When someone says your name, you are able to gain control long enough to speak a single sentence.
4: I see… honesty. You become incapable of telling a lie.
5: I see… red… no pink. You become very bashful around those you like, even if only a little. You can’t stop giggling when they’re near.
6: I see… confusion. You think you are someone else… you think you are an enemy of yours!
7: I see… a lost dog. A dog follows you everywhere you go. It keeps biting your legs and nothing you can do seems to make it go away.
8: I see… a ghost. You think someone very special to you has died and appears to have returned to you in the form of a spirit. No one can reassure you they’re not dead.
9: I see… no… hear… ringing. You keep hearing what sounds like a phone going off constantly. As time progresses, you become more desperate to find where that sound is coming from to make it stop.
10: I see… surrender. You surrender yourself to the next person you see (on your dashboard), willing to do anything they want you to do. ANYTHING.
11: I see… photography. You obtain incriminating photographs of one of your enemies (enemy’s mun decide what that is) and try to blackmail them with them. The photographs, and any possible copy of them, disappear when this spell ends.
12: I see… a white room. You think trapped in a blinding white room. Others cannot see what you see. You can hear others, but they sound like they’re outside the room. If anyone touches you, you can see them, but they too believe they have become stuck in this white room. The white room disappears when the spell ends.
13: I see… nudity. You think you lost all your clothes or someone stole them. You become very delusional and try to search for them.
14: I see… a baby. Your internal clock insists you are running out of time. Procreation becomes your #1 objective, you don’t care who with. You try to turn up the heat with everyone in sight, gender need not apply. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), you are infertile during this spell and immune to any diseases.
15: I see… a fight. You try to pick fights (verbal or physical) with everyone you talk to during this spell.
16: I see… double. Suddenly either a much younger version or a much older of yourself (your mun decides) defies the laws of time and follows you around during this spell to share their input of your decisions and actions (whether it’s critical or not).
17: I see… a war. You try to wage a war against the next person you see (on your dashboard). You try to assemble a team to follow your orders and attack this individual.
18: I see… a fruit. You find a fruit in your kitchen. It looks ordinary enough so you decide to eat it. Once you bite into it, you see hallucinations on a mass scale.
19: I see… something different… You behave somewhat opposite from how you normally behave. (Good to evil or vice versa, likes become dislikes and vice versa, general mood and demeanor, anything.)
20: I see… coffee. You drank too much coffee so you become extremely energetic and hyped up.
21: I see… openness. All your thoughts become verbalized. There’s no hiding them. Whatever you think, you say.
22: I see… a loss. You lose the ability to speak or communicate in any fashion. Not even a pen and paper does you any good.
23: I see… disorientation. You become extremely nauseous or dizzy every couple of minutes.
24: I see… cooking. You become obsessed to cook things and give them to everyone you see.
25: I see… fear. You develop a huge fear of the gender(s) you are normally very attracted to.
26: I see… happiness. You become extremely happy, peppy, or excited but you don’t know why. It doesn’t matter though, nothing can break your smile.
27: I see… hunger. You develop a craving for a specific food or the first person you see (on your dashboard). (This craving can be sexual or not. Your mun decides who/what the craving is for.)
28: I see… dancing. You start dancing and don’t stop until this spell ends, even if you’re tired.
29: I see… chains. You become chained to the next person you see (on your dashboard. Nothing either of you can do will break the chains. They break when this spell ends.
30: I see… sickness. You contract a terrible cold. (Your mun determines the manner of sickness and what the symptoms include.)
31: I see… love! You fall madly–and I mean MADLY–in love with the next person you see (on your dashboard).
Feel free to add more “fortunes”!: And don’t forget to have fun. 🙂

((OOC: ALSO, I’m going to make a magic anon game. Because I’m bored and it might be fun. ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR GENERAL MAGIC ANON SPELLS? LET’S HEAR IT. When I’m done, I’m going to post it on my liefullydarkloki account and reblog it here. I don’t want to have to see thousands of notifications of reblogs and likes [assuming it gets them] on Dalie’s main blog. XD))

((OOC: Magic Anon ideas for future reference.))