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Tag Archives: loki rper

((OOC: Okay, I have one starter from helen-nebetron for Liefully to respond to. Which he will soon. 🙂

I would greatly love it if more people interacted with him so I can revive this character because he’s not talking much since there’s no one to talk to and he’s not really the type to go forth and approach first.

So, feel free to write something and tag liefullyloki at any time you want.

Feel free to leave IC asks at any time for Liefully to respond to.

It doesn’t matter who your muse is. Everyone who hasn’t interacted with Liefully yet, your character is new to him and he new to your character. Easy as that. Everyone who has interacted with Liefully, please interact more. I miss you guys~

Please and thank you. ))

Okay, so there are a few of you who are new followers. o.o Hi, new followers… So I will just write some basic need-to-know stuff about Liefully here for you all (I apologize for the length in advance): 

  • Liefully’s blog has been running since May 16th, 2012 (truth)
  • Liefully is a post Thor/Avengers Loki. 
  • Liefully’s background: He is developed beyond those events and has been shaped because of the events that occurred in his life after Avengers. Liefully’s brother is SincerelyThor (though he will interact with any Thor). Liefully was taken and put away in Asgardian prison for three and a half years where he was neglected by family and the bulk of Asgardian society and beaten by the guards who were to watch his prison. His prison was covered with magic to deny Liefully’s ability to cast spells to free or protect himself, and certainly to make attacks. So he was only able to escape his abusive prison by the aid of a mysterious female alternate self that entered Liefully’s universe and took pity upon his situation. She wiped his recollection of her aiding his escape and sent him to Midgard. (His memories were restored 6 months later.) Liefully later encountered his brother, SincerelyThor, and discovered he was not neglected by his family by their choice. As it turned out, the guards had lied, saying Loki did not want to speak to anyone and absolutely refused to see anyone, even Thor and Frigga. The guards also denied Liefully his ability to write letters, claiming it was part of his punishment, and told him Thor never wrote to him, but Thor had wrote to him and the guards had simply kept his letters from Liefully. (The guards were extremely cruel and felt Liefully deserved his isolation since he was a frost giant and caused so much damage.) When Thor and Liefully discovered the truth on both sides of the story, Thor decided he didn’t want to take Liefully back to Asgard to be imprisoned and treated that way again. They struck a deal where Liefully could stay on Midgard in his exile, stay away from Asgard, and Thor would report back to Asgard and any who asked that he did not know where Loki was so long as Liefully behaved. 
  • Liefully’s living situation and background on Midgard: Liefully has lived on Midgard since January 16th, 2012 (headcanon). He started with nothing. He managed to steal back a few pieces of important property (his spellbooks and a few very rare herbs) from Asgard in the beginning and hid them away in the pocket of a floating space rock (a decent-sized asteroid) that travels a large circular path in the universe. Only Liefully (and Dalie) knows how to find this rock and can summon possessions from it and send possessions to it. Liefully began living on Midgard under the pretense he still had desires to rule Midgard. This was all a general hoax Liefully perpetuated and later abandoned. He eventually quieted himself and decided he would rather prefer to live a modest life of a commoner. For approximately 8 months, Liefully lived the lifestyle of a homeless drifter, with about 5 of those months spent in various homes of others willing to house him for two to three weeks at a time. He then acquired his own apartment after saving money from his own job that he hardly ever talks about and however soon after a series of events unfolded that kept him away from his home and put his life so much on pause he could not afford his rent two months in a row. (The first time he couldn’t afford to keep up his rent, he was offered financial aid by Sigyn, his close friend (Loyalty-In-Green), though he continued to spend too much time away from Midgard for various reasons that he couldn’t save the money he needed to pay his rent a second month.) He ended up moving in with Sigyn in Watkins Glen, New York with his kitten, Mischief when he revealed he faced homelessness. As of December 30th (today), that is his current place of residence, though Liefully left temporarily at first (mid-November) to avoid the threat of encountering Dalie, and ended up staying away for nearly a month. He spent that time living in a hotel in New York due to various events that kept him distracted from his return to living with Sigyn. 
  • Since Liefully lives on Midgard, Liefully wears Midgardian attire. One can see the style of clothing Liefully wears through this tag and the type of clothes Liefully wears specifically at home is marked with (at home) in the tags.
  • Liefully considers himself Cancer the Crab of the western zodiac (Here, you can find cancer traits that describe aspects of Liefully’s personality). He celebrates July 17th as his birthday (he stole the mun’s birthday). Liefully is currently 1,167 years of age, however he does not know his true age. He only knows he is approximately 1,100 years of age.
  • DalieIsInYourCloset is just as important to know about as Liefully is. Dalie is the darker half of Liefully, created by Liefully around July 16th, 2012 in a stress response to seeing Thanos speaking to those Liefully cared about. Dalie is referred to as “mørk tanke” (Old Norse for ‘dark thought’) by Liefully [and Liefully is referred to as “lys tanke” (Old Norse for ‘light thought’) by Dalie] for he originated purely as the dark thoughts of Liefully, designed to destroy Liefully’s relationships because Liefully developed this twisted logic that if he did not care about anyone then everyone would be safe from Thanos’ harm to get to him. Liefully’s lover snapped Liefully out of his self-destructive path and Dalie was thought to be subdued. Instead, Dalie managed to communicate through Liefully to TheWickedLoki (whom Dalie refers to now as Mentor) and struck a deal with the god to be given his own physical form. Dalie’s physical birth was July 23rd, 2012, in which Dalie was born in a full adult body complete with the memories of Liefully (seen by Dalie as though one would view a film, only as sound and sight, no sense of touch, taste, smell, or emotional feelings), however he has decided his birthday shall be celebrated on January 17th, as Dalie associates himself with the Capricorn zodiac. Ever since Dalie’s physical creation, he has terrorized Liefully and those Liefully cares about (not in any spiteful manner, but simply because he’s bored or just feels like it). At one time, Dalie nearly almost killed Liefully, however decided to cease his torture on Liefully when Liefully managed to strike his interest with a deal (which in the end only opened up a whole other can of worms for Liefully as it enabled negative magic anons). ((But this post is about Liefully, not Dalie, so I’m not going to talk about him anymore. Lol.))
  • Liefully has three pets, all of which are young kittens. The first is named Mischief, which he acquired mid-October. She is a grey American shorthair tabby. The second is named Magic, acquired late November. She is a white Scottish fold. The third is Mayhem, acquired the first day of December. He is a orange tabby Turkish Angora. 
  • Liefully loves various types of animals: Cats and most all of the feline genus are his favorite (this should be obvious). He also has a penchant for snakes, lizards, wolves, foxes, rats, bats, spiders, crows, sparrows, hawks, octopi, and finds various insects very interesting. Liefully has a heart for animals often misunderstood (such as snakes, sharks, and spiders, which are often feared, however often not as harmful as mortals assume them to be). Naturally, Liefully tends to express affection for infantile creatures. 
  • Liefully absolutely hates koalas and pandas. He is not a big fan of domesticated dogs, for the most part, though he will still tolerate their presence. 
  • Liefully has a huge sweet tooth. A hefty part of Liefully’s blog is dedicated to all the food Liefully likes.
  • Relationships: Liefully doesn’t have that many relationships. His brother, SincerelyThor, lives in Asgard and visits when he can. Liefully lives with his best friend, Loyalty-In-Green. He is friends with healinghandsx and other than that, Liefully is friendly to those who are friendly to him, for the most part. He deal with a lot of issues which sometimes makes him reluctant and wary of others. When he feels weak and tired, Liefully might act a little defensive and be suspicious of anyone he is unfamiliar with as he is in a vulnerable state. Liefully has had his share of enemies in the past. His biggest have either been subdued or left him be for the most part. He is constantly faced with the threat of being re-imprisoned in Asgard or being found by Thanos and being tortured once again (it has happened once before). Aside from those threats, Liefully’s largest threat is DalieIsInYourClosetAsgardianOutcast was Liefully’s lover from June 20th to December 25th (until his death). They had through an incredible amount of ventures together and loved each other more and more by the day. The only problems they ever had in their relationship were the magic anons that cursed Liefully to behave different from himself. Aside from that, their relationship was very stable. 

Some other need to know stuff about Liefully: 

  • He is not roleplayed with Alternate Universe threads. Everything that happens to Liefully is Mainverse for him. If he is sad because of something that happened in one thread, that’s going to affect how he acts toward everyone else. Liefully carries his whole life with him everywhere he goes (like a normal person would). 
  • Liefully suffers from PTSD, depression, and suicidal thoughts/tendencies. (Basically, he’s not healthy in the mind.) Liefully has had depression and suicidal thoughts/tendencies since his fall from the bifrost. He has had PTSD that diminished over time once from his experiences four years ago, then he had a lot of recent problems that triggered new PTSD symptoms. Liefully has become a completely different individual because of this and generally doesn’t sleep much at all and gets easily triggers by the sounds of chains or by hot water hitting his face or arms if he is not careful. His own scars can be triggering as well. Liefully suffers from panic attacks and various issues that come with PTSD (though such is not always RPed). 
  • Liefully is the type that prefers to have only one lover. Just recently his lover of nearly 6 months died. He loved him with all his heart so do not expect Liefully to be suddenly willing to get into another relationship so soon. (I’m not even sure if he will even want to ever again at this point.)
  • ((Mun is 23 years of age, though does not particularly like to write smut and will not write it just because one wants a smut thread with Liefully. For ethical and legal reasons, she will only write smut with persons 18 or older. Liefully is certainly not in the mood for spontaneous sex with strangers or people he barely knows and hasn’t been since June.))

Things you might want to read (I don’t expect you to click every link, though this is just a sort of directory for you if ever you’re curious ;D):

Here’s some Detailed Headcanons on Liefully that I’ve written on my (old) Mun Blog so far: 

Okay, I apologize for the long post. Though Liefully’s a detailed character. :’D Okay. I hope this educates some of you who are lost on this guy.))

((OOC: For anyone who’s interested, I tagged all the ♡ answers as “white loveheart” so you can find the full “story” as I guess it is of Liefully slowly stripping one article of clothing at a time.))

Um… hello? I know you’re there… Please talk to my character. Please?

It is ‘Munday’ as mortals call it. Here is a link to where you may find my mun.


My blogs:

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: is usually but for the month of October, I changed his URL.

//OOC: Everyone, I want to stock up on Magic Anons for my character. So send me lots, good or bad, whatever you can think of.

I have no plans to make LiefullyLoki a vampire but this is what his vampireness would consist of if ever there were some occasion in which Liefully somehow managed to become a vampire…


  • Liefully’s eye color changes depending on his mood and health. His eyes would be red when he is angry, upset, or weak from not feeding for a while, and gold on all other occasions. 
  • Liefully’s skin would appear pale as death, a little more pale than it already is.
  • Liefully does not sustain scars. Any scars Liefully has are scars he had before he was turned into a vampire.
  • Liefully would still have a reflection and a shadow.  
  • Liefully’s fangs retract. His fangs are his canine teeth, all four of them (the ones on his upper jaw and the ones on his bottom jaw). His bottom fangs are not as long as his upper fangs. When he sees blood, gets angry, or gets aroused, they pop out without his control. 
  • When he cries, he cries tears of blood. 


  • Liefully’s powers as a god are still present. Some of his god powers are heightened because of his vampirism. Liefully’s powers as a frost giant are still present however apparently unaltered by his vampirism.
  • Liefully’s strength doubles from being able to lift 50 tons to being able to lift 100 tons. 
  • Liefully’s senses are heightened from their already elevated status. He is able to see in a completely pitch black room with not straining effort as if it is merely a dimly lit one, he can hear a pin drop 75 miles away if he focuses enough, and he can smell aromas that dissipated weeks before. Liefully also gains thermal vision. Sense of taste and touch are not as significantly heightened but still a bit more so than before. 
  • Liefully’s mind powers are more effortless for him. He can read the minds of others that are several miles away, he can mind control beings with little effort, and he is able to erase and fabricate new memories in a being in a manner of seconds. He can bend the will of others, make them consciously do things against their will and force them to watch themselves doing said things against said will with no power to stop themselves. He is able to send his own memories to another individual through a kiss. 
  • Liefully gains the ability to control the sleep of another. He is also able to manipulate dreams. 
  • Liefully gains the ability to mind control animals. 
  • Liefully’s power of levitation increases to enable him the ability of flight at a speed that the human eye cannot see. He is also able to defy gravity by climbing walls and the ceiling. 
  • Liefully can heal wounds, his own or others’, instantly by using his blood, applying it like one would apply a cream or ointment. 
  • Liefully’s saliva has a temporary numbing effect, so it does not hurt around the area where he bites someone. 
  • Religious symbols such as crosses and things such as “holy water” have no effect on Liefully because he is a god, so trying to use religious deterrents would not work. He can still step inside churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. and hold books that have religious texts printed on them. 
  • Normally, a vampire would be killed through decapitation of their head, however because of Liefully’s god powers, decapitation has no affect on him.  
  • Liefully cannot drown to death because he does not breath. 
  • Along with the shape-shifting abilities Liefully already has, he is able to change his form into a mist, the only element he is able to turn into. 
  • Liefully gains the ability of necromancy, the ability to talk to the dead to see into the future. (Liefully already has some manner of necromancy power, but not to see into the future.) 
  • Liefully can find others by their auras stronger than before he was a vampire and can also manipulate them. He can manipulate another being’s aura to make them believe they are happy, sad, angry, etc. by changing the atmosphere around them. This wears off when he steps far enough away from his radius of control of them. 
  • If Liefully dies, he can become resurrected from his ashes some time after his death (the passage of a day and a night and another day). 


  • Liefully need an invitation to enter private residences. 
  • Liefully is allergic to copper. His skin has a violent reaction to contact with anything copper. 
  • A stake through his heart would not kill Liefully. It would just hurt a lot. 
  • Liefully can go into sunlight without bursting into flame. He can spend a few hours in sunlight before the sun causes a third-degree sun burn on his skin. If he stays in the sun too long, he will eventually burst into flame. The effects of sunlight can be staved off a little while longer if he uses something like sunscreen. His eyes are slightly sensitive to sunlight. Liefully remains light-shy and sticks to nocturnal activities. Expose to UV light of any kind has the same effect as being in sunlight but to a lesser extent. 
  • Liefully cannot consume solid foods. He can consume most liquids, other than blood. He becomes physically weak if he tries to consume solid foods. 
  • Exsanguination is fatal for Liefully. 
  • Fire severely harms Liefully, because he is a frost giant and a vampire. Fatality is undetermined.
  • A werewolf’s bite is like a mild poison to Liefully. It hurts and hinders to some extent, however does not kill him.
  • Some poisons and drugs can still affect Liefully, however they both have to be extremely toxic or potent (in other words, probably deadly to humans or other manner of beings) to have even the slightest bit of an affect on him. 
  • Liefully is more resistant to curses, however not completely immune. 
  • Some animals have an odd aversion to Liefully. Dogs tend to start barking in his presence. Many types of wildlife animals tend to get uneasy around him. Domesticated animals appear to behave better around Liefully than wildlife does. 
  • Liefully lost his ability to reproduce when he became a vampire. 

Blood and Liefully:

  • Liefully needs blood to survive. He can go a long time without consuming any blood, however eventually bloodthirst becomes more than just a controllable and dismissable craving of his. If he consumes the blood of a dead being, he does not die. Instead, he loses his powers and turns human temporarily. It depends on how much of the dead being’s blood he consumed that determines how long he remains in a fragile state. 
  • Liefully can consume blood from any being, be it human, animal, or some other species, since he is from Jotunheim, grew up in Asgard, and has lived on Midgard. 
  • Consuming his own blood or the blood of another vampire is poisonous to Liefully. If he consumes vampire blood for several days, he gets sick. If he consumes vampire blood for several weeks, he goes mentally insane. Sickness and mental insanity are not permanent and can be reversed by ceasing consumption of vampire blood and beginning to consume non-vampire blood. However, if he were to persist consuming vampire blood into mental insanity, his persisted habit of drinking vampire blood would eventually become fatal. 
  • If others consume Liefully’s blood, it is like taking a drug. It enhances their physical strengths and senses to the point they can hallucinate. It can also become addictive. It takes one drop of Liefully’s blood to enhance one’s strengths significantly. One may heal quickly and one’s physical endurance is greater than before. (No, Liefully cannot track others who drink his blood, and they do not get sexual fantasies involving him from drinking his blood.)
  • Liefully can animate a corpse that has been dead for less than 24 hours by giving it a few drops of his blood. The corpse is 100% under his control like a puppet. The animated corpse can only remain animated for no more than 72 hours after being given Liefully’s blood because the body continues to decompose until it cannot move anymore. Liefully’s blood only slow decomposition and gives the corpse temporary life, but the corpse is mindless for the most part, and completely soulless, not the being resurrected at all. 
  • Liefully would not turn anyone into a vampire, however how one gets turned into a vampire by Liefully is a complicated process. It is not easy on purpose. Liefully has to cut the tips of his own fingers and thumbs and then the tips of the fingers and thumbs of the being he is going to turn. He then has to place his finger tips against the finger tips of the one he’s going to turn and a blood transfusion begins. Liefully would get physically weaker temporarily when this occurs as he takes in the blood of the other while they take his blood. 

…Whelp… good thing Liefully is not a vampire. Because he sounds like he’d be a scary b. if he were… 

I have one to talk to roleplay buddies. Let me know if we roleplay and you have one.