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Tag Archives: loki rp blog

((OOC: Loki blogs who follow Dalie (newest followers to oldest followers):

  1. ravenlockedmischief
  2. exiledtrickster
  3. loki-godofcitrus
  4. thewildwinternightsorcerer
  5. unseeing-god
  6. offrostandfire
  7. tom-highdelsun
  8. icy-halfbreed-asgardian-prince
  9. frostbittenshadow
  10. bokunoloki
  11. chaos-prince-soon-to-be-king
  12. solipsistic-sinner
  13. brokenshadowofloki
  14. frostylittleloki
  15. iceprinceofasgard
  16. sewn-into-silence
  17. little-god-of-ice-and-fire
  18. the-would-be-king
  19. lostcloneofloki
  20. dearlittleprincessloki
  21. lokiraveenason
  22. thedarktricksterandliar
  23. thewasandshouldbeking
  24. youwillkneeltome
  25. charismatictrickster
  26. a-shadows-lie
  27. ask-swag-loki
  28. a-silvertongued-mischief-maker
  29. secondbornofmischief
  30. trickery-lies-and-frost
  31. lokilaufeysonkingoflies
  32. not-your-brother
  33. mischief-maker-loki
  34. firstborn-laufeyson
  35. iamyourtruedarkrulerloki
  36. green-mischief
  37. trickster-god
  38. freedomisjustalie
  39. themischievousprinceloki
  40. another—stolen—relic
  41. just-wanted-to-be-equal
  42. laufey-son
  43. godoftricksandlies
  44. son—of—secrets
  45. jotunprinceofmischief
  46. fallen-aesir
  47. i-am-themonster
  48. thetrickster-loki
  49. tesseract-stealer
  50. mischievousasgardian
  51. chance-at-redemption
  52. ravengod
  53. fatedtolose
  54. mayhemthroughmischief
  55. lokilordandmaster
  56. frostprinceloki
  57. xprince-of-asgardx
  58. exprinceoffrost
  59. asgardianliar
  60. askthegodofmischiefandlies
  61. ladyloki-countessofmischief
  62. loki—theskytraveller
  63. fallenprinceloki
  64. lokisonofnone
  65. falsifytruth
  66. arctic-laufeyson
  67. youwillallfallbeforeme
  68. loki-odinson-of-asgard
  69. princelokiofjotun
  70. lokilaufeysongodofchaos
  71. lokiofmidgard
  72. devilryinemerald
  73. daimonandbones
  74. yourlordlokicommandsyou
  75. ask-princess-loki
  76. greeneyedgodofmischief
  77. reign-of-loki
  78. yourlord-andking-loki
  79. king-of-lies-and-mischief
  80. ofliesandofmischief
  81. ask-loki-laufeyson-of-asgard
  82. icecoldsecrets
  83. lost-prince-of-asgard
  84. loki-king-of-mortals
  85. lokithesexgod
  86. loki-bringer-of-chaos
  87. freeyoufromfreedom
  88. frostbittendivinity

If you run a Loki blog and follow Dalie and your name isn’t on this list then:

  1. Your Loki blog is a sub-blog.
  2. Your Loki blog’s name and icon were not easily caught by my eyes.

This is a lot of Loki blogs (most of which never even interact with me :c *sad face*). Like wow. Y’all know Dalie’s not a Loki right?))

((OOC: Loki RP blogs that follow Liefully (newest followers to oldest followers):

  1. devilryandmischief
  2. silvertonguedmadness
  3. offrostandfire
  4. lokineinndottir
  5. lokilaufeydottir
  6. timelesslytragictrickster
  7. ravenlockedmischief
  8. exiledtrickster
  9. helmettrickster
  10. thewildwinternightsorcerer
  11. frostbittenshadow
  12. unseeing-god
  13. ladyofmischiefandlies
  14. ofancientwinters
  15. loki-theonewholies
  16. iceboundprince
  17. supercilious-pariah
  18. hiddenprinceofwinter
  19. notgoodenoughforodin
  20. sassyanddeceitful
  21. bokunoloki
  22. sewn-into-silence
  23. frostylittleloki
  24. asgardiangodofmischief
  25. guileless-run-away-prince
  26. broken—lies
  27. little-god-of-ice-and-fire
  28. mischiefwithabite
  29. emeraldgodoflies
  30. asgardian-frost
  31. thedarktricksterandliar
  32. norse-god-of-mischief
  33. divine-trickster
  34. imageofloki
  35. youwillkneeltome
  36. lostcloneofloki
  37. dearlittleprincessloki
  38. thesmallestfrostgiant
  39. secondbornofmischief
  40. a-shadows-lie
  41. a-silvertongued-mischief-maker
  42. illdestroytheirkind
  43. mischiefandflyte
  44. disordinanceandpride
  45. thewasandshouldbeking
  46. goldgreenandice
  47. the-demon-of-mischief
  48. bringer-of-ragnarok
  49. brokenshadowofloki
  50. yourlord-andking-loki
  51. not-your-brother
  52. green-mischief
  53. freedomisjustalie
  54. themischievousprinceloki
  55. another—stolen—relic
  56. laufey-son
  57. iamyourtruedarkrulerloki
  58. tesseract-stealer
  59. chance-at-redemption
  60. lokilordandmaster
  61. fallen-aesir
  62. secretgodofsex
  63. xprince-of-asgardx
  64. fatedtolose
  65. askthegodofmischiefandlies
  66. exprinceoffrost
  67. ravengod
  68. asgardianliar
  69. i-am-themonster
  70. yourlordlokicommandsyou
  71. frostprinceloki
  72. just-wanted-to-be-equal
  73. frozen-heart-frozen-soul
  74. jotunprinceofmischief
  75. thetrickster-loki
  76. cosmicdrifter-inactive
  77. loki-yourking
  78. ladyloki-countessofmischief
  79. mischievousasgardian
  80. mischievoustrickster
  81. solipsistic-sinner
  82. falsifytruth
  83. arctic-laufeyson
  84. lokiyourking
  85. in-the-end-you-will-always-kneel
  86. youwillallfallbeforeme
  87. princelokiofjotun
  88. lokilaufeysongodofchaos
  89. fallenprinceloki
  90. lokisonofnone
  91. princelysecrets
  92. askkingloki
  93. loki-thegodof-mischief
  94. lokithekingofmidgard
  95. ask-princess-loki
  96. icecoldsecrets
  97. loki-bringer-of-chaos
  98. llaufeydottirarchive
  99. loki—theskytraveller
  100. greeneyedgodofmischief
  101. silvertongued-magician
  102. lokitheferocious
  103. lokiofmidgard
  104. secondbestprince
  105. daimonandbones
  106. mayhemthroughmischief
  107. unwantedprince
  108. lost-prince-of-asgard
  109. yourlittlemischiefmakinggod
  110. ask-loki-laufeyson-of-asgard
  111. freeyoufromfreedom
  112. charismatictrickster
  113. king-of-lies-and-mischief
  114. themischievousprince
  115. thepranksterprince
  116. lyingtongue-deceitfulmouth
  117. thegorgeousladyloki
  118. theasgardianpirate
  119. loki-king-of-mortals
  120. young-loki
  121. thesilvertongueofasgard
  122. frostbittendivinity
  123. talentedmischiefmaker
  124. demi-godofmischief
  125. trickster-god
  126. lokigodofsexandsnark
  127. ask-swag-loki
  128. asklittleloki
  129. sincerelyloki
  130. reign-of-loki (Liefully’s #1 follower still following and still active. Like wow. Forever mind blown.)

If you run a Loki blog and follow Liefully and your name isn’t on this list then:

  1. Your Loki blog is a sub-blog.
  2. Your Loki blog’s name and icon were not easily caught by my eyes.

That awkward moment when you realize a lot of Loki blogs follow you, some of them are inactive, and most of the active ones don’t interact with you. ;u;))