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Tag Archives: Loki Rp


“A misconception, surely. Here there is no god of mischief that he so wrought. Here there is a god who mischief sought.”

((OOC: Ah! No, I’ve lost all my threads again, I have no idea who I owe. XD Can you send me a link?))

“My apologies. Did you say something?”

Mmm, I would quite like to sit and “chat” with someone, yes. Just a little chat, as mortals call them. Are you up to the task? 



Not just your own location. It shows from where one visits this space. Should there be more than one visitor, all shall be accounted for.

“…No, I have not been to Belgium. I am not certain I even know where that is located.” 

“I just… do not know anymore.” He paused, sure he was going to say more yet his mind went blank. He struggled with forgiveness. He wasn’t even sure if he knew what it was. For centuries he could look beyond a person’s slights, slurs, offenses if he knew they loved him and generally meant well. Though for nearly a year, Loki felt like that was completely gone. While it was a little clearer now why the thunderer vanished from his life, it didn’t change how that abandonment felt. It hurt him. It hurt him that Thor didn’t warn him he would be gone. It hurt him that Thor didn’t try to ensure a message reached Loki. Things were different now. When Loki was a part of Asgard, he knew why Thor would leave. He knew about wars. But now, he was on Midgard, exiled from Asgard. So any developments with Asgard were no longer privy to him. It hurt that he was so quickly outcasted from a society that was his life for a millennia and a half. “Would you forget me so easily again? Would you not provide a greater effort?” 

He blamed himself for this more than anything else. Had he taken proper care of himself, he wouldn’t have been so defenseless and unable to tend to his own wounds which were proving to be fatal. He shook his head when she started speaking, “No…” He didn’t want her to cause harm to herself trying to help him. He lifted one hand, stained in his blood—not like that wasn’t the first time—and spoke despite how crushed his windpipe felt, “No…” He closed his eyes and rested his head on his left shoulder as his eyebrows furrowed in response to the pain, “I died a long time ago.” 

He stepped back, a little flustered. “Sorry—I—” he tried, though instead he decided to step back further, eventually turning so his back faced her. “My apologies, I will not do that again.”