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Tag Archives: LMAO JEBUS.

Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

I have no idea what to put up here (but it’s still nsfw)

Dark Liefully was going to take him, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. 

FreeYou squirmed in discomfort at the unfamiliar feeling of Dark Liefully’s finger inside of him. It wasn’t painful, but it didn’t feel very good either. As it moved in and out of him, the sensation began to change from strange to pleasurable. Soon he was whimpering softly, saliva starting to accumulate around the edge of his mouth. “Thou art enjoying thyself, ye harlot.” Dark Liefully said as he curled and twisted his finger, trying to loosen FreeYou up for what was to come. FreeYou’s face heated up in embarrassment, hating the humiliating position he was in.

FreeYou’s heart jolted as he felt Dark Liefully putting another finger into him. This time he could feel a stinging pain, and his whimpers changed to those of displeasure. Dark Liefully disregarded FreeYou’s sounds of protest, and continued to ease his middle finger into his tight passage, carefully stretching him. FreeYou’s breath was coming in ragged pants as he struggled to adjust to the intruding digits. Soon he had two fingers pumping in and out of him, scissoring and loosening him up. Before the pain completely faded, Dark Liefully added a third finger, harshly stretching FreeYou’s virgin entrance. FreeYou yelped in pain and desperately tried to pull himself away from his twisted twin.

“What is the matter?” Dark Liefully asked as he forcefully thrust his fingers into FreeYou. “I thought thou liked being filled, being fucked by mine hand.” FreeYou’s eyes blurred over with tears as he fought against the pain of being so harshly filled. The burning pain faded to a subtle sting as the pleasurable sensations became more and more prominent. Finally the pain was almost gone and FreeYou couldn’t stop himself from twitching his hips slightly in time with Dark Liefully’s thrusts. “Look at thyself!” Dark Liefully teased. “Taking mine fingers like some wanton whore. You love this, do thee not? Ye love being violated by me.”

 FreeYou desperately tried to block out Dark Liefully’s words. He wished Dark Liefully would at least untie his hands, the pleasure of Dark Liefully’s fingers moving within him was not enough to block out the pain of hanging by them. The leather gag was beginning to cut the sides of his mouth, and a small trickle of blood was forming, mixing with his drool. He yelped as Dark Liefully’s other hand returned to his nipples, pinching and scratching at them. He twitched and jerked at the assault on his senses, the pain mixing with the pleasure. Suddenly, Dark Liefully’s mouth was back on his neck, biting and sucking greedily until he drew blood. Pulling back, he licked his lips and hungrily and withdrew his fingers from FreeYou’s body, causing him to let out a gasp of surprise.

“I think thou art ready now,” Dark Liefully said, grinning in anticipation. FreeYou’s eyes widened in horror, and his hole twitched in discomfort at the sudden feeling of emptiness. Dark Liefully waved his hand, and FreeYou gave a muffled noise of surprise as he was taken down from the wall, only to be thrown carelessly face up onto the hard, cold floor. Dark Liefully smirked as FreeYou cried out in pain. “Ye despise contact, nay?” Dark Liefully asked teasingly. “Well, it would be best if thou became accustomed to it soon.” FreeYou watched in fear as Dark Liefully’s clothes vanished, his hard cock standing proud for him to see. He kneeled down and forcefully grabbed FreeYou’s legs, forcing them apart. He lined up his cock and grinned sadistically when FreeYou started squirming and making desperate noises of protest. FreeYou stilled instantly as he felt Dark Liefully pressing against his entrance. His entire body froze up in fear as he closed his eyes, trying to deny the situation was occurring at all. 


I am sure mine twin will enjoy reading this if he does. Ehehehehehe. I know I did.


Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

The story continues… (nsfw)

“You,” Dark Liefully whispered, “Are mine.”

FreeYou gave an involuntary gasp at the implications of what Dark Liefully said. So he really was going to take him. FreeYou closed his eyes, his heart pounding in fear. This couldn’t be happening; this emotionless version of himself couldn’t possibly bed him. Dark Liefully regarded him in amusement. “Having fun?” he asked teasingly. FreeYou opened his eyes and glared in response. Dark Liefully shook his head. “That is no way to behave. Come now, enjoy thyself, it shall make the time much more pleasurable.” FreeYou clenched his eyes shut once more, praying for escape, praying to be anywhere but here.

Dark Liefully leaned forward and grazed his teeth lightly down FreeYou’s neck. FreeYou shuddered and felt goose bumps forming on his arms. Dark Liefully ran his teeth over his collarbone and down to his chest. FreeYou felt a sudden stinging pleasure as Dark Liefully attacked his nipple, raking his teeth over the little nub, causing FreeYou to whimper and thrash. The sensation suddenly intensified as Dark Liefully brought his hand to his other nipple and started pinching and rolling it relentlessly. FreeYou barely had time to register it before he felt Dark Liefully’s other hand trace its way down his stomach, towards his growing erection.

FreeYou tugged desperately at his bonds, still whining and shaking from Dark Liefully’s attentions. Suddenly, FreeYou saw stars as Dark Liefully grasped his cock firmly and started to stroke it. He gave a delicious groan and bucked senselessly into Dark Liefully’s grip, thighs quivering. Dark Liefully removed himself from FreeYou’s chest to smile menacingly at him, still stroking his dick confidently. “I see that mine ministrations are finally getting through to thee,” he purred as FreeYou quaked and groaned. “Or would thou prefer if I stopped? I would not want to overwhelm thee.”

FreeYou’s eyes shot open and he let out a cry. Please, release me. Release me and I shall leave you alone. He cursed the gag that prevented him from voicing his thoughts. Dark Liefully slowed his movements to a stop, choosing instead to run his thumb teasingly over the head of FreeYou’s cock. FreeYou shivered and clenched his jaw as tightly as he could around the gag to stop himself from whimpering. “Is this more thy speed?” Dark Liefully asked, rubbing gentle circles over his tip. FreeYou could feel his self-restraint slipping as the burning in his groin increased. After another minute of the seemingly endless torture, FreeYou couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t care how he looked, he needed something more than those ghosting touches, barely stimulating his throbbing flesh. He let out a sharp whine and jerked his hips forward, groaning as his cock pressed into Dark Liefully’s hand. 

Dark Liefully gave a small chuckle. “Thou art pleased with my actions? Allow me to continue.” FreeYou yelped in protest before Dark Liefully grasped his arousal and began to quickly stroke it. FreeYou gasped as his mind was suddenly fogged over with pleasure. But he was jerked back into reality as he felt a finger circling around his hole.

“Mmmf!” he shouted, twisting around violently, trying to escape.

“Hold still now, my twin,” Dark Liefully said with mock concern, “We wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” FreeYou stopped struggling and simply stared at Dark Liefully in desperation, willing him to end this now. He whimpered as he felt the finger press gently into him, destroying any hope that this was merely some kind of sick joke. Dark Liefully was going to take him, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. 


You are a very naughty writer. I think I like that about you. Ehehehehe.
