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Tag Archives: liemunade

((OOC: I changed the icon I use on my mun blog for the first time since like August or something. I like it.))

I got this idea from ghost-white-gorgeous. I’d like to know more about my followers! 😀 All of you guys!

^-^ If you would, I’d like to know:

  • Your real name and/or the name you typically go by
  • Where you are from and where you live now 
  • What you like about your current residence
  • What your URL means
  • Your favorite color(s), animal(s), band(s)/musician(s), etc.
  • Some of your hobbies and interests
  • Why you follow me 🙂 
  • How long you have been following me 
  • What you like about my blog(s) (feel free to suggest improvements as well)
  • What your New Year’s resolution is
  • What keeps you going everyday 
  • Any random fact about yourself 😀 (say as much as you’d like)

Please tell me HERE♥ OR HERE♥

I would love to know! You do not have to tell me everything, but I would like to learn something. Happy New Year, everyone. 

—Liefullymun (a.k.a. Arielle)

((OOC: Casual reminder I have multiple blogs.

  • LiefullyLoki – Post Thor/Avengers Loki, the original Loki whose mind that Dalie comes from. He’s generally nice. Lately, he is currently in the middle of a grieving process as his lover, very close to his heart, died and isn’t coming back.
  • DalieIsInYourCloset – The dark thought of Liefully. His name “Dalie” derived from the full name Dark Liefully. Of all my blogs, Dalie’s blog is the most NSFW blog, containing a lot of violence, gore, drugs, alcohol, and sex, among other things. XD
  • LiefullyMun – The blog is now called “Liemunade” for fun. That’s my OOC blog, where I post things not always to do with my characters. I also write headcanons sometimes.
  • ArtofTruthandLies – Newest addition, my OC, Livvy Williamson. I admit, I need to reply to lots of threads for her. But she kind of took a break and noped the fuck out dealing with so many Lokis. XD She’ll come back soon enough.

That’s all. I’m going to bed now.))

((OOC: I should change my mun blog name to like ‘liemun’ or ‘liemunade’ (since liemun’ sounds almost like ‘lemon’) instead of liefullymun since all my muses have ‘lie’ in their URLs, but not necessarily ‘liefully’. 
