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Tag Archives: liefullyloki

((OOC: Hmm. It’s been a long time since Dalie and Liefully have interacted.


And Liefully is completely okay with this.))


  • I scrolled through the first few pages of this person’s blog and there’s a lot of nostalgia and funny stuff here. XD 
  • The blog has strange use of colors but I kind of dig it. B-) 
  • Yep, you should visit this blog, it’s pretty nice. 


  • Okay well first of all gemma-mun should win the person of the year award as far as I’m concerned. She’s a really great mun and incredibly generous, so much so that I’m like ‘dbgdszgfhagh’
  • Her muse is an OC but she has others. I actually quite like her OC. In no way is she a mary sue, she’s actually impressively fleshed out and you just don’t see enough OCs so well thought out like this one. The mun is also able to roleplay AUs with her muses which is pretty cool. (I mean, I can’t do that.)
  • I can probably say a lot of things but I’ll keep it at that. You should at least visit her blog, if not follow her. She’s great. Her muses are great. Her blogs are great. 


  • Here’s someone whose blog isn’t an RP blog but very similar to one, centralizing on BBC Sherlock as the main theme of content. 
  • The blog’s theme is a very clean and pale theme, it looks gorgeous. 
  • They don’t post much of their writing but the bit they have shared is well-written. 

Just three people this time since not 20 people responded to the promo post. XD (I’m only counting people who followed me before the post was made. )


  • This is a Tony Stark RPer that I haven’t quite RPed enough with, but I liked what we RPed so far. 
  • Also a fun mun to talk to. 
  • Likes Angel, the tv series. So lots of extra brownie points for that. 
  • Also, I’ve always liked their blog’s theme. :3 


  • Here’s a Jotun!Loki RP blog. 😀 They just followed me recently so hopefully we will RP some time. 
  • Very lovely blue blog, I like the layout. :3
  • Expected content here would be RP and Jotun Loki. 


  • Not a RPer! Yay 😀 
  • Very interesting blog theme, it’s focus appears to be presenting visuals. 
  • She has a lot of lovely little things found on her blog, like photos, GIFs, and quotes. I’m even tempted to reblog some. XD
  • You should definitely check her blog out at least. 


  • This is another personal blog. 
  • One can find a plethora of things reblogged here. It’s actually fun to see what content is here. There are a few really thought-provoking photographs in here and all sorts of fandoms. It’s got a nice bit of diversity. 🙂


  • Wow check this out, a ‘The Hobbit’ RPer. 😀 This individual RPs Radagast from The Hobbit. 
  • Actually no, this mun has a muse for every day of the year. I’m not even going to try to list all her muses. But!!! Her Barton is my other favorite Barton. XD
  • Very nice blog here, I like the dark colors. 
  • The mun is very nice and if you follow her personal blog, there’s a lot of funny stuff she posts there which I tend to reblog. XD
  • Also, apparently the mun’s feet smell like dark chocolate and that’s kind of cool. My feet just stink. :/ So go smell her feet, I mean check out her blog(s). 😀 


  • First of all, great Lokimun! Fun to talk to. :3
  • As far as I can tell, this Loki muse is naughty. XD 
  • She has a nice blog theme as well. 
  • Would recommend. 
  • Also she needs to RP with me more. 


  • This is a Tony Stark RP blog. 😀 She moved her blog some time ago, you might have seen it, egoisticengineer.
  • The mun is a lot like Stark in some ways, or so I’ve heard. She’s also very nice and caring.
  • Will roleplay with anyone as far as I can tell. (She also needs to RP with me more. XD)


  • BB is like one of my favorite Bartons (one of two). 😀 And she also RPs as Banner (obviously one could tell by the name). 
  • Great mun, super nice, fun to talk to! Does not deserve a single one of the mean anons she gets. But she deals with it a ton better than I do so she gets many kudos from me. 
  • Also knows multiple languages which is wintastic.
  • just…image


  • Here’s an OC RPer! Give them love! 😀
  • Fun to RP with though I have not RPed with them enough. -cry- 
  • All sorts of interesting content posted on this blog. :3


  • First of all, not an RPer from what I can tell! (Oh snap!)
  • Has had this blog for 3 years (double oh snap!)
  • All sorts of things found here, like Marvel, DC, Homestuck, Star Trek, etc. Fun to go through the archive for sure. :3 
  • Also I want to know who made that image used as the backgrund too. It’s got some pretty sweet tiling action going on.


  • First of all, this is a really talented Loki RPer. If you don’t already follow her, you should.
  • Great individual, just as sweet at her Loki is (who’s super adorable). 
  • You can expect RP and Thor-Loki content here. 


  • Here’s a Black Widow RPer! I’ve not had the fortune to RP with her. 
  • Her blog looks nice, has a central color theme going on, is overall clean and utilizes the space on the page. 
  • Mixture of posts, both RP and reblogs of funny/interesting content. 


  • Okay first of all SESSHOMARU. 
  • No seriously, that’s all you need to know about this blog. 
  • Okay, okay, I’ll say the music’s nice and the blog theme is badass. 
  • Expected content here is RP and SESSHOMARU. 
  • ((In case it’s not apparent already, InuYasha was like my first fandom love.))


  • Here’s another Loki RPer. Why we haven’t RPed yet is beyond me. XD But from the little interaction I’ve had with them, they seem nice. 
  • Sexy blog theme is sexy. Seriously.
  • And there is mischief of many types in this blog. 


  • Okay, first of all I like their icon. XD
  • Uses a lot of GIFs (Yay!) in their RP. 
  • You can expect RP, Loki and Tom Hiddleston here. 

((OOC: So apparently Tumblr’s not sending messages!! I’ve had two people come to my inbox asking if I got ____ and I didn’t. So… I’m going to wipe out my inbox completely (except for that ask I got today). Resend anything please!))

((OOC: I decided to mess with liefully’s Google+ profile. I uploaded a looot of photos and screenshots and art relating to Loki, Liefully, and Dalie. You can check it all out here.))

Redirect to Liemunade

((OOC: So in case anyone missed it before, I’m taking a hiatus from Tumblr. 

That’s all. Hope all my lovely followers are doing well. Bye bye for now.))

((OOC: In retrospect, if you ever posted anything mentioning my “deactivation” the other day, tag it so I can see it. XD I never deactivated, it was just a simple change of the Tumblr theme code and my username. I still have to reinstall the tumblr theme codes for my mun blogs. XD))