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Tag Archives: liefully-loki

((OOC: So since Asgardian’s mun and I aren’t able to get along out of character and I have said I refuse to continue roleplaying if we cannot find some way to get along, we’re basically not roleplaying anymore. It’s unfortunate. I was actually hoping we could try to maybe find something new to like together since we don’t like anything we both currently like. But that’s not going to happen. She doesn’t want to deal with an OOC relationship with me. I think it’s really extreme to kill off one’s muse though. But oh well, it’s her decision to do that. 

As for me, I think I will likely put Liefully on a hiatus. He is depressed now that he is alone again. And when he’s depressed, he doesn’t want to interact and talk, unfortunately. So Liefully’s on a hiatus for an unknown period of time. I will try to get him to interact and maybe he will. If he does, then he does. But I cannot force Liefully to interact when he’s sad.

I will still be roleplaying Dalie, and my new muse, Livvy. So if you don’t already, go ahead and follow one or both of them. Keep in mind though, Dalie posts a lot of triggering and NSFW content. I imagine the only type of NSFW stuff Livvy will post will be nude art, which I don’t find so inappropriate half the time anyway. My taste in artistic nude is often very tasteful (people have told me).

I just made Livvy today, you should totally go say hi to her! (Please?) :3 ))

RP-related Blogs:

  • LiefullyLoki: [Generally nice Loki] Marvel Movieverse Loki with Marvel Comic and Mythological ties as well. Developed beyond the Marvel movies.
  • DalieIsInYourCloset: [Generally violent Loki] Something of an AU/OC Loki, has Liefully’s memories, though is counted in a league of his own.
  • LiefullyMun: [OOC Blog for the two Lokis] Mun of the two Lokis, blog where OOC posts and Headcanons are made, along with random non-Loki related reblogs.

To start: I’m not leaving anyone out intentionally. It’s definitely hard to keep up with everyone my muses encounter. Liefully’s been here since May 16th, 2012 and Dalie’s been here since July 23rd, 2012, so they’ve had a lot of time to encounter many. Some have not talked to them enough to make an impression on them (though I do remember many) so a relationship hasn’t been formed. And some have not talked to them in a long while that whatever relationship they’ve had has slightly deteriorated.

My muses will talk to anyone. I cannot force them to get along with anyone’s muse, of course. They have their own prejudices and they also have certain moods they’re in that determine how they react to new encounters. Though just because my muse doesn’t get along with another muse doesn’t mean I, the mun, dislike the muse or their mun.


Liefully has the following RPer relationships:

  • A canon brother: SincerelyThor
  • A lover: AsgardianOutcast [Loki]
  • A best friend: Loyalty-In-Green [Sigyn]
  • Other friends: QuinniexBurrows, QuietSilverFox, TanHu, Cheryl1967, bastila-shan, SheoftheUnconquerableHeart
  • A Deadmau5: Strobemau5
  • A Romanov: RedHairedAssassin (although she deleted ;A;)
  • A Steve: BehindtheStripes
  • A couple Starks, neither canon to his universe, I do not think: give-me-a-scotch, technogodstark
  • A Jarvis: SnarkyAI
  • An assassin on his tail: loki-askthegodofmischief (Nadia)
  • Ex-lovers: talentedtrickster, loki-thetrueking, ask-the-god-of-mischef (maybe), Strobemau5, EloquentlyLoki
  • An ex-wife: AskSigynLaufeyson
  • Mortals who frequently talk to him: heathermlly, lokiandtheavengers
  • Odin’s ravens: hugninnandmuninn
  • Several alternate selves: [not even going to try to list them all]

NPC Relationships for Liefully:

  • His kitten: Mischief
  • His niece (?): Laila Lokadottir
  • His sons: Fenrir, Jormungandr, Sleipnir, Vali, Narfi, Vendel
  • His daughters: Hel, Sophia Kata Romanov-Lokadottir
  • His biological father: Laufey [deceased]
  • His late lover, an AU Tony Stark of the 4400s.

Liefully doesn’t have:

  • A Hulk
  • A Barton [though he speaks to archerassassinbarton sometimes]
  • An Amora
  • An Angrboda
  • A Sif
  • Other Thors [they wouldn’t be his canon brother but he’d still talk to them]
  • Other Non-Avengers characters
  • He’s open to talk to OCs too 😉


Dalie has the following RPer relationships:

  • A complicated love interest: detective-martinsson [pixiesingoldenhair]
  • A resident cat: Molly—the—cat
  • A sassy oblivion: SassyOblivion
  • A Slenderman: SlenderMench [owned by Dalie]
  • A Barton: allseeingeyes-bwnat
  • Several Starks, none canon to his universe, I do not think: give-me-a-scotch, technogodstark, starknakedwithagodcomplex
  • A Joker: nonamenotheralias
  • A Freddy Kruger: elmstreetlegend
  • Mortals who frequently talk to him: laura-of-rangsdorf, heathermlly, bastila-shan, Cheryl1967, Blindspot-RP
  • A Shipper: Freefully Shipper ;D
  • Ex sexual partners: TheWickedLoki, FreeYouFromFreedom, PapaThanos, TheRealPapaThanos, Strobemau5, SheoftheUnconquerableHeart (I am assuming they did things), LokiLaufeysonGodofChaos, and probably many others…
  • His murderer: PrinceofFrost
  • Several alternate selves: [not even going to try to list them all]

NPC Relationships for Dalie:

  • His twins from Thanos [taken form him]
  • His daughter: Laila Lokadottir [adopted by Loyalty-in-Green]
  • His wolf: Bundy [deceased]

Dalie doesn’t have:

  • A Romanov [though he talks to ms-romanov frequently]
  • A Steve
  • A Hulk
  • A Thor [they wouldn’t be brothers, fyi]
  • Other Non-Avengers characters
  • He’s open to talk to probably torture OCs too 😉

I am changing a few things in the story of Liefully and his late lover, Tony Stark of another universe. I’m doing this for the reason being that it doesn’t make sense for him to have a culture shock when coming to Midgard when he lived with Stark for maybe 20 to 30 years on Midgard long before the events that occurred in the movie, Thor. So my solution is going to be a simple one. Since it’s an alternate reality, the technology was super advanced. I’m going to pull from my concepts that I created for an original story plot I named Chrysanthia, and say this particular AU Stark was from the 4400’s, so there were advanced technologies and an advanced people that Liefully had to blend in with. The culture of the 4400’s is EXTREMELY different from the culture of the 2000’s. So this is my explanation why Liefully is basically having to “re-educate” himself on Midgardian culture. Because the culture he encountered in Stark’s universe was vastly different from the culture in his present universe.

I will now write my headcanon for Liefully and his late lover Stark currently:

Once upon a time ago, long before Liefully discovered he was a Jotun, before he fell from the bifrost, before all of that, he one day tripped into a portal that landed him into another reality. Before this event, Liefully had an extremely limited knowledge of alternate dimensions. He discovered, to his surprise, there was a Thor in this realm, but there was no Loki. The Loki in this alternate reality had died and failed to come back to life. Liefully decided to take that Loki’s place for a time, since he was unable to figure out how to get out of the alternate reality that he managed to stumble into.

Liefully found what happened to the Loki in this universe a bit interesting. This universe, he had soon discovered upon arriving, was a futuristic universe, though many of the entities that existed in Liefully’s realm existed in this universe’s present, which was another thing Liefully found curious. Liefully discovered the Loki in this particular universe had slaughtered Odin to gain power of Asgard, though Thor stopped Loki from obtaining the throne. He also discovered this Loki tried to raise an army from first Niflheim, by making a deal with “Hela,” as she was called in this universe, to take over Muspelheim in an effort to bend them to his will. The action of going into Muspelheim with an army of dead souls lead to Loki’s own death, and since he failed in his deal to Hela, she refused his exit from Niflheim.

Thor of this universe took Liefully to Midgard and introduced him to various others, such as Stark, Deadpool, Spider-Man, and the X-Men. Liefully learned of Thor’s relation to each individual, who Thor got along with and who he didn’t. Liefully soon discovered that Thor and Captain America both really hated Stark, there was a lot of in-house fighting among the Avengers. (In this universe, the Avengers consisted of Stark, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Antman, the Wasp, and the Black Panther. Spiderman and Wolverine sometimes tagged along, though not as much.)

After some time, Liefully and Thor got into a sibling fight of some kind, so Liefully decided to get back at Thor by making his life awkward. Liefully took possession of Sif’s body because she was Thor’s true love. Thor became upset, however there was nothing he could do to stop Liefully because harming Liefully would harm Sif. So he had to comply to Liefully. Later on, Liefully and Thor went to a bar where Tony, then very drunk, began to hit on fem-Loki, not knowing it was Loki. Thor became increasingly upset because he hates Stark, finding him rather idiotic and chaotic, despite supposedly being a genius. Thor threatened Stark for hitting on fem-Liefully, though Liefully told Thor to back off. He wasn’t interested in Stark, however seeing how upset Thor got by Stark hitting on Liefully-possessing-Sif’s-body, Liefully decided to spend more time around Stark just to intentionally piss Thor off. Liefully then seduced Stark, made Stark interested in Liefully to ensure he could upset Thor.

What Liefully soon discovered was Stark was rather chaotic and destructive because of his constant state of drunkenness. Most found that chaotic and destructive behavior obnoxious and despised Stark for his dangerous actions and idiotic ramblings. However, Liefully only found amusement in them. Perhaps it had something to do with Liefully being a playful god of mischief, perhaps not. Nonetheless, Liefully became increasingly attached to Stark’s destructive patterns. This particular Stark was well known to be so often drunk that he would so often accidentally crash through buildings, fall into cars, blast holes through walls, etc. He also rambled on, saying lame pick up lines, cheesy things, rather blunt and inappropriate jokes at times, and was a constant flirt. Liefully soon came to absolutely love it.

Soon Liefully convinced the often inebriated Stark to go out and destroy things with Loki, or cause a bit of mayhem and mischief in various cities. Stark, in nature, was not a bad guy, though he was easily manipulated and misguided to do bad things when he was drunk. Whenever he did sober up, he would get in fights with Liefully about the things they did and would try to reason with Liefully that it wasn’t right. Liefully often found ways to calm him down, either through words or seduction. If not, Stark would just storm off and vent for a while and eventually come back.

Over time, Liefully settled down with Stark and stopped driving him to be so destructive. The destructive behaviors were only interesting for so long, and soon Liefully became more interested in Stark as a whole. Over time, Stark too began to change and stopped focusing on the fact that his girlfriend was appealing to look at and was really starting to appreciate Liefully for Liefully’s personality and the care and dedication that Liefully gave to Stark, where many others would not.

Liefully was pretty open and honest with Stark after a while. While Liefully had told Stark since the beginning that he was actually Loki possessing Sif’s body, there were many other things Liefully kept to himself and didn’t even tell the Thor of this universe. Liefully went into explaining the situation he got in, telling Stark he was a Loki from a different universe and accidentally got trapped in Stark’s universe to discover the Loki of his universe was long dead. Liefully also went on to explain the situation in his own universe, telling Stark he was married to Sigyn for several hundreds of years and was currently royalty in Asgard, or at least he was before he disappeared. Stark was upset to hear Liefully was already married and felt cheated in some way and didn’t talk to Liefully for a short time. Eventually Stark came around and the two of them simply did not speak about marriage together or even the possibility of having children, which neither even wanted anyway.

Liefully spent somewhere around 20 to 30 years with Stark. He had first encountered the mortal when he was still pretty young. Their relationship was pretty open and carefree, despite many of the initial protests of Thor, the Avengers, and various other super-beings and friends of Stark who knew of Loki’s negative antics. Though aside from the protests from such people, Liefully and Stark didn’t face much other opposition and the only enemies they ever really worried about were Stark’s enemies, which Liefully would often provide help in defeating from time to time.

Despite growing to love each other increasingly over time, they were not without their quarrels. One time, specifically, they entered another verbal fight that eventually led Stark to storm out furiously to go drink, which was something he typically did after getting in a fight with Liefully. Though hours passed, more so than normal, and Liefully started to worry. When it became morning, Liefully called Stark Industries to see if Stark had simply refused to come home and gone to work later. They told Liefully he wasn’t seen that morning. Liefully commanded Jarvis to track Stark via his phone or his suit and Jarvis supplied Liefully coordinates to a remote off-mountain location. Stark had gotten drunk and drove. Liefully could tell by his location, he was driving back home and had crashed his car over the ledge of the mountain. He was apparently too drunk to save himself. Liefully was devastated and also blamed himself for what happened to Stark. He figured had he not gotten in a fight with him, Stark would be all right.

He may have found Stark dead, though no one suspected foul play. Jarvis served as a good alibi for Liefully and Stark’s car had some manner of tracking device that indicated when he crashed and subsequently plummeted to his death. Liefully attended Stark’s funeral that same month along with various others. Even though he was not married to Stark, everyone acknowledged that Liefully was close to him, extremely important to Stark and Stark to him. It came to Liefully’s surprise that he was the primary beneficiary listed for most of Stark’s assets, some specific things were named to others and Liefully had no objections with Stark’s decisions in his will. Liefully spent about three months living in Stark’s home before he decided he couldn’t stand it anymore—the quietness, the emptiness, being surrounded by things about Stark but not being able to be with him—and needed to leave. Pepper and Happy aided Liefully in moving out of Stark’s home, arranging a new place for him to start over. About half a year after he moved out, Liefully discovered another portal back into his universe.

To his surprise, Liefully discovered that only 3 days passed in his universe that he missed. Asgard did not miss Liefully as he sometimes disappeared unannounced for several days. No one asked where he went and he didn’t tell anyone what happened in the other universe. Eventually he pushed the memories back in his mind and resumed life in his universe as he had before he left it. He did not think about Stark again for many years, and only did when he saw Stark’s face on Midgard, his Midgard, during the events of The Avengers movie. There was a certain reserve he kept when interacting with Stark, though it was hard to contain a smile, hearing his voice again after so long. Despite this, this Stark’s behaviors were quickly noticeably different from that of the Stark he knew and Liefully only felt a certain disappointment or insult toward this second Stark.

For LiefullyLoki:

Liefully currently lives with his friend of two months, Sigyn (loyalty-in-green), and his female kitten who has yet to be named.

For LiefullyDarkLoki (a.k.a. DalieIsInYourCloset):

Dalie currently lives with ex-detective Magnus Martinsson (detective-martinsson), whom he has lived with since August 13th, and Magnus’ cat, Molly.

My blogs:

FOR YOUR INFORMATION: is usually but for the month of October, I changed his URL.

This is a sketch of my Loki, LiefullyLoki. He wears a blood red ruby necklace and he wears Midgardian clothes when he’s on Midgard. His hair’s a bit longer than Avengers-Loki’s hair. 

Liefully keeps things simple by getting a phone that slides open to reveal a keypad for texting. He doesn’t use his cell phone much and has rather little experience with the device though he keeps a cell phone in case mortals such as Romanov or other beings who live on his Midgard need to contact him.

Here is Liefully’s cell phone (Samsung Gravity 3 White):

His wallpaper (runes):

//OOC: Everyone, I want to stock up on Magic Anons for my character. So send me lots, good or bad, whatever you can think of.

(If you see “The URL you requested could not be found.” then look for “About the Mun” in the description panel.)

» About the Mun

I have no plans to make LiefullyLoki a vampire but this is what his vampireness would consist of if ever there were some occasion in which Liefully somehow managed to become a vampire…


  • Liefully’s eye color changes depending on his mood and health. His eyes would be red when he is angry, upset, or weak from not feeding for a while, and gold on all other occasions. 
  • Liefully’s skin would appear pale as death, a little more pale than it already is.
  • Liefully does not sustain scars. Any scars Liefully has are scars he had before he was turned into a vampire.
  • Liefully would still have a reflection and a shadow.  
  • Liefully’s fangs retract. His fangs are his canine teeth, all four of them (the ones on his upper jaw and the ones on his bottom jaw). His bottom fangs are not as long as his upper fangs. When he sees blood, gets angry, or gets aroused, they pop out without his control. 
  • When he cries, he cries tears of blood. 


  • Liefully’s powers as a god are still present. Some of his god powers are heightened because of his vampirism. Liefully’s powers as a frost giant are still present however apparently unaltered by his vampirism.
  • Liefully’s strength doubles from being able to lift 50 tons to being able to lift 100 tons. 
  • Liefully’s senses are heightened from their already elevated status. He is able to see in a completely pitch black room with not straining effort as if it is merely a dimly lit one, he can hear a pin drop 75 miles away if he focuses enough, and he can smell aromas that dissipated weeks before. Liefully also gains thermal vision. Sense of taste and touch are not as significantly heightened but still a bit more so than before. 
  • Liefully’s mind powers are more effortless for him. He can read the minds of others that are several miles away, he can mind control beings with little effort, and he is able to erase and fabricate new memories in a being in a manner of seconds. He can bend the will of others, make them consciously do things against their will and force them to watch themselves doing said things against said will with no power to stop themselves. He is able to send his own memories to another individual through a kiss. 
  • Liefully gains the ability to control the sleep of another. He is also able to manipulate dreams. 
  • Liefully gains the ability to mind control animals. 
  • Liefully’s power of levitation increases to enable him the ability of flight at a speed that the human eye cannot see. He is also able to defy gravity by climbing walls and the ceiling. 
  • Liefully can heal wounds, his own or others’, instantly by using his blood, applying it like one would apply a cream or ointment. 
  • Liefully’s saliva has a temporary numbing effect, so it does not hurt around the area where he bites someone. 
  • Religious symbols such as crosses and things such as “holy water” have no effect on Liefully because he is a god, so trying to use religious deterrents would not work. He can still step inside churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. and hold books that have religious texts printed on them. 
  • Normally, a vampire would be killed through decapitation of their head, however because of Liefully’s god powers, decapitation has no affect on him.  
  • Liefully cannot drown to death because he does not breath. 
  • Along with the shape-shifting abilities Liefully already has, he is able to change his form into a mist, the only element he is able to turn into. 
  • Liefully gains the ability of necromancy, the ability to talk to the dead to see into the future. (Liefully already has some manner of necromancy power, but not to see into the future.) 
  • Liefully can find others by their auras stronger than before he was a vampire and can also manipulate them. He can manipulate another being’s aura to make them believe they are happy, sad, angry, etc. by changing the atmosphere around them. This wears off when he steps far enough away from his radius of control of them. 
  • If Liefully dies, he can become resurrected from his ashes some time after his death (the passage of a day and a night and another day). 


  • Liefully need an invitation to enter private residences. 
  • Liefully is allergic to copper. His skin has a violent reaction to contact with anything copper. 
  • A stake through his heart would not kill Liefully. It would just hurt a lot. 
  • Liefully can go into sunlight without bursting into flame. He can spend a few hours in sunlight before the sun causes a third-degree sun burn on his skin. If he stays in the sun too long, he will eventually burst into flame. The effects of sunlight can be staved off a little while longer if he uses something like sunscreen. His eyes are slightly sensitive to sunlight. Liefully remains light-shy and sticks to nocturnal activities. Expose to UV light of any kind has the same effect as being in sunlight but to a lesser extent. 
  • Liefully cannot consume solid foods. He can consume most liquids, other than blood. He becomes physically weak if he tries to consume solid foods. 
  • Exsanguination is fatal for Liefully. 
  • Fire severely harms Liefully, because he is a frost giant and a vampire. Fatality is undetermined.
  • A werewolf’s bite is like a mild poison to Liefully. It hurts and hinders to some extent, however does not kill him.
  • Some poisons and drugs can still affect Liefully, however they both have to be extremely toxic or potent (in other words, probably deadly to humans or other manner of beings) to have even the slightest bit of an affect on him. 
  • Liefully is more resistant to curses, however not completely immune. 
  • Some animals have an odd aversion to Liefully. Dogs tend to start barking in his presence. Many types of wildlife animals tend to get uneasy around him. Domesticated animals appear to behave better around Liefully than wildlife does. 
  • Liefully lost his ability to reproduce when he became a vampire. 

Blood and Liefully:

  • Liefully needs blood to survive. He can go a long time without consuming any blood, however eventually bloodthirst becomes more than just a controllable and dismissable craving of his. If he consumes the blood of a dead being, he does not die. Instead, he loses his powers and turns human temporarily. It depends on how much of the dead being’s blood he consumed that determines how long he remains in a fragile state. 
  • Liefully can consume blood from any being, be it human, animal, or some other species, since he is from Jotunheim, grew up in Asgard, and has lived on Midgard. 
  • Consuming his own blood or the blood of another vampire is poisonous to Liefully. If he consumes vampire blood for several days, he gets sick. If he consumes vampire blood for several weeks, he goes mentally insane. Sickness and mental insanity are not permanent and can be reversed by ceasing consumption of vampire blood and beginning to consume non-vampire blood. However, if he were to persist consuming vampire blood into mental insanity, his persisted habit of drinking vampire blood would eventually become fatal. 
  • If others consume Liefully’s blood, it is like taking a drug. It enhances their physical strengths and senses to the point they can hallucinate. It can also become addictive. It takes one drop of Liefully’s blood to enhance one’s strengths significantly. One may heal quickly and one’s physical endurance is greater than before. (No, Liefully cannot track others who drink his blood, and they do not get sexual fantasies involving him from drinking his blood.)
  • Liefully can animate a corpse that has been dead for less than 24 hours by giving it a few drops of his blood. The corpse is 100% under his control like a puppet. The animated corpse can only remain animated for no more than 72 hours after being given Liefully’s blood because the body continues to decompose until it cannot move anymore. Liefully’s blood only slow decomposition and gives the corpse temporary life, but the corpse is mindless for the most part, and completely soulless, not the being resurrected at all. 
  • Liefully would not turn anyone into a vampire, however how one gets turned into a vampire by Liefully is a complicated process. It is not easy on purpose. Liefully has to cut the tips of his own fingers and thumbs and then the tips of the fingers and thumbs of the being he is going to turn. He then has to place his finger tips against the finger tips of the one he’s going to turn and a blood transfusion begins. Liefully would get physically weaker temporarily when this occurs as he takes in the blood of the other while they take his blood. 

…Whelp… good thing Liefully is not a vampire. Because he sounds like he’d be a scary b. if he were…