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Tag Archives: krystalthedragonprincess

18. Your character walking in on mine throwing up. 

Perhaps he had pushed himself a little too hard to eat that day for his stomach was simply not accustomed to being so suddenly filled. Most unfortunately, the little act of force-feeding himself a large dinner only ended with him staggering outside, being interrupted from his nightly stroll to address the serious discomfort that boiled in his stomach. He rushed shamelessly toward the nearest bush and used it to hide his face from any potential on-lookers.

To any who didn’t know the activities leading up to this moment, it seemed likely he could have been mistaken for a drunk who couldn’t hold his liquor. Feeling chunks of his dinner mixed with the disgusting taste of stomach acid pass his lips in the wrong direction, Loki lingered over the bush for a moment, one hand clinging to his sensitive gut and the other rummaging through a pocket slowly for a handkerchief. That’s when he heard a small oops from his right. While he had momentarily been too sick to try discretion, now he was recovered enough to feel his face turn red at the thought of being spotted in a brief moment of weakness. He tried to clear his sore throat and glance away from whomever uttered the small gasp. Maybe it would blow over better if they didn’t see who it was that was stricken with such a sudden sickness. 


[October 2012]

Packing up his things again after having settled in his apartment was heartbreaking for him. It was the first time he managed to gain some sense of independence and self-sufficiency living on Midgard. While he was content to know he’d be moving in with his friend, Sigyn, it was still hard to let this go. But he had no choice, having been sick too long and having no means to pay for his apartment. And even if he could afford it, he knew this place was not safe because Thanos had found him here. 

He sighed as he folded his clothes. Too many times he could recall having to do this. Every other week or few weeks, this was a ritual for him, one reluctantly so. But maybe… maybe he wouldn’t have to do this again for a long time, he hoped. Maybe living with Sigyn will be more stable than living on his own. 

At least those were false hopes he gave himself. He knew he’d never be safe. He knew he couldn’t stay in one place too long. Eventually his enemies would find him again. Something would happen again. Maybe another near-death experience or another encounter with the violet-skinned titan, Thanos. 

He paused from folding clothes when he noticed a tear hit the back of his hand. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even realize his vision had gotten blurry. He lifted his hand and wiped his tears away then chose to distance himself from the suitcase open on his bed. He walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer, looking at the various contents. Only a month he’d been there and yet there was already some signs of disorganization. He shifted some of the drawer contents, little bottles of herbs, a few of his prized daggers, some socks and belt buckles. He started pulling out the socks, one pair at a time, then noticed something that had been hiding underneath all those pairs of socks. He set the socks down on the opposite end of the drawer as he picked up what caught his eye with his free hand. It was a metal picture frame and the photo framed in it gave him a smile. 

He knew that no one would understand why Loki had a photo of an old mortal female and a couple of her cats, one cradled in her arm while the other perched in her lap. Or perhaps they would think he kept such a photo for the fact that there were cats in it, since his affections toward them was no surprise. 

But no. 

It was the woman who was the significant aspect of this photo. His mind briefly wandered to a few months before… Some time in February this year, perhaps? He couldn’t quite recall as dates did not particularly matter to Loki. But he remembered. He remembered how bad things were for him, lying and tricking passers-by with magic, stealing from them, just to get some food. He had no one and nothing then. He saw this woman walking home with her groceries. As hungry as he was, Loki intended to take something from her, the fact that the mortal was a frail old soul meant nothing to him. He approached her from behind and snatched an item from her bag before she even noticed him. Then he said, “Ma’am, you dropped this.” 

It was funny how fast his plans changed. When she turned to face him, he changed his mind about stealing her wallet. Instead he offered to help her take her groceries home. He would never understand why, why this woman was nice to him when he felt he didn’t deserve it. If she knew what he was planning to do, would she still offer him a night’s stay in her home? It was the first time he slept on a bed in this realm and it was very comfortable. Of course, perhaps even the couch would have been just as nice considering how often he slept in alleys and on park benches. 

The fact remained that this was the first mortal who treated Loki with kindness. She clearly knew he was homeless, how he never could figure out. Yet, instead of simply thanking him for helping with her groceries home, she invited him to stay for tea. 

How manipulative, he thought to himself as his thumb ran down the side of the picture. Despite all the drifting he’d done in the past several months, this was one thing he kept a hold of. He didn’t want to forget her face, the face of a mortal who was kind where it was not deserved. 

…Hmm, I am not entirely certain what I should perceive from such a statement. 

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Dalie brushed back some of the long strands of Krystal’s hair to expose her neck even further. He then smoothed the silken fabric around her neck, leaning slightly closer to her as he fastened it on the back. Despite it’s size, the fabric always seemed to have some kind of magical property that allowed it to fit on anyone’s neck, regardless of who they were or how large the circumference of their necks were. Having the collar around Krystal’s neck, Dalie stepped back. “Comfy? Try to remove it.” He stood about two feet from her, waiting for her to discover that she wouldn’t be able to take it off. He had plans to soon show her what other nasty little secrets the collar had.

((OOC: I don’t want to go to people’s inboxes. I’m lazy. So. Ten beautiful blogs:

  1. detective-martinsson ((obvsly))
  2. cheryl1967
  3. krystalthedragonprincess
  4. miss-gemma-winston / sewn-into-silence
  5. thedarktricksterandliar / a-broken-shadow / thunderclasher
  6. astridundyingloyalty
  7. meekisnotweak
  8. bendy-dick-cum-on-my-baps
  9. the-science-of-destruction
  10. firlalaith







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“Just a little bit of fun,” Dalie said, his voice a little deeper than before. He set the syringe on the counter nearby her face just to serve as a constant reminder of what he said he would do. He reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled out a collar. “How about we see if this fits, yes?,” he held the delicate silk collar in front of her as he spoke then snapped it in front of her face. Though the black silk collar with golden trim matching that of the Asgardian coat Dalie once wore looked harmless, it was far from harmless. Only able to be opened, closed and telepathically controlled by himself, the thin fabric could be a weapon to kill that whom wore it should Dalie ever command it so. He couldn’t recall the last time he slipped one of these around a victim’s neck. Though as powerful and threatening as they were, he rarely ever used them against those who had the misfortune of having one placed around their neck, mostly satisfied with the fear they garnered just by simply being existent.

((oh my god.. the top one. ❤ ))

((OOC: That one is one of my personal favorites. uvu

I also really like this one for some reason.))

Nyx: my character has a dream about yours

Loki sat in the large couch in the living room sewing patterns into a piece of scrap material. He had taken up sewing again since his lover had passed, though the activity was always met with a certain melancholy now as he could not remove thoughts of his lover from this simple act of sewing. It almost felt wrong and disrespectful to some extent as he knew how much his late lover feared needles. Having one in possession again seemed almost like an insult for that reason. His tiny cat, Mischief was curled up in his lap, sleeping quietly, undisturbed by the occasional contact of the material against her fur as Loki sewed indescribable and random patterns into it. After some time, Loki decided to attempt some sleep. It was hard for him to be granted the ability to escape into sleep, yet such did not stop him from at least trying. 

He stuck the threaded needle into the material and set it down on the small table at the couch’s side then scooped up his cat—who then gave a meow in protest—and went to bed. His other felines, Magic and Mayhem, happily curled up against him as soon as he pulled the covers over himself. Mischief joined a few minutes later, curling up against Magic and Loki at the same time. 

After laying still for nearly an hour, Loki drifted to sleep. At first there was a vagueness that seemed to be a never-ending night with nothing definitive such as ground, sky, or anything in between. Then a dream began to form. After waking, Loki would not remember how it began. It seemed the dream started while Loki was in the middle of something. He couldn’t smell yet by the way he walked, he could tell he was slightly intoxicated. He didn’t know where he was going, it seemed he was watching himself acting and moving. It seemed like him yet at the same time, Loki could not think of a time he would voluntarily drink and enter a club. Nonetheless, the intoxicated god did so enter some kind of club, the laser lights hit his face every so often. The area seemed thick in heat, yet Loki noticed he felt cold nonetheless. He wondered if perhaps it was because he was a jotun, a truth he found painful to think. He moved through the crowd until he spotted a girl who looked vaguely familiar. He struggled to think where he’d seen her before. Strangely, while trying to conjure some recollection of why this girl seemed familiar, it seemed like Loki’s body was possessed ever still, moving on its own accord without him being able to have a say. He didn’t know why he started dancing, he did not even like the music playing, and wasn’t typically a party-goer. Nonetheless, he felt his arms and legs moving nearly sluggishly to the music that he did not even enjoy and danced with this girl who looked vaguely familiar. After some minutes, she seemed to flirt with him, and though he was not remotely interested, still he seemed to act upon commands that were not his own. He followed the girl outside the club, his hands on her, pressing her to the wall, and kissing her, even though internally he was trying desperately to gain control and find answers to why he acted as he did. 

He paused in kissing her when she told him she didn’t want to continue here, his mind thinking he did not even want to continue at all, yet his body only teleporting the two of them to a room he’d never seen before. Strangely, it was then he recognized the face. He remembered bumping into this girl in New York a long time ago and only ever seeing her once since when he was forced to shed an article of clothing should someone send him a heart symbol and she was one. In the middle of recalling his brief encounters with the girl, Loki found himself with her on her bed. His thoughts of recounting memories quickly shifted to questions, the speed of his thoughts dizzying. As his head began to ache from the thoughts racing through his head, trying to make sense of all of this, the image dissolved into nothingness.

A few minutes, it seems, from there, Loki sensed where he was. He felt the full force of gravity pressing him into his bed, the heat radiating from his animals, the sheet tucked all the way up to his neck. It was then Loki realized he experienced a very strange dream, the content of which he could not fathom into sense nor could he find any leads into why such material presented itself to him in his subconscious.