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Tag Archives: jormungandr

Sigyn: I’ve talked a bit about Sigyn before in a previous headcanon. [Diane Kruger would be Sigyn’s FC.]


(She totally has that “GFDI Loki” face down.)

Vali and Narfi Lokason (Both deceased): Children of Loki and Sigyn, Vali and Narfi were less than a decade apart in age, with Vali being the elder son. Sigyn raised her boys to be princes like their father. Both of them have features similar to both parents. 


[Ulrik Munther would be Vali’s FC]


[Asa Butterfield would be Narfi’s FC]

Angrboda: As a frost giantess, Angrboda has pale blue skin color and white hair. Angrboda was ostracised from most of Jotun society due to her “perversion.” In Jotun society it was considered perverted to be one gender or another and Angrboda was always stuck as a female. She lived on the outskirts of Jotun society, traveling from one place to stop and rest to another. It was through her travels that she encountered Loki, who had disguised himself as a frost giant at the time, unaware that he already was one. Through their single love affair, Angrboda bore three children. 


[Katheryn Winnick would be Angrboda’s FC]

Fenrir Lokason: Of the triplets between Loki and Angrboda, Fenrir is the eldest, being first born. He prefers the incarnation of a wolf most and that was the form he was originally born in. He appears as a fully white wolf. This is optimal for any frost giant’s child to be able to hide in the snow. Fenrir is about 16 feet tall.


[Michael Fassbender would be his humanized FC]

Hel Lokadottir: Of her womb-mates, Hel is the palest and one who prefers the human form as her natural appearance. She has platinum-blond locks that she inherited from her mother and has her father’s vivid green hues. With a face that appears dead to emotion and mind mostly free of irrationality, Hel was born to be a ruler. Her striking appearance could silence a room and this is why she has been often referred to as the “half dead girl.” Hel stands 6 feet tall, only two inches shorter than her father, however her mother stands taller than both herself and her father. Her shortness was perhaps a genetic anomaly. 


[Emilia Clarke would be her FC]

Jormungandr Lokason: Jormungandr is the last born of Loki and Angrboda’s triplets. Liefully’s Jormungandr is a male. Jormungandr was born as a snake hatchling. He grew exponentially to be able to circle the Earth once. He has a head that most appears like the head of an anaconda. The circumference of his body is 5 times as big, if not bigger, than the circumference of his head. Jormungandr looks as black as obsidian all along the scales of his back and sides and his belly appears as a dark blue-gray. 


[Ben Barnes would be his humanized FC]

Svadlifari: Loki absolutely dislikes speaking of him, though Svadilfari is a part of Loki’s life. In a completely non-consensual union, their son, Sleipnir was born. Svadilfari is the only parent of one of Loki’s children that Loki refuses to speak to. Svadifari is a giant steed, entirely black in appearance. 


Sleipnir Lokason: While Loki absolutely hates the events that occurred for Sleipnir’s conception, Loki loved his child just as much as he loved any other. Sleipnir is the only child that Loki mothered. Sleipnir is perhaps one of Loki’s most quirky children. Both Loki and Thor disapprove of Odin treating Sleipnir like any other steed. 


[Cody Christian would be Sleipnir’s humanized FC]

Natasha Romanov (Possibly deceased?): While Loki never actually bedded her, Romanov was given the misfortune of becoming pregnant with his child. After about a month of stress and tension, the two discovered that not only was their child actually human in appearance, it would be a daughter.


[Scarlett Johansson is Romanov’s FC]

Sophia Kata Romanov-Lokadottir (Possibly deceased?): The unborn offspring of Loki and Romanov, Loki had the privilege of interacting with his daughter as an 18 year old for a week when a spell was cast to grant his heart’s content. Romanov and their unborn daughter disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Loki doesn’t know what happened to them but he fears the worst.


[Karen Gillan is 18 year old Sophia’s FC]


Babysitting is hard work…

And I realise that Loki’s kids look different every time I draw them, but I’m almost done figuring out how they should look…

Much like Fenrir, Jormungandr grew to a frightfully enormous size. This, coupled with the prophecy about Jormungandr, led Odin to banish him to Midgard, where he could be hidden away by Midgard’s deep ocean, one of the largest bodies of water in the nine realms. Loki was distracted with trying to help Fenrir to try to help Jormungandr. Fenrir was closer and his problem didn’t seem so huge a task to mend at the time. Loki didn’t go to Midgard until nearly 40 years had passed since Jormungandr was first banned there. 

Jormungandr was not particularly thrilled to see his father after so much time had passed. He had thought Loki simply forgot about him or he just didn’t care. That wasn’t the case, though. Loki had managed to trade information with the dwarves of Nidavelir to be able to allow Jormungandr a day free from his watery confines. His freedom greatly relied on a rare precious stone, so rare that it was widely unheard of, its location unknown. A day of freedom wasn’t much, but for Jormungandr, it meant a lot. He was told he would have to willingly return to the sea or turn into the same type of stone that enabled his release by the next sunrise. 

Of course, Jormungandr took that warning seriously. He spent a little time visiting parts of Midgard that for years he could only imagine or see from his watery prison. The rest of his time was spent with Loki, his father. Loki wasn’t fortunate to find another stone to free Jormungandr, even with all the magic spells he knew and connections he had made. Instead, the god would make it his goal to visit his son every century or so, not wanting to draw any attention to Jormungandr. 

Finding himself on Midgard in modern times was highly disorienting for Loki at first. It didn’t cross his mind to see his son in the beginning. He was more preoccupied with trying to understand his situation and adjust to his exiled life. But then, he didn’t particularly want to visit his son either. Being broken from finding out the truth of his life and being treated as he was, he didn’t want Jormungandr’s image of his father to be ruined. Loki has spent much of his time avoiding paying the serpent a visit, though every now or then, it does cross his mind. 


It’s just plenty awful how many ideas I have.

During class.

only during CLASS.


More Hogwarts Thorki random ideas:

Loki, Father of Monsters.

Over the years at Hogwarts, Loki got attached to 3 animals, considered as monster by men and rejected by their kind.

He found Jormungand when he was still a baby and decided to take care of him when he understood he had most likely been abandoned by his mother. At the beginning, He was very wary of Loki and would try to bite him whenever he tried to touch him. Loki decided to learn Parseltongue in hope it would somehow makes him feel more at ease. With time and patience, he finally accepted him. He’s very affectionate towards Loki but he gets pretty aggressive toward strangers.


(Jormungand is still pretty young considering how big Basilic are XD)


Good boy, Papa is proud of you ♥


The Serpent – print sold here


1 and 5 are kind of Humbling…


Loki’s offspring

God Loki, wolf Fenrir, snake Yormungand and goddess of death Hel. Loki gave the birth to them by a mystical way.
This is an illustration for the story by me about Norse mythology.

By Develv~


Thor and Jormungand at Ragnarök.



“Oh, you are not afraid of snakes?” he found that interesting, but decided not to mention one of his children is a giant snake. “Well, I suppose I could start with the eldest. My eldest is very smart and grew up with me for a long time until my adoptive father took him away. I was young, you see, and could not quite care for him, his demands became too great. My only daughter is also incredibly intelligent though she is very hard to please. I suppose one could say she is quite stubborn but she certainly has the makings of a leader in her. My other son does not live with me but he lives very close by. I try to visit him as much I can. I also had twins some time ago, but alas they are both… deceased. I miss them terribly. Actually, I miss all my children terribly. My family is spread so far apart. I cannot exactly explain how and why.”