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When asked to create a simile that encompasses the depth of my sadness, I say in response that if water were to be a representation of sadness, all the water found in Midgard’s lakes, rivers, and oceans would not even begin as a start to such a likeness. 


REPOST #5 – Zodiacs with highest sex drive

((OOC: Dalie stop killing cats.))

“Hmm, all right,” Dalie said. He walks up to Summer, pulls her close, and gives her a kiss, sliding his scepter behind the back of her neck and gripping the bulk of her hair as he uses his scepter to cut it off as he kisses her.





Wasn’t Syndrome like a huge fanboy when he was little? So like, he’s probably holding his OTP in his hands and this is one of his fanfictions that became real.

I don’t think Mr Incredible x Elasticgirl was his OTP because he looks pretty pissed… maybe he shipped different parings? 

He probably didn’t ship Mr Incredible with anyone. Because Mr. Incredible worked alone, and it would be OOC for him to have a relationship.

That’s probably why he’s pissed: This pairing goes against canon, and he’s the type of fan who hates that.

Blind to the obvious as usual, tumblr

his otp was obviously Mr. Incredible and Frozone 











Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

Sorry this is so late

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LOL OMG Freefully Shipper, WHO ARE YOU? LOL. I appreciate incorporating Dark Liefully’s words, lol. And… Thank you for all the smut, omg. I don’t know how many more installments you plan to write but I appreciate all the time you take to write them, ahahahaha. And you write Dark Liefully so well. Bravo. BRAVO. 

Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

Sorry this is so late

As long as he could get away from this horrible creature, he didn’t care what he had to do. 

Dark Liefully took another step towards FreeYou, jolting him out of his panicked thoughts. FreeYou eyed him warily as he examined his body, taking in the angry red marks he had given him with an air of satisfaction. FreeYou flinched slightly as Dark Liefully’s eyes met his. Dark Liefully smirked in amusement. “I think I like playing with you,” he said, “Although, I would have preferred if ye had put up more of a fight.” FreeYou closed his eyes in shame. He couldn’t believe how weak he was. First he let himself get captured by this monster, now he was shivering and cowering like a little girl.

FreeYou shakily stood up, nearly crying out in pain as pain raced through his back. “Release me,” he commanded weakly, “And never let me see you again.” Dark Liefully laughed in his face.

“I think ye know not thy position-” he began before cutting off his sentence in surprise as FreeYou raised his hands threateningly.

“Move out of my way,” FreeYou spat, “Before I make you.” Dark Liefully raised an eyebrow.

“Exactly how are ye planning to make me bend to thy will? Forgive me, but ye do not look very intimidating.”

Move!” FreeYou hissed. He went to shoot a blast of magic at Dark Liefully, but suddenly his head felt like it was splitting in half. He cried out and collapsed in agony, clutching his forehead. He felt more than heard Dark Liefully’s sadistic laughter as he writhed on the ground.

“I hope ye mind not, for I have taken the opportunity to repress thy magic.” The words spiraled around Freeyou’s aching head as their meaning slowly sank in. No magic… no escape. He gave a shout of surprise when Dark Liefully roughly grabbed him by the jaw and hauled him to his feet. FreeYou weakly clawed at Dark Liefully’s hand in a futile attempt to get free.

Dark Liefully spun him around and slammed him into the wall, whispering harshly into his ear. “Here be thy rules, twin of mine. From this point on, ye shall refer to me only as Master. Ye exist in this world only to serve me, contrary to what preposterous idea ye cleverly led thyself to believe. ‘Tis ye thyself who speaks of freedom being a lie, do ye not? Thy body is mine, all of it, to do with what I please when I so choose to do with what I wish to. Ye shall have no ‘safe word’ for I shall finish with ye when I decide to. Ye shall fit into attire per mine specifications. Ye shall follow mine orders. Happily or naught, I do not care. But failure to do so shall result in discipline. And I do so hope ye fail to follow mine orders for I do so wish to discipline ye. Ye are mine wanton whore, start acting as such.”

FreeYou refused to meet Dark Liefully’s eyes and chose not to reply. Dark Liefully jerked FreeYou’s head upwards and FreeYou couldn’t stop himself from meeting his gaze in fear. “What do ye say to that?” Dark Liefully purred.

FreeYou felt a shiver of dread run down his spine as he looked down in defeat and whispered, “Yes.”

“What was that?” Dark Liefully teased. 

FreeYou closed his eyes and said, with his throat stinging in protest, “Yes, Master.” 


Yes, good. I see ye took my suggestion. Ehehehehe, excellent. Also I have no quarrel with the time ye took to write this for I am a very patient being.


Dat Doktrin song on Dark Liefully’s blog…. dgsfgsfgbsfgbsfg.