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Tag Archives: i’m busy a lot too XD






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“Just a little bit of fun,” Dalie said, his voice a little deeper than before. He set the syringe on the counter nearby her face just to serve as a constant reminder of what he said he would do. He reached into his inside coat pocket and pulled out a collar. “How about we see if this fits, yes?,” he held the delicate silk collar in front of her as he spoke then snapped it in front of her face. Though the black silk collar with golden trim matching that of the Asgardian coat Dalie once wore looked harmless, it was far from harmless. Only able to be opened, closed and telepathically controlled by himself, the thin fabric could be a weapon to kill that whom wore it should Dalie ever command it so. He couldn’t recall the last time he slipped one of these around a victim’s neck. Though as powerful and threatening as they were, he rarely ever used them against those who had the misfortune of having one placed around their neck, mostly satisfied with the fear they garnered just by simply being existent.