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Tag Archives: ilovemynotebook

They would not even let me set foot on Asgardian soil, let alone anywhere near the palace—the place I once called my home. I fail to sympathize with you.

He just let out a disgruntled sigh and started walking away. 

Why bring it up if you will quickly dismiss it? Why even bring up a scenario you and I both know shall not occur? What is this game you play?






Who wishes to play a game?

Please, Loki, I’m in no mood for your games.


That is fine. Though… I suggest you run along.

I do not appreciate you treating me like a child.

Well, there is no need for your lingering presence if you wish not to play a game. 




Who wishes to play a game?

Please, Loki, I’m in no mood for your games.

That is fine. Though… I suggest you run along.

Come On Live Long – Elephants and Time (Bantum Remix)

What fortune is there in finding out that the past millennia and a half of your life—your entire life— has been all a lie? That you have been stolen from whence you belong by those considered your own species’ enemy? And said thieves have trained you to hate your kind? Trained you to love and care for those who would no doubt kill you in the blink of an eye had they met you in any other circumstance? And for being what you truly are coming to light, you are then punished with exile and neglect by those same individuals who you once cared for and who cared for you—or so you had thought? Where is the fortune in that? I should have been left there to die. Death is a cruel mistress, however life is far worse. 


“It is not so bad, I mean I’ve never met my father, I can’t see the man who hurt my mother. But he isn’t my real father, he didn’t raise me, he just… well…” She trailed off, certain she was hitting a sensitive subject with him.

His expression was one of sadness. He didn’t know what felt worse, the fact that he was a jotun—a fact that likely only upset him as much as it did because he was raised to hate them—or the fact that his real father did not want him and his adoptive father only “adopted” him—if it could be called that—for some political gain. In some way, he felt there was no place in the universe that he belonged. “Fathers are awful things,” Loki said after some noticeable silence.

Ugh, I love Daenerys :3 She’s so gorgeous. ;u;

((OOC: Oooh, she’s gorgeous. ovo Of course that’s all right. Skadi is your character, not mine. So if that’s the face claim you want for her, then that’s the one you can use for her. uvu You don’t necessarily have to commit, either. I’ve seen plenty of RPers change their face claims after a while. Are you going to use her role as Daenerys? or as roles where he hair is a different color?))