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Tag Archives: i’d feel sorry for wicked but he let dalie happen so i'[m conflicted :’D




“Just like him.” Loki spat the words. “You do not care how many get hurt or die. Would you care if he hurt those that matter to you? Or you do not care enough for them either?” 


“Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the majority of those I’ve care for are predisposed to enjoy pain upon their persons. Masochists a’plenty,” he tilted his head to the side, “And, unlike you, I can bring them back.”

“Now I wonder who the true idiot is. You could bring them back, you say. There is perhaps always a way to bring someone back, however one is never the same as before. Death shall always have an effect on one who has suffered its bite. You should surely know that,” Loki said.