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Tag Archives: i-love-my-notebook

They would not even let me set foot on Asgardian soil, let alone anywhere near the palace—the place I once called my home. I fail to sympathize with you.

He just let out a disgruntled sigh and started walking away. 

Why bring it up if you will quickly dismiss it? Why even bring up a scenario you and I both know shall not occur? What is this game you play?

Lollll it’s Liefully. XD He just decided to reblog a lot of food. XD

‘Twas worth a try. 

Oh, well in that case, I suggest you go for a long drive…

The fact that you consider it proves how delusional you must be.

Why would I even want to get you in bed?






Who wishes to play a game?

Please, Loki, I’m in no mood for your games.


That is fine. Though… I suggest you run along.

I do not appreciate you treating me like a child.

Well, there is no need for your lingering presence if you wish not to play a game.