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Tag Archives: healinghandsx

He stepped back, a little flustered. “Sorry—I—” he tried, though instead he decided to step back further, eventually turning so his back faced her. “My apologies, I will not do that again.” 

*buys several rolls of saran wrap then covers the cars, doors, sinks, toilet seats, and furniture of several peoples’ property with it*

If you do not mind my asking… why?

Creating a dog seems odd to do… Do you still… converse with Josh’s father?

Oh, that sounds so cute. How old is she? And what kind of dog do you two have?

Oh? What kind of kitten is it? Does it have a playmate?

Loki takes the piece of paper, scanning the first line, “You mean New York, yes?”

I have not seen a large selection of Midgardian films… probably a very small sampling. I… never quite paid mind to their titles, however… 

Should I be scared?

If it was raining I would:
[X] Give you my jacket.
[] Run off leaving you behind.
[X] Hug you until it stops.
[X] Push you in a puddle. (Playfully)
[] Kiss you in the rain.

-You are:
[] Ugly
[] Ok-ish
[X] Pretty
[X] Funny
[X] Gorgeous
[] Good looking
[X] Beautiful
[] Perfect

-If you kissed me, I would:
[] Punch you
[] Kiss you back
[] Laugh
[X] Look at you weird
[] Blush
[X] I don’t know
[] Walk away slowly
[X] You wouldn’t

-You are:
[] Potential bf/gf material
[X] Friend
[X] Close friend
[X] Best friend

[] Enemy
[] Bf/Gf 
[] My baby 
[] Dunno
[] Ex

-You should:
[X] Hug me
[] Call me
[] Text me
[X] Talk to me more 
[] Have sex with me
[X] Come out one time

-I would:
[] Give you the world
[X] Cuddle you
[] Marry you on Facebook
[] Party with you
[X] Bully you (as a friend)

-I like your:
[] Body
[X] Smile
[X] Hair
[X] Laugh
[X] Eyes
[] Lips
[X] Voice
[X] Personality
[] Everything
[] Ass

I’d rate you-
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[X] 9
[] 10

When were older-
[] We won’t know each other
[] We’ll be married
[X] We’ll be mates
[] We’ll be enemies
[] Dont know yet

Would I ever go out with you?-
[] Yes
[] No
[X] Dunno
[] Already have
[X] Don’t wanna ruin our friendship
[] Any day
[] Already am

How much your worth to me:
[] A nickel
[] 100 dollars
[] Thousands
[X] Millions
[] Billions
[] The world