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Tag Archives: drabble

Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare.
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Comfort Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character comforting yours- vise versa.
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Dominate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character dominating yours. Or vise versa.
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Hunt with me: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours. Vise versa.
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours. Vise versa.
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vise versa.
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify.
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours.
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character.
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light.
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Song: My charcter singing a song to yours, or vice versa.
Gloves: How my character deals with news from yours, Specify
Snow: Our characters in the cold together.
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours.
Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another
Costume: Your character or mine, dressing up for the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together.
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Gift: Your character or mine, surprising the other with a present
Bows: Your character or mine, dressing/undressing the other
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other.

“I Pull My Gun Twice” by Jam & Spoon

Dalie was dancing on the edge of some balcony close to a party with booming music, more in his own privacy than anything else. While someone could probably see him taking loose and wild steps on the thin cement strip of a fence-like structure, he didn’t care. He didn’t appear to be dancing in tune with the music from the building below. He would even say it seemed like his feet were going on their own volition, not that he particularly objected. He liked the burning feeling it would leave him when he exerted energy as he did. In a brief moment of opening his eyes, he looked down at the ground hat was two stories below, seeing a couple clusters of people exiting the building underneath his feet. He did an unnecessary forward flip toward the ground, landing hard on his feet. A sting ripped through his legs though he walked forward as though nothing abnormal occurred. Some people gasped at the sight of the stranger suddenly appearing before them.

One group ahead of him appeared to split up, two people went to the car parked on the side of the street, and the third waved to them both as she pulled out the keys to her own car, not paying attention to the street. Dalie strode over to her and harshly grabbed her arm, pulling away from a car that whizzed by, nearly clipping her clothes. She was shocked both at the car and the man who yanked her backward. She spun around to look at him, her vision starting at her own eye-level only to travel up as she slowly gathered he was much taller than she was.

“You should look before crossing a street,” he said a little snide-like. He non-verbally offered to follow her to her car. She mentioned a thank you, even though she still felt rather disoriented. She finally made it to the curb and stepped over to her car door, which was facing the sidewalk since the street itself was a one-way street.

Though Dalie didn’t stand around waiting for the girl to open her car door. Instead he snatched her up with one strong arm and strode quickly to the alley that was only a few feet from her car. She started to scream, though since they were in the darkness of the alley, anyone who heard her couldn’t figure out where she was. Dalie pressed her into the wall then slapped her face hard to shut her up. She paused momentarily as she winced a little in pain.

“A scream like that can be deafening,” he said, his eyes narrowing at her. It was only then that she realized his hues were pure crimson. In fact, the rest of his features seemed less human as well. After some brief consideration, she did recall his touch was very cold. But how did she not notice the skin color before? What she didn’t know was Dalie’s glamor spell wore off, revealing him for the jotun monster he was. While she was distracted with her disorientation, Dalie pulled a gun out and pointed it at her forehead. This led her to panic hysterically, as could be expected. He pulled the trigger. At first she thought she was a goner. Yet with her eyes welded shut, she realized nothing happened. The gun was empty. She opened her eyes noticing the look on his face suggested he was not at all surprised. Maybe he intended it. Instead, he pressed the side of his hip into her stomach to keep her pinned to the wall and he loaded the gun with two rounds. He pressed butt of the gun to her left ear, then pointed it to the wall behind her, the gun just two inches from her ear. He shot a round, the sound of it was so loud a painful ringing was left in her ear. She had raised her hands in some gesture of surrender as tears streaked down her face for more than one reason. He moved the gun to the other side of her face and then pulled the trigger a second time. Again there was a ringing feeling in her ear, pain pounding in her head, almost like it could explode. If anything, his actions significantly damaged her eardrums. Yet she opened her eyes when she realized she felt no pressure to her stomach anymore. Her eyes quickly widened in the shape of saucers at the realization that the man who attacked her had vanished. She didn’t even hear him run. But would she even be able to?

Within a couple minutes, people from the party rushed to her aid, having heard the gun shots. Someone called the cops while another generous person checked on her. She slowly sunk to the ground on buckled knees and hugged her legs to her chest in fear and confusion. She didn’t understand what happened, why it happened. Her emotions were ship-wrecked, she couldn’t define a single way she felt. Violated, abused, hurt, scared, angry, confused. It was a disorienting swirl of unpleasant things. Only later she’d find out that she’d gone deaf.

[October 2012]

Packing up his things again after having settled in his apartment was heartbreaking for him. It was the first time he managed to gain some sense of independence and self-sufficiency living on Midgard. While he was content to know he’d be moving in with his friend, Sigyn, it was still hard to let this go. But he had no choice, having been sick too long and having no means to pay for his apartment. And even if he could afford it, he knew this place was not safe because Thanos had found him here. 

He sighed as he folded his clothes. Too many times he could recall having to do this. Every other week or few weeks, this was a ritual for him, one reluctantly so. But maybe… maybe he wouldn’t have to do this again for a long time, he hoped. Maybe living with Sigyn will be more stable than living on his own. 

At least those were false hopes he gave himself. He knew he’d never be safe. He knew he couldn’t stay in one place too long. Eventually his enemies would find him again. Something would happen again. Maybe another near-death experience or another encounter with the violet-skinned titan, Thanos. 

He paused from folding clothes when he noticed a tear hit the back of his hand. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even realize his vision had gotten blurry. He lifted his hand and wiped his tears away then chose to distance himself from the suitcase open on his bed. He walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer, looking at the various contents. Only a month he’d been there and yet there was already some signs of disorganization. He shifted some of the drawer contents, little bottles of herbs, a few of his prized daggers, some socks and belt buckles. He started pulling out the socks, one pair at a time, then noticed something that had been hiding underneath all those pairs of socks. He set the socks down on the opposite end of the drawer as he picked up what caught his eye with his free hand. It was a metal picture frame and the photo framed in it gave him a smile. 

He knew that no one would understand why Loki had a photo of an old mortal female and a couple of her cats, one cradled in her arm while the other perched in her lap. Or perhaps they would think he kept such a photo for the fact that there were cats in it, since his affections toward them was no surprise. 

But no. 

It was the woman who was the significant aspect of this photo. His mind briefly wandered to a few months before… Some time in February this year, perhaps? He couldn’t quite recall as dates did not particularly matter to Loki. But he remembered. He remembered how bad things were for him, lying and tricking passers-by with magic, stealing from them, just to get some food. He had no one and nothing then. He saw this woman walking home with her groceries. As hungry as he was, Loki intended to take something from her, the fact that the mortal was a frail old soul meant nothing to him. He approached her from behind and snatched an item from her bag before she even noticed him. Then he said, “Ma’am, you dropped this.” 

It was funny how fast his plans changed. When she turned to face him, he changed his mind about stealing her wallet. Instead he offered to help her take her groceries home. He would never understand why, why this woman was nice to him when he felt he didn’t deserve it. If she knew what he was planning to do, would she still offer him a night’s stay in her home? It was the first time he slept on a bed in this realm and it was very comfortable. Of course, perhaps even the couch would have been just as nice considering how often he slept in alleys and on park benches. 

The fact remained that this was the first mortal who treated Loki with kindness. She clearly knew he was homeless, how he never could figure out. Yet, instead of simply thanking him for helping with her groceries home, she invited him to stay for tea. 

How manipulative, he thought to himself as his thumb ran down the side of the picture. Despite all the drifting he’d done in the past several months, this was one thing he kept a hold of. He didn’t want to forget her face, the face of a mortal who was kind where it was not deserved. 

(none of these are mine shh)
War: Your character and mine have been assigned to the same unit in a war. They are also battle buddies.
Lost: Your character took a wrong turn at Albuquerque – my character is going to try to guide yours home
Shipwrecked: We were on a three hour cruise, now we’re the only survivors.
Zombie Apocalypse: That’s it, they’re done for. Might as well go down swinging right? Or maybe they can beat this thing….somehow
Medieval Court: Avoid court scandal? Is your character a prince and mine a princess from a far off court, are they courtier friends? Sky’s the limit.
Revenge: Your character has called on mine to exact revenge on someone for something (npc or third character, or fourth welcome)
Absolution: Something terrible happened, and our characters were the cause. Guilt eats away at them every day. Do they find a way to make things right? Or spiral into darkness?
Broken Home: They were happy once, and then they weren’t. Our characters are in an abusive relationship.
Take it and leave: Our characters are part of a hold up, are they victims or perpetrators? Worse yet – are they on opposite sides of this equation (best suited for 3+)
The Asylum: One of our characters has been deemed “mad”, and the other is the assigned Physician to cure them of this madness.
Stepford: A hoity toity gated community has extended an invitation for our big wig characters to move in. What happens when the wife becomes…perfect?
Saying Goodbye: One of our characters is dying, and instead of just telling the other, they take them on a whirl wind travel tour – ticking off things on their bucket list with their best friend.
You Owe Me: Mafia families with two kids who are best friends. Merger in the making, or war?
Shackled: My character finally got caught, and the only way to save them is to have them shackled to yours for a month.
Star Struck: Our characters space craft has broken down, and life support is on the fritz. Can our character’s fix the problem or will they die in space?
Glitz and Glam: Personal assistant to the rising Star. Are they friends? or do they hate each? Are they lovers?
The Crash: 30’s Depression Au
I’m Sorry: My character feels guilty for being behind the wheel during the accident that left yours in the hospital.
Drunken Mistakes: Did they get married? What’s going on? Our characters can’t remember and have to piece together the night before.
Dark Siders: Flip character alignments
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare.
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Comfort Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character comforting yours- vise versa.
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Dominate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character dominating yours. Or vise versa.
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Hunt with me: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours. Vise versa.
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours. Vise versa.
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vise versa.
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify.
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours.
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character.
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light.
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Song: My charcter singing a song to yours, or vice versa.
Gloves: How my character deals with news from yours, Specify
Snow: Our characters in the cold together.
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours.
Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another
Costume: Your character or mine, dressing up for the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together.
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Gift: Your character or mine, surprising the other with a present
Bows: Your character or mine, dressing/undressing the other
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other.
A Little Sleepy: Your muse falling asleep on my muse.
Cuddles: Our muses cuddling.
Mmph!: Our muses accidentally kissing.
A Little Messy!: Our muses being adorable cleaning up a mess together.
Hold Me…: Your muse has had a nightmare and comes to cuddle mine for safety.
I Kind Of…: My muse confessing that they love yours.
Don’t Leave Me!: Your muse is dying in my muses arms and mine is frantic, doesn’t want to lose you, and doesn’t know what to do about it.
Better Me Than You: My muse sacrificing themselves to save the life of yours.
Goodbye: My muse dying in your muse’s arms.
A Click And A Bang: My muse accidentally killing yours.
Together Or Not At All: Our muses dying together, telling all their secrets and confessing things.

(none of these are mine shh)
War: Your character and mine have been assigned to the same unit in a war. They are also battle buddies.
Lost: Your character took a wrong turn at Albuquerque – my character is going to try to guide yours home
Shipwrecked: We were on a three hour cruise, now we’re the only survivors.
Zombie Apocalypse: That’s it, they’re done for. Might as well go down swinging right? Or maybe they can beat this thing….somehow
Medieval Court: Avoid court scandal? Is your character a prince and mine a princess from a far off court, are they courtier friends? Sky’s the limit.
Revenge: Your character has called on mine to exact revenge on someone for something (npc or third character, or fourth welcome)
Absolution: Something terrible happened, and our characters were the cause. Guilt eats away at them every day. Do they find a way to make things right? Or spiral into darkness?
Broken Home: They were happy once, and then they weren’t. Our characters are in an abusive relationship.
Take it and leave: Our characters are part of a hold up, are they victims or perpetrators? Worse yet – are they on opposite sides of this equation (best suited for 3+)
The Asylum: One of our characters has been deemed “mad”, and the other is the assigned Physician to cure them of this madness.
Stepford: A hoity toity gated community has extended an invitation for our big wig characters to move in. What happens when the wife becomes…perfect?
Saying Goodbye: One of our characters is dying, and instead of just telling the other, they take them on a whirl wind travel tour – ticking off things on their bucket list with their best friend.
You Owe Me: Mafia families with two kids who are best friends. Merger in the making, or war?
Shackled: My character finally got caught, and the only way to save them is to have them shackled to yours for a month.
Star Struck: Our characters space craft has broken down, and life support is on the fritz. Can our character’s fix the problem or will they die in space?
Glitz and Glam: Personal assistant to the rising Star. Are they friends? or do they hate each? Are they lovers?
The Crash: 30’s Depression Au
I’m Sorry: My character feels guilty for being behind the wheel during the accident that left yours in the hospital.
Drunken Mistakes: Did they get married? What’s going on? Our characters can’t remember and have to piece together the night before.
Dark Siders: Flip character alignments
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Nightmare: One of our characters will have a nightmare.
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Comfort Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character comforting yours- vise versa.
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Dominate Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character dominating yours. Or vise versa.
Embarrass Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saying or doing something embarrassing to himself or to your character.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Hunt with me: I’ll write a drabble about your character and mine on a hunt together.
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Raise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character resurrecting yours. Vise versa.
Surprise Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character surprising yours. Vise versa.
Save Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character saving yours or vise versa.
Shoot Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character shooting yours or vise versa.
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa.
Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’
Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner.
Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character
Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner
Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body
Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun
Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally.
Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify.
Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason.
Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason.
Give Me: my character will give yours a gift
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify.
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it.
Revenge: My character will get revenge on yours.
Jealousy: My character gets jealous over yours.
Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character.
Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light.
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
Spell: I’ll write my character putting a spell on yours. Or being under a spell/curse.
Song: My charcter singing a song to yours, or vice versa.
Gloves: How my character deals with news from yours, Specify
Snow: Our characters in the cold together.
Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.
Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours.
Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.
Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Trick: Your character and mine being sneaky together
Treat: Your character and mine being sweet to one another
Costume: Your character or mine, dressing up for the other
Stars: Our characters under the stars together
Snow: Our characters in the cold together
Scarf: Your character or Mine borrowing/stealing clothes from the other
Hot Cocoa: Our characters enjoying a hot moment together.
Candles: Our characters enjoying a moment by candlelight
Gift: Your character or mine, surprising the other with a present
Bows: Your character or mine, dressing/undressing the other
Peppermint: Your character or mine, sharing a sweet secret with the other.
A Little Sleepy: Your muse falling asleep on my muse.
Cuddles: Our muses cuddling.
Mmph!: Our muses accidentally kissing.
A Little Messy!: Our muses being adorable cleaning up a mess together.
Hold Me…: Your muse has had a nightmare and comes to cuddle mine for safety.
I Kind Of…: My muse confessing that they love yours.
Don’t Leave Me!: Your muse is dying in my muses arms and mine is frantic, doesn’t want to lose you, and doesn’t know what to do about it.
Better Me Than You: My muse sacrificing themselves to save the life of yours.
Goodbye: My muse dying in your muse’s arms.
A Click And A Bang: My muse accidentally killing yours.
Together Or Not At All: Our muses dying together, telling all their secrets and confessing things.

Nyx: my character has a dream about yours

Loki sat in the large couch in the living room sewing patterns into a piece of scrap material. He had taken up sewing again since his lover had passed, though the activity was always met with a certain melancholy now as he could not remove thoughts of his lover from this simple act of sewing. It almost felt wrong and disrespectful to some extent as he knew how much his late lover feared needles. Having one in possession again seemed almost like an insult for that reason. His tiny cat, Mischief was curled up in his lap, sleeping quietly, undisturbed by the occasional contact of the material against her fur as Loki sewed indescribable and random patterns into it. After some time, Loki decided to attempt some sleep. It was hard for him to be granted the ability to escape into sleep, yet such did not stop him from at least trying. 

He stuck the threaded needle into the material and set it down on the small table at the couch’s side then scooped up his cat—who then gave a meow in protest—and went to bed. His other felines, Magic and Mayhem, happily curled up against him as soon as he pulled the covers over himself. Mischief joined a few minutes later, curling up against Magic and Loki at the same time. 

After laying still for nearly an hour, Loki drifted to sleep. At first there was a vagueness that seemed to be a never-ending night with nothing definitive such as ground, sky, or anything in between. Then a dream began to form. After waking, Loki would not remember how it began. It seemed the dream started while Loki was in the middle of something. He couldn’t smell yet by the way he walked, he could tell he was slightly intoxicated. He didn’t know where he was going, it seemed he was watching himself acting and moving. It seemed like him yet at the same time, Loki could not think of a time he would voluntarily drink and enter a club. Nonetheless, the intoxicated god did so enter some kind of club, the laser lights hit his face every so often. The area seemed thick in heat, yet Loki noticed he felt cold nonetheless. He wondered if perhaps it was because he was a jotun, a truth he found painful to think. He moved through the crowd until he spotted a girl who looked vaguely familiar. He struggled to think where he’d seen her before. Strangely, while trying to conjure some recollection of why this girl seemed familiar, it seemed like Loki’s body was possessed ever still, moving on its own accord without him being able to have a say. He didn’t know why he started dancing, he did not even like the music playing, and wasn’t typically a party-goer. Nonetheless, he felt his arms and legs moving nearly sluggishly to the music that he did not even enjoy and danced with this girl who looked vaguely familiar. After some minutes, she seemed to flirt with him, and though he was not remotely interested, still he seemed to act upon commands that were not his own. He followed the girl outside the club, his hands on her, pressing her to the wall, and kissing her, even though internally he was trying desperately to gain control and find answers to why he acted as he did. 

He paused in kissing her when she told him she didn’t want to continue here, his mind thinking he did not even want to continue at all, yet his body only teleporting the two of them to a room he’d never seen before. Strangely, it was then he recognized the face. He remembered bumping into this girl in New York a long time ago and only ever seeing her once since when he was forced to shed an article of clothing should someone send him a heart symbol and she was one. In the middle of recalling his brief encounters with the girl, Loki found himself with her on her bed. His thoughts of recounting memories quickly shifted to questions, the speed of his thoughts dizzying. As his head began to ache from the thoughts racing through his head, trying to make sense of all of this, the image dissolved into nothingness.

A few minutes, it seems, from there, Loki sensed where he was. He felt the full force of gravity pressing him into his bed, the heat radiating from his animals, the sheet tucked all the way up to his neck. It was then Loki realized he experienced a very strange dream, the content of which he could not fathom into sense nor could he find any leads into why such material presented itself to him in his subconscious. 

Furies: One of our characters causing the other pain

It was one of those days where Loki had an unexplained desire to see things burn. Known as a god of fire to the Ancient Norse, Loki was certainly not without his interest in the flame, a very strong and potent energy source, easy to harness, yet hard to control. 

Manifesting a blue flame in hand, Loki waited until the flame collected into a ball of fire in his palm before throwing it at a shop window. The force of the manifested energy caused the window to break, the contents in the display case quickly catching fire within seconds of the fireball’s impact. Loki strode away as he collected up another ball of flame and threw it at the wheel of a fast-moving vehicle. The hot substance cause the wheel to pop, the sound of which seemed to be so forceful in itself there was a brief quake felt in Loki’s being. 

Loki continued down the busy New York street as chaos stirred from his two actions. He summoned his scepter and fired its blue energy into the lobby of a 50 story building. The force of its impact caused the windows of 15 floors to explode. The shattered glass fell onto people who’d taken to frantic running and panic, cutting arms, legs, faces, and more. Cars skidded too soon to where other cars behind crashed into them. The street was becoming something of a war zone. 

In the middle of this, a girl who had earlier that day taken to walking several blocks to get things that put her in a foul mood out of her mind, was passing through when she witnessed the second of several blasts. She frowned in confusion, spotting the individual who seemed to be the cause of the current destruction. She dodged a large falling sheet of glass which shattered on the ground beside her. Bravery taking control of her, she ran over to the individual causing harm and grabbed his alien weapon instead of fleeing the scene. 

Loki snapped his vision from crashing cars to the girl who had appeared seemingly from nowhere and was attempting to seize his scepter. He twisted his wrist with force, causing the scepter to flip and slap the girl’s cheek hard. She didn’t let go, however. She responded by kicking him where it counts.

Loki let go of the scepter in that brief second, almost crumpling as searing pain spread. Forcing himself to straighten up, Loki was met with a violent jab of his scepter, its cold metal penetrating his side. The girl twisted the scepter into his wound. Loki let out a slight cry of pain before yanking the scepter from his side and then pulling it away from the girl. She nearly skidded on the black pavement as he pulled it and when he managed to pull it from her grasp, she nearly fell forward. Zeada regained her stance, dodging the swing of an attempted blow to her head from Loki. She swung her hand up to the scepter, being lifted from the ground as she did, and kicked Loki hard in the face as she flipped over the scepter, pulling a stunt she did not know herself capable of.

Feet landing on the ground, she then used the weight of her body to yank the scepter from Loki, who was still recovering from the kick to the face, a streak of blood running down his side. Managing to get the scepter from him, the Zeada used it to first trip him, which was easily done what with Loki’s temporary disorientation. With Loki’s back smacking the pavement painfully, Zeada stepped over him and prepared a dead blow. Loki’s only response to that was teleporting himself from under the path of his scepter. The scepter hit the pavement where Loki once was, dragging so fast with speed a couple sparks were unleashed in the process. Zeada gasped in confusion, looking around while wondering just where the individual went. As she spun a full 360, she realized the weapon in hand slowly dissolving into nothingness. She dropped it with a slight look of shock and fear, yet the scepter did not reach the ground before fully disappearing. 

Zeada looked around the immediate area, looking for the raven-haired individual who caused this mess in New York, yet he was no where to be seen. Just as sudden as his attack started, it had ended, and no trace of him was to be found. 



Send any of these to me at your leisure and I will write it — Please be specific to who is going to be doing what.:

Achilles: my character reveals their weakness to yours.

Aerico: One of out characters nursing the other back to good health 

Agamemnon: tragic homecoming story for one or both of our characters

Aphrodite: my character falls in love with yours.

Apollo: my character sees a future event involving yours 

Ares: our characters get into a fight. 

Artemis: my character goes with yours on a hunting trip. 

Athena: my character has yours on trial for past transgressions. 

Cassandra:  my character warns yours about future events: but your character does not listen.

Cerberus: Our characters raising a little hell together

Demeter: my character longs for yours.

Dionysus: my character gets drunk with yours. 

Furies: One of our characters causing the other pain 

Hades: your character is visited by my character’s ghost

Harpies: Our characters getting into an argument 

Hector: my character fights in the place of yours/for your sake. 

Helen: my character describes their favourite person/person they admire most to yours.

Hermes: my character brings your character good news (or vice versa). 

Hestia: our characters snuggle by a fire. 

Menelaus: my character gets something precious stolen from them by yours. 

Nike: one of our characters succeeds over the other 

Nyx: my character has a dream about yours

Odysseus: happy homecoming story for one or both of our characters.

Patrocles: my character dies in the place of yours/for your sake. 

Pegasus: Our characters fantasising together 

Persephone: my character is held prisoner by yours. 

Poseidon: our characters are stranded on an island together after a shipwreck. 

Zeus: my character sleeps with yours.

Sly and Tricky is the Younger Son: Greek Myth Themed Drabbles

Could you pretty please with cherries on top send me some drabble prompts?

  1. Send me a prompt (however long and/or detailed you want to make it) either via an Ask or use the Submit tool, or just reblog/reply to this post with your drabble prompt. I will accept multiple prompts from one individual, of course. You can use this masterlist if you’re stumped on prompt ideas.
  2. Let me know who you want in the drabble besides Liefully (if anyone), like your character (if we’ve interacted a bit), some other RPer’s character (but I have to be familiar with them), or a canon character.
  3. Tell me if you want it to be an AU setting or mainverse setting. If it’s AU, tell me how they are AU (i.e. Liefully is a mortal, or has a certain hobby or something, anything goes).
  4. Then tell me what kind of setting you want this to take place in (i.e. a park, the theater, etc.).
  5. Pick something that should occur or be mentioned in the drabble (i.e. one accidentally trips the other, they do some specific activity in the setting provided, anything.).
  6. Tell me how long you want the drabble to be. Minimum is 3 sentences. If you don’t specify a length, I will write it however long I want to.

Thank you very much if you send me a prompt or two.))

((OOC: LOL. I finally finished it. Omfg it’s not even a drabble, it’s like a novel Why. I’m not going to pretend I know how sex works. LOL. So there’s probably some ‘wtf’ in there. Also, I probably don’t know Krystal that well so it might be a bad interpretation. BUT I TRIED! I’m not sure if it’s AU or main. (But either way, it’s the first document of Dalie having the sexy time with a female. LOL. Unless Sigyn counts, we never finished that thread so I dunno if it’s safe to assume or not.) Putting it under a read more because 1. it’s a novel, 2. it’s NSFW. XD Omfg I can’t believe I wrote that.))

Freya: A drabble (main or AU) about our characters making love/having sex.

Dalie stood at the window, taking note of the sun slowly setting. He ran the fingers of one hand through his hair as he considered his options. Staying inside seemed to be one, but staying inside for nearly every night for the past two weeks was starting to give Dalie some form of cabin fever. He felt a strong need to go out and be reckless.

He started with alcohol, choosing to walk into town and stop by the nearest liquor store there. Having more money than he really needed made purchasing the stuff easy. He then went to a nearby park and started to drink the numerous bottles of strong liquor in brown paper bags sitting on a park bench.

It wasn’t enough to make Dalie drunk but it was enough to make him start to sway in step, the stench of alcohol pungent enough to permeate a few yards before himself. Before leaving the park, Dalie pulled out a cigarette, crossing his legs as he lit it and took a puff. He watched the cloud of smoke escaping his lips dissipate before his eyes. Finishing his cigarette, Dalie tossed it carelessly into a nearby trashcan and hopped up with a sudden animation of energy. He then teleported himself without considering where he wanted to go, allowing his end result to be a mystery to himself when he got there.

As the orange sky gradually changed to a blue that stood to be a median of the bright sky blue of day and the deep light-engulfing purple of night with scattered speckles of light, Dalie chose to cause havoc and mayhem in the streets of an unsuspecting and unprepared city far from his home in Ystad. He tossed knives at cars passing by, his aim sometimes not steady enough to force knives to enter open passenger windows, but instead skid against the sides of cars and under tires without causing harm. Though it was enough to cause drivers to lose control of their wheels momentarily, swerving briefly before continuing their line of direction. Dalie summoned a gun and fired it at a few cars, hitting the doors, breaking windshields, and once popping a tire. The tire was enough to cause a cataclysm of car crashes, one car catapulted from the bridge and fell to the freeway below, smashing the hood and windshield of a car driving at such speed the force of the crash caused the car to flip into the car in front, crushing their trunk. Other cars with little to no warning skidded and crashed into each other, the speeds they traveled causing a far deadlier series of crashes than the crashes on the bridge above. The total amount of cars with damage, including those on the bridge above, ended to be a dozen cars, several drivers and passengers injured, and a few dead.

The night was young, however, so Dalie turned away from the wreckage and teleported himself to a completely different city. Drawn by music he was able to hear a couple blocks away, Dalie entered a busy and booming night club. The lights were vibrant purples, blues, and greens. Strobe lights flashed enough to where it seemed every second of bright white light was a snapshot of time. There he ran into Krystal, one he swore looked vaguely familiar. Either she was inebriated as well or mistook him for another who had his face, it was unclear, however she caught Dalie’s eye and invited him to dance with her. Despite not being particularly interested to dance, he sauntered over to her and began to dance with her, admittedly not putting much effort or enthusiasm in it.

After dancing several minutes to more than two songs, the dragon princess and the immortal both appeared to have beads of sweat upon their brows, highlighted by the flashing of the strobe lights and occasionally marked by the purple, blue, and green laser lights that streaked across the ceiling, walls, floor, and everything and everyone in between.

In the middle of dancing to another song that seemed to shake the cores of every being in the room, Dalie slid his hands from Krystal’s waist to her hips. His hands disappeared from visibility as he slid them under Krystal’s blouse, momentarily distracting her from where his hands traveled by kissing Krystal on the crook of her neck. At first distracted by his lips and hot breath on her neck, Krystal refocused and stepped away from Dalie’s grasp. Dalie hissed as though irritated,—not that it could be heard against the loud music—thinking he was getting burned yet when he caught Krystal’s eyes he noticed her ‘come hither’ gesture, swaying her hips in time to the music and repeatedly curling her index finger in Dalie’s face.

In a matter of minutes, the two of them were outside the club, the stark difference of temperature indoors and out ignored as they were distracted by a session of lip-locking and tongue-tying. Dalie led Krystal into the gap between the club and the much quieter building it neighbored while kissing her fervently. He pressed his body against hers, hands rested on her waist, stepping forward, gently pushing Krystal backward to the point that her back met the wall of the club. Krystal broke their kiss with a small gasp at the feel of the cold wall against her back; it seemed much colder than Dalie did to her skin. With their aggressive kissing ceased, Dalie changed pace by kissing down Krystal’s neck. She lifted her hands from Dalie’s lower back, resting one on a shoulder blade and her other hand combing through Dalie’s hair, enjoying the feel of his cool lips against her sensitive skin. At first, she slowly opened her eyes then registered their location and how unfavorable that was. She moved her hands from Dalie’s back and hair to gently push him away from herself, and insisted they not do this in the alley, where it was public and they could be seen.

Dalie smirked, amused by Krystal’s brief moment of shyness, not wanting to exhibit anything indecent in public. It crossed his mind to continue anyway, yet at this time, he wasn’t particularly interested in being too pushy and pushiness could turn things sour fast. While he had his experiences engaging in non-consensual activities, things the vast majority of society would undoubtedly frown upon, he equally enjoyed consensual situations as well.

He stepped close to Krystal again, against her resistant push, and brushed his nose up along her neck and head until his lips were against her ear. He whispered, “Where would you like to go?”

Krystal felt a little flustered by his gesture, mind trying to think of a decent place that might be close. She found it unlikely that Dalie would be interested in going to a nearby motel and didn’t want to say something that would kill the mood, despite that tiny voice in the back of her head reminding her who this she was pressed against a wall with. She pictured her own home in her mind, yet didn’t verbalize that as she knew cheap motels were closer to their location than her place and she had no clue where Dalie called home.

Seconds after picturing her home in mind, she realized she was standing in her own room. Confusion crossed her face as she looked around, then realized Dalie must’ve read her thoughts and transported them there. She had nearly forgotten he was a teleporter. Before she could comment on the environment change, Dalie grabbed her arm that she had placed on his chest to push him away and moved it to her side as he stepped forward. In order not to lose balance, she had to step backwards again, her calves soon meeting the edge of her bed, where Dalie ceased moving forward and pushed her back. She fell onto the softness of her mattress and Dalie rested a hand at her side to bring himself above her. His free hand found her thigh, covered in tight jeans, and ran his fingers up from her thigh, over her hip and caught hold of the bottom of her shirt, pulling it up to expose half of her abdominal region.

For a moment, Krystal was met with unease as she remembered the violence Dalie wrecked on her body not long ago. Having been briefly caught in this thought, she gasped at the jerk forward she felt next as Dalie had opposite ends of her shirt in both hands and ripping it in half. Almost falling forward, Dalie stopped and pressed a hand at Krystal’s side, slightly engulfed by the cushion of the mattress. They both shared a slight scoff-like laugh at that.

Krystal pulled off her half-torn shirt and bra and Dalie followed suit with his own upper-wear. First he leaned back, balancing on his knee between Krystal’s legs on the mattress, allowing his coat to slide off. Then he slipped out of the red plaid flannel shirt and his wife-beater and tossed them both to the floor on his right.

He took a pause of stripping his attire to kiss Krystal again, shifting slightly to pull her higher up on the bed. Satisfied with their location on the bed, Dalie lowered his body to press against Krystal’s then slid forward, intentionally grinding against her. His lips found her collarbone, and started trailing along her neck and jaw line again. He took enjoyment of basking in the warmth of her skin, the contrast against his own seemed greater now than times before. Of course, he couldn’t recall being so close in those other times, feeling the softness of her breasts against his marked skin, the heat that got trapped between their stomachs.

He turned his head as he kissed over Krystal’s neck and chin, kissing her other side. The hand that he didn’t require for elevation lightly traced down the side of her torso, stirring the sensitive hairs. Before he reached her hip, he flinched at the sound of a laugh escaping Krystal’s lips, triggered by the tickle she felt. Dalie exhaled a low hum, pressing his nose against Krystal’s neck again as his hand found the edge of her pants and traveled to the center. He could feel Krystal’s hands sliding along his sides and the occasional interruption of the touch by the thin protruding lines that were etched into his Jotun skin.

Dalie unbuttoned Krystal’s pants as her hands trailed the rim of his own. He tugged on the top of her pants and slightly managed to yank them down, managing to pull Krystal down a tad. Dalie distracted her with a kiss to the lips as his hand slid under her panties. Krystal broke from their kiss to gasp, feeling his cold fingers entering her, a strange sensation that was unexpected yet not met with displeasure. Krystal’s thighs hugged Dalie’s hips as soft pleasant moans escaped her throat each time his fingers rubbed against her clit.

Not wanting her to have too much fun, Dalie withdrew his hand and pulled away from her, sitting again on one of his knees, and pulled her pants down. He took a moment to step off the bed to remove her form-hugging jeans and shoes. Krystal responded with reddening cheeks. Before rejoining her on the bed, Dalie stepped out of his own lower garments. He tickled Krystal’s side as he returned to kissing her. Krystal’s stomach churned for not only the reason that he tickled her side, but feeling mildly uncomfortable being naked with Dalie.

That feeling eased as she concentrated on how it felt to have the cool-bodied immortal’s skin rubbing against her own. In one way, it was soothing, keeping her from getting too heated up against him. Disliking the negligence between her thighs, Krystal slid one of her hands between their torsos, feeling each curve and dip of Dalie’s abdominal muscles, and stopped when she found his erection. Dalie stiffened in response to the warm hand that touched him but his tension quickly eased when he felt her guide him inside her. He took a sharp inhale then relaxed as he pulled away, locking eyes with her for a moment.

Krystal moved her hand from between them and found the curve of Dalie’s back where his spine was and ran the tips of her fingers up that spine. Dalie slightly writhed in response from the tingling sensation of her warm hands on his back. Feeling a craving for continuance, Dalie pulled one of Krystal’s thigh’s up to his waist and kissed the side of her jaw as he penetrated her, his abdomen pressed hard against hers.

Krystal grabbed the back of Dalie’s neck with one hand and struggled to grasp the small of his back as he started to work in and out of her, his pace steadily increasing in frequency and intensity. She closed her eyes, feeling how his breath hit her shoulder, how his body hit hers, and how his actions made her slowly curl her legs around him.

Trying to maintain balance while keeping to his rythme, Dalie moved his hand from clutching her thigh to his waist and locked the bend of her leg to the bend of his arm, his hand buried in the fabric and cushion of her mattress. He could feel Krystal’s response to his movement by the way she arched up against him, hugged him with her unattended thigh, her fingers digging into his back, and the moans she made.

For a moment, there was no thought that passed Dalie’s normally overactive mind. There was only feeling that he he got lost in, himself seeming to experience it from a third perspective almost. It was something that before he knew corporeal form, he could never put word to, something witnessed but not understood. There was something indescribable to what under most other circumstances would feel uncomfortable… Two bodies too close in proximity, exposed to each other and surrounding elements, sweat, and conflicting body temperatures triggering nerves in confusing way. Hot breath against one’s shoulder and cold breath against the other’s. Hair sticking to skin and fabric wishing to entangle. And a strange shiver that had the tendency to crawl down backsides. It was left something unspoken in thought to the immortal, a strange pain that felt pleasant yet so much more complex than that. It was the first feeling he encountered that he failed to describe and no further exploitation of this act got him any closer to controlling it with words. He couldn’t trespass the thoughts of others to gain any insight, this was just one of many physical feelings that Dalie couldn’t fully grasp with control and science only covered so much.

Dalie’s silent mind was ended as he regained realization of his situation, no longer lost in the thoughtless movement he sometimes found himself in. The immortal bested Krystal in stamina, causing her to reach her climax before he reached his own. He could feel how she shivered and tensed under him and felt satisfied with himself. He responded by briefly pressing his cheek against her neck as he continued. His pace ceased as his breath hitched and his abdominal muscles tensed, reaching that release he’d been working for.

Whether he willed it or not, Dalie’s body slowed down until he let one arm cave in and rested his head against the curve of Krystal’s neck trying to catch his breath. A sweat rolled down his face, hitting the blanket beneath them, his body feeling over-exerted from the night’s sequence of physically trying events and little to no breaks in between.

Unsure of how to act, Krystal traced her fingers along the winding lines etched on Dalie’s back, finding them to be as soft and firm as protruded scar tissue. He didn’t seem to respond to her mild gesture of intimacy. Maybe he was too tired or he just didn’t care, Krystal wasn’t certain. While her encounters with him were brief, she easily picked up the sense that Dalie was far from being a cuddler. It was likely that this behavior meant something completely different to Dalie than it did to her but she wasn’t planning to ask. She just laid still under the exhausted immortal, quiet, and keeping a consistent slow pace of tracing one or two of her fingers along the strange lines that mapped across his entire form.