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Tag Archives: DarkFree

Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

Leaves this here…

He seemed satisfied, for now at least. 

FreeYou felt a hand grab his hair, and then he cried out in surprise as he was spun around roughly and Dark Liefully’s lips were suddenly on his own. Dark Liefully’s mouth moved harshly, meaning to bruise. FreeYou felt a sharp spark of pain as Dark Liefully bit down hard on his lower lip, hard enough that the taste of blood flooded his mouth. He raised his hands to Dark Liefully’s shoulders and attempted to shove him away, but his grip on his hair was too strong. He whimpered softly as Dark Liefully coaxed his tongue out of his mouth. His eyes widened in horrified realization as he felt Dark Liefully’s teeth nibbling lightly on his tongue, but before he could react, a sharp cry of pain forced its way out of his mouth as Dark Liefully bit down roughly. Dark Liefully took the tip of FreeYou’s tongue between his teeth, pausing for a moment to look straight into his eyes. FreeYou stared back as defiantly as he could before Dark Liefully bit him hard enough that a small crunch could be heard, causing FreeYou to let out a small scream.

Dark Liefully finally released his grip, and FreeYou tore himself away from his mouth, furiously wiping away the tears of pain that had welled at the corners of his eyes. His mouth felt as if it were on fire, but he tried not to show the pain on his face; he didn’t want to give Dark Liefully the satisfaction. He looked Dark Liefully in the eye, meeting the amused expression with his carefully neutral one. His heart skipped a beat as he saw Dark Liefully take out a small, shining object. A knife. FreeYou unconsciously took a nervous half step back.

“What are you planning on doing with that?” he asked with as much authority as he could muster.

“What do I plan to do with this?” The slight smile on Dark Liefully’s face grew into a full smirk. “Ye are impatient, but fear not, for ye shall find the answer to thy question soon enough.”  FreeYou felt his breath quicken nervously as Dark Liefully closed the distance between them. FreeYou began to back away, but he was stopped abruptly by a hand gripping his throat firmly. FreeYou coughed and grabbed Dark Liefully’s wrist, trying to push him away. He froze as Dark Liefully raised the knife, running the blade lightly from the corner of FreeYou’s eye down his cheek to the corner of his mouth. A thin red line appeared in its trail, and a single drop of blood welled around the knife at the end of the cut. FreeYou could hear his heart pounding as his breaths came in short pants, his air flow restricted by Dark Liefully’s grip on his throat.

FreeYou felt Dark Liefully’s hand tense slightly before a blinding pain tore through him as Dark Liefully savagely sliced his cheek open. FreeYou let loose a blood curdling scream of agony, desperation giving him the power to rip Dark Liefully’s hand away from his throat before collapsing to the floor in a daze of pain. His head spun as the blood poured down his neck onto his chest, staining the dress. Dark Liefully sighed and picked up FreeYou by his hair. FreeYou struggled violently, trying desperately to get away from his captor. “Cease thy struggles,” Dark Liefully said in an almost irritated tone, “Unless ye want to bleed to death.” FreeYou froze and stared tearfully at Dark Liefully, his breath coming in ragged pants. Dark Liefully placed his hand on the wound and the nearly unbearable pain faded away as it healed. 


I find this amusing for I did cut up his face once. Ehehehehe.


Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

I have entitled this part “Why the Heck is This Four Parts Long”. Enjoy.

His entire body froze up in fear as he closed his eyes, trying to deny the situation was occurring at all. 

FreeYou threw back his head and let out a scream as Dark Liefully roughly entered him without warning. Tears of agony started welling in his eyes while pain raced through his body, making him writhe. Dark Liefully laughed and started to thrust hard, giving him no time to adjust. FreeYou was screaming and thrashing in pain and horror as he was viciously taken by his twin. He pulled desperately at his bonds, but the leather binding his hands held fast.

FreeYou’s screams of pain were suddenly cut short as a strong hand appeared around his throat. FreeYou thrashed around violently, tears blurring the sight of Dark Liefully’s grinning face.  His world started to spin from lack of oxygen, chest burning from his need to shout out his pain. It was only when he saw black creeping in on the sides of his vision that Dark Liefully finally let go of his neck. FreeYou choked as he struggled to catch his breath, but the gag was making it difficult to breathe, and what little air he did manage to take in was immediately expelled by his screams as Dark Liefully had not slowed down his relentless pace at all.

“That’s right,” Dark Liefully breathed, “Scream for me, my twin.” FreeYou tried to swallow his shouts, but he couldn’t stop himself from yelping sharply in sync with Dark Liefully’s movements. “Do not lie to me twin, I know ye love this, ye love the feeling of mine prick pounding into thy tight hole.” Dark Liefully hissed. He grasped FreeYou’s cock and started pumping it roughly, causing FreeYou to let out a cry of surprise. FreeYou started to whimper as the pain faded to a dull throb, and the pleasure returned tenfold. He bucked and whined, and in the heat of his frenzied movements, Dark Liefully sank deeper within him. FreeYou made an obscene noise; one he could hardly believe he was capable of making as Dark Liefully brushed against his prostate.

FreeYou began thrusting mindlessly against Dark Liefully as the pleasure overwhelmed his senses. He couldn’t believe that anything could feel this good; he couldn’t believe that he had never introduced himself to such pleasures from coupling with others. He whined as Dark Liefully removed his hand from his straining cock and raked it down his chest, drawing blood. Dark Liefully’s thrusts began to increase in pace, and FreeYou gave a shout of surprise and pain as Dark Liefully bit down hard on his shoulder. He tensed as he felt Dark Liefully dig his fingernails into his leg. Another brush against his prostate had him jerking and screaming out his pleasure to the world. Dark Liefully moved his head to FreeYou’s ear. “Look at thyself, ye filthy whore, screaming like some wanton bitch in heat,” Dark Liefully whispered harshly before licking down the shell of his ear and biting at the lobe. FreeYou felt heat rush through him at the filthy words.

FreeYou’s thrusts became more and more desperate as he felt the pleasure building. Suddenly the firm hand was on his erection again, stroking it so hard that the pleasure bordered on pain. The dual sensation of Dark Liefully’s thumb rubbing harshly across the head of his dick and his cock pounding into him became too much, and FreeYou let out a long wail as his vision went white. He shuddered and spasmed violently as Dark Liefully gave two, three more rough thrusts before releasing his seed deep inside of him, groaning deeply into FreeYou’s ear. Both men lay still, their breath coming in short pants. FreeYou whimpered in discomfort when Dark Liefully pulled out, his semen oozing from FreeYou’s abused opening. 


My, this is the dirtiest yet… Yes, good.

I have no problem with four parts. And if you wish to make a fifth, I have no objection to that either.


Freefully Shipper ( submitted:

I have no idea what to put up here (but it’s still nsfw)

Dark Liefully was going to take him, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. 

FreeYou squirmed in discomfort at the unfamiliar feeling of Dark Liefully’s finger inside of him. It wasn’t painful, but it didn’t feel very good either. As it moved in and out of him, the sensation began to change from strange to pleasurable. Soon he was whimpering softly, saliva starting to accumulate around the edge of his mouth. “Thou art enjoying thyself, ye harlot.” Dark Liefully said as he curled and twisted his finger, trying to loosen FreeYou up for what was to come. FreeYou’s face heated up in embarrassment, hating the humiliating position he was in.

FreeYou’s heart jolted as he felt Dark Liefully putting another finger into him. This time he could feel a stinging pain, and his whimpers changed to those of displeasure. Dark Liefully disregarded FreeYou’s sounds of protest, and continued to ease his middle finger into his tight passage, carefully stretching him. FreeYou’s breath was coming in ragged pants as he struggled to adjust to the intruding digits. Soon he had two fingers pumping in and out of him, scissoring and loosening him up. Before the pain completely faded, Dark Liefully added a third finger, harshly stretching FreeYou’s virgin entrance. FreeYou yelped in pain and desperately tried to pull himself away from his twisted twin.

“What is the matter?” Dark Liefully asked as he forcefully thrust his fingers into FreeYou. “I thought thou liked being filled, being fucked by mine hand.” FreeYou’s eyes blurred over with tears as he fought against the pain of being so harshly filled. The burning pain faded to a subtle sting as the pleasurable sensations became more and more prominent. Finally the pain was almost gone and FreeYou couldn’t stop himself from twitching his hips slightly in time with Dark Liefully’s thrusts. “Look at thyself!” Dark Liefully teased. “Taking mine fingers like some wanton whore. You love this, do thee not? Ye love being violated by me.”

 FreeYou desperately tried to block out Dark Liefully’s words. He wished Dark Liefully would at least untie his hands, the pleasure of Dark Liefully’s fingers moving within him was not enough to block out the pain of hanging by them. The leather gag was beginning to cut the sides of his mouth, and a small trickle of blood was forming, mixing with his drool. He yelped as Dark Liefully’s other hand returned to his nipples, pinching and scratching at them. He twitched and jerked at the assault on his senses, the pain mixing with the pleasure. Suddenly, Dark Liefully’s mouth was back on his neck, biting and sucking greedily until he drew blood. Pulling back, he licked his lips and hungrily and withdrew his fingers from FreeYou’s body, causing him to let out a gasp of surprise.

“I think thou art ready now,” Dark Liefully said, grinning in anticipation. FreeYou’s eyes widened in horror, and his hole twitched in discomfort at the sudden feeling of emptiness. Dark Liefully waved his hand, and FreeYou gave a muffled noise of surprise as he was taken down from the wall, only to be thrown carelessly face up onto the hard, cold floor. Dark Liefully smirked as FreeYou cried out in pain. “Ye despise contact, nay?” Dark Liefully asked teasingly. “Well, it would be best if thou became accustomed to it soon.” FreeYou watched in fear as Dark Liefully’s clothes vanished, his hard cock standing proud for him to see. He kneeled down and forcefully grabbed FreeYou’s legs, forcing them apart. He lined up his cock and grinned sadistically when FreeYou started squirming and making desperate noises of protest. FreeYou stilled instantly as he felt Dark Liefully pressing against his entrance. His entire body froze up in fear as he closed his eyes, trying to deny the situation was occurring at all. 


I am sure mine twin will enjoy reading this if he does. Ehehehehehe. I know I did.
