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Tag Archives: dalieisinyourcloset

Liefully: How long have you been standing there?
Dalie: Not long.
Liefully: Come to kill me?
Dalie: No.
Liefully: Come to hurt me?
Dalie: No.
Liefully: Why else would you be here then?
Dalie: Various things. I suppose I am simply curious.
Liefully: -sigh- About what?
Dalie: I just wonder what it… No, I shall not say.
Liefully: -frowns-
Dalie: I will, though, mention that while I have not particularly bothered you in any way, that does not mean I have not been watching.
Liefully: Trying to scare me?
Dalie: No.
Liefully: Then what purpose is there in informing me such?
Dalie: Just that I am aware of your situation.
Liefully: You and nearly everyone else.
Dalie: My apologies.
Liefully: Hmm?
Dalie: You are always so skeptical of my visits. I came to apologize.
Liefully: For what?
Dalie: It is typical to apologize for a loss.
Liefully: You are not one to apologize for anything.
Dalie: No, ’tis true. I am not. But this I shall.
Liefully: Why?
Dalie: Why not?
Liefully: Stop that! Just tell me why!
Dalie: Should go without surprise that last I saw him, I was mean. I said things that scared him.
Liefully: Why are you telling me this?
Dalie: There are things I know about him that you do not. I have considered telling them to you.
Liefully: What things?
Dalie: -shakes his head- No. I am not telling you those things. I shall let them die with him.
Liefully: -narrows eyes-
Dalie: It should go without surprise… that he loved you. And he did a lot to protect you and make your life better… He did a lot to see you happy. You should not let such efforts be in vain.
Liefully: Why are you saying this?
Dalie: -tilts his head- As I said, I am aware of your situation. And some things I have thought about. I need not do anything to see you tortured when you are a far more superior torturer than I.
Liefully: I do not–
Dalie: Smile! You dolt, you are not dead yet you act it. What is the point of living if you do not live?
Liefully: …

((OOC: Cupcakes for those of you who do (regardless of the answer): 

Thank you very much.))

((OOC: Okay, I just have one (1) question to ask. Could you please take a moment to send me some feedback? Thank you to those of you who do!))

((Lol that one time when Dalie attacked Liefully just to give him a kiss.))


((OOC: Liefully’s willing to talk if anyone’s willing to talk to him.

I will share my top secret steps of how to properly roleplay with my muses (all of them):

  1. FIRST OFF Ask yourself what kind of relationship does your character have with my character? Do they know him as my muse actually is or do they only have the general public’s view of my muse (which could be good or bad)? Do they even know who my muse actually is? Have they every seen or heard of my muse at all? Are they very little acquainted or very acquainted with my muse? Are they friends to my muse? Are they family friends or part of my muse’s family? (NOTE: Please do not assume your character is my character’s family without asking me first.) Are they someone that looks up to my muse but doesn’t know my muse? Are they considered my muse’s enemy or just think thy are? ETC.)
  2. THEN Ask yourself what’s one thing your muse would say to my muse? Or think of multiple things your character would say to my muse, if you can. 
  3. OR What’s one way your muse would run into my muse?
  4. OR What is one thing your muse would ask my muse about?
  5. OR What’s one thing your muse would like to do with my muse? (Then ask if they would just go forth and take action or politely ask my muse about it.)
  6. OR What’s one thing your muse would say that my muse might find interesting to hear/learn/know?
  7. OR What’s one thing your muse would do that might catch my muse’s interest?
  8. AFTER THAT Click this link (and if it doesn’t work then click this one)
  9. NEXT Once you have a few answers, select one and have your muse write the response in the box provided on that link I just gave you.
  10. OR Write a starter and tag it as my character’s name.
  11. AND THEN My character will then respond to it sometime soon. (Depends if he’s in the mood to talk or not, or if I’m available or not.)

That’s all. It’s not rocket science.))

Liefully Loki ((ON HIATUS)): ((OOC: Liefully’s willing to talk if anyone’s willing to talk to…


((OOC: Liefully’s willing to talk if anyone’s willing to talk to him.

I will share my top secret steps of how to properly roleplay with my muses (all of them):

  1. FIRST OFF Ask yourself what kind of relationship does your character have with my character? Do they know him as my muse actually is or do they only have the general public’s view of my muse (which could be good or bad)? Do they even know who my muse actually is? Have they every seen or heard of my muse at all? Are they very little acquainted or very acquainted with my muse? Are they friends to my muse? Are they family friends or part of my muse’s family? (NOTE: Please do not assume your character is my character’s family without asking me first.) Are they someone that looks up to my muse but doesn’t know my muse? Are they considered my muse’s enemy or just think thy are? ETC.)
  2. THEN Ask yourself what’s one thing your muse would say to my muse? Or think of multiple things your character would say to my muse, if you can. 
  3. OR What’s one way your muse would run into my muse?
  4. OR What is one thing your muse would ask my muse about?
  5. OR What’s one thing your muse would like to do with my muse? (Then ask if they would just go forth and take action or politely ask my muse about it.)
  6. OR What’s one thing your muse would say that my muse might find interesting to hear/learn/know?
  7. OR What’s one thing your muse would do that might catch my muse’s interest?
  8. AFTER THAT Click this link (and if it doesn’t work then click this one)
  9. NEXT Once you have a few answers, select one and have your muse write the response in the box provided on that link I just gave you.
  10. OR Write a starter and tag it as my character’s name.
  11. AND THEN My character will then respond to it sometime soon. (Depends if he’s in the mood to talk or not, or if I’m available or not.)

That’s all. It’s not rocket science.))

Liefully Loki ((ON HIATUS)): ((OOC: Liefully’s willing to talk if anyone’s willing to talk to…

((OOC: Okay, lovelies. I must depart for sleep even though it’s 7pm because I have to wake up at 11pm to go to work. LOL. So see you later. Remember my contact information if for some ridiculous reason this blog gets deleted: 

My email:
My chatroom:
Skype: only given if requested by those I have RPed with.))

((OOC: That gif just reminded me. It’s been a really looooong time since Dalie said:


Dalie’s Jotun flesh is mostly this really dark blue:

Liefully’s Jotun flesh is mostly this middle tone of blue:

((OOC: Liefully’s willing to talk if anyone’s willing to talk to him.

I will share my top secret steps of how to properly roleplay with my muses (all of them):

  1. FIRST OFF Ask yourself what kind of relationship does your character have with my character? Do they know him as my muse actually is or do they only have the general public’s view of my muse (which could be good or bad)? Do they even know who my muse actually is? Have they every seen or heard of my muse at all? Are they very little acquainted or very acquainted with my muse? Are they friends to my muse? Are they family friends or part of my muse’s family? (NOTE: Please do not assume your character is my character’s family without asking me first.) Are they someone that looks up to my muse but doesn’t know my muse? Are they considered my muse’s enemy or just think thy are? ETC.)
  2. THEN Ask yourself what’s one thing your muse would say to my muse? Or think of multiple things your character would say to my muse, if you can. 
  3. OR What’s one way your muse would run into my muse?
  4. OR What is one thing your muse would ask my muse about?
  5. OR What’s one thing your muse would like to do with my muse? (Then ask if they would just go forth and take action or politely ask my muse about it.)
  6. OR What’s one thing your muse would say that my muse might find interesting to hear/learn/know?
  7. OR What’s one thing your muse would do that might catch my muse’s interest?
  8. AFTER THAT Click this link (and if it doesn’t work then click this one)
  9. NEXT Once you have a few answers, select one and have your muse write the response in the box provided on that link I just gave you.
  10. OR Write a starter and tag it as my character’s name.
  11. AND THEN My character will then respond to it sometime soon. (Depends if he’s in the mood to talk or not, or if I’m available or not.)

That’s all. It’s not rocket science.))

((OOC: Hmm. It’s been a long time since Dalie and Liefully have interacted.


And Liefully is completely okay with this.))