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Tag Archives: blindspotrp


…I am not certain how to answer that as there is nothing new for me.


((OOC: So for the gamble:

  • bornofjotunheimloptrlaufeyson: Owns Dalie for one day.
  • allseeingeyes: Owns Dalie for three days.
  • ms-romanov: Owns Dalie for a week.
  • blindspot-rp: Gets a french kiss from Dalie. Done.
  • princeoffrost: Gets one free favor (non-sexual) from Dalie to call upon at any time they wish.
  • pixiesingoldenhair: Gets to make 3 commands that Dalie absolutely has to follow, no objections.
  • gods-in-the-rain: Gets to do whatever they want to Dalie in a period of 6 hours and Dalie will not be able to do or say anything about it afterward. (That includes getting some manner of revenge.)
  • asgardianliar: Gets Dalie chained, collared and gagged for 12 hours. Only asgardianliar can remove the bindings and Dalie has to obey his every command during this time if he is freed of his bindings.
  • starknakedwithagodcomplex: Gets to spend a night with Dalie. (starknakedwithagodcomplex gets to decide what the two do.)
  • loyalty-in-green: Gets to be married to Dalie for two weeks. (They must even live together.) In progress, will finish on November 30th then move to green-mischief.
  • green-mischief: Gets to be married to Dalie for one month. (They must even live together.) [Will start November 30th.]

For everyone else, just let me know when you want to fulfill your gamble piece. Lol. Doesn’t have to be today or this week or next month of you don’t want it to be. Just let me know when you have time for it, especially Firvy and ms-romenov. :B ))

I considered biting your nose off but then I changed my mind last minute.

Dalie grabs your face with both hands, the smack of his hands on either cheek making a loud resonating slap that momentarily causes your jaw to shudder. Then he licks you from chin to nose and lets you go.







Who wants to play a little game?

“I’m in! I love proper games of chance.”

“All right, I shall go first,” Dalie said. He slipped the small bullet into the revolver of the gun, clicked it shut then spun it. He waited for it to cease spinning before placing the end of the gun to his forehead and pulling the trigger without a moment’s hesitation. There was only a clicking sound in response, nothing else. “Hmm… your turn.” He passed the gun to her.

Detta picked up the gun and took a deep breath before giving it a spin of her own. She placed it to her temple and pulled the trigger, a faint click. She let out the breath she’d been holding.

Dalie took the gun from Detta and this time placed it’s end to his left eye and pulling the trigger. Again, there was only the small click. Dalie let out a slightly disgruntled sigh as he offered the weapon back to the other. Now there was a one-in-four chance.

Detta stared at him, “Do you want to die?” She took the gun, “One in four…” She placed the gun to her temple again, and remembered when she would have welcomed death. Her hand shook as she pulled the trigger. There was the sound of a far off explosion, her telekineses reacted involuntarily stopping the bullet, so it lodged in her skull instead of her brain. She fell forward, blood pouring from the wound.

“Are you all right?” Somehow the bullet didn’t go all the way through and for that, Detta wouldn’t die, he suspected. He watched as the black potion from the bullet oozed on the side of her face nonetheless. He made a mental note to make another potion encapsulated bullet. He reached down and pulled the bullet from her skull and then healed the wound.





Who wants to play a little game?

“I’m in! I love proper games of chance.”

“All right, I shall go first,” Dalie said. He slipped the small bullet into the revolver of the gun, clicked it shut then spun it. He waited for it to cease spinning before placing the end of the gun to his forehead and pulling the trigger without a moment’s hesitation. There was only a clicking sound in response, nothing else. “Hmm… your turn.” He passed the gun to her.

Detta picked up the gun and took a deep breath before giving it a spin of her own. She placed it to her temple and pulled the trigger, a faint click. She let out the breath she’d been holding.

Dalie took the gun from Detta and this time placed it’s end to his left eye and pulling the trigger. Again, there was only the small click. Dalie let out a slightly disgruntled sigh as he offered the weapon back to the other. Now there was a one-in-four chance.



Who wants to play a little game?

“I’m in! I love proper games of chance.”

“All right, I shall go first,” Dalie said. He slipped the small bullet into the revolver of the gun, clicked it shut then spun it. He waited for it to cease spinning before placing the end of the gun to his forehead and pulling the trigger without a moment’s hesitation. There was only a clicking sound in response, nothing else. “Hmm… your turn.” He passed the gun to her.

[text] Cheryl

[text] Fuck

[text] Wring number.

[text] Who is this though?

[text] I wull lick your face.

I apologize, I do not know why I would ever do that. Perhaps you have me confused for another for such a thought is inconceivable for me.