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Tag Archives: avengers rp

Who wishes to play a game?

((OOC: Cupcakes for those of you who do (regardless of the answer): 

Thank you very much.))

((OOC: Okay, I just have one (1) question to ask. Could you please take a moment to send me some feedback? Thank you to those of you who do!))

((OOC: Friendly reminder that I have multiple blogs! 

Things to know:

  • If I’m not here (on Liefully’s blog), I am probably on Dalie’s blog, if not sleeping/afk having a life.
  • My mun blog is a subblog, so you will never see “liemunade is following you” or something like that because subblogs cannot follow.
  • Whether I am on Liefully’s blog or Dalie’s blog, any messages/asks/submissions sent to Liemunade will always be received regardless of whether I’m on Liefully or Dalie’s accounts since my subblog is accessible to both accounts. 
  • I run Dalie’s blog on Firefox and Liefully’s blog on Google Chrome, so never think it’s a burden to ask me to RP as one or the other since they are both always signed in and it is only a matter of switching browsers. 
  • I will roleplay with anyone! I don’t care if you’re the same character (Loki), in the same fandom (Avengers/Thor), in a different fandom, or are an OC. Never feel like you’re being a bother when poking me to reply to our thread. I am extremely forgetful/unorganized so you’re doing both of us a favor. 
  • Keep in mind that Dalie is typically mean/vicious, and it is not for any apparent reason other than to simply be. Liefully, though mostly sweet, can be vicious at times. 
  • I do have other blogs but these are the three main ones I am on.
  • I have a skype for roleplayers to contact me with and only give it to those who have RPed with me a little bit and also who ask for it.


Minding his own business traveling about a city he didn’t even live in, Loki would enter and exit the various shops that caught his interest. In the middle of stepping out from a boutique of books, he heard someone say his name… He hesitated, since he was caught off guard and only heard the formation of his name’s syllables without catching the distinctiveness of the voice. It must be that of someone he knew, right? He wasn’t sure. Nonetheless, Loki halted his movement and cautiously turned his head to see who called to him.

((OOC: Okay, I’m going to come clean. Liefully needs a canon Thor.

When I first started out on Tumblr, Liefully had four Thors to interact with. It was great. Now they have all vanished or the muns birthed Loki muses, leaving Liefully with no Thor to interact with.

I held my tongue for a long time about this, but I’m pretty upset about it. I’m upset that Liefully’s canon Thor disappeared for a long time and came back to roleplay Loki. I mean, it’s great the mun is back, I missed her a lot, but I also missed her Thor, and Liefully misses his brother. She’s back, but she barely ever rped with me when I had the computer and time.

Liefully no longer feels comfortable interacting with other Lokis due to all the shit that has happened to him involving those of his face/name. HE MISSES HIS BROTHER SOOO MUCH. So. Liefully needs a canon Thor.

He’s not a thunderfrost Loki, so I want a canon Thor that loves Loki AS A BROTHER.

Whenever I can interact more (assuming I can acquire a computer eventually) I would love for there to be some Thors for Liefully to talk to. All the Thors he used to interact with stopped interacting with him, and frankly, I am tired of waiting and hoping they’ll come back and say hi to Liefully.

So as of today, Liefully is available for a canon Thor.))