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Tag Archives: ask game




If you guys are going to reblog an Ask game from someone, could you at least leave an ask relating to the game you are rebloging in that person’s inbox so everyone can play?))


vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell


Smurf!: Muse will turn blue for [x] hours, days.
Nopenheim: Muse is completely done with everything and decides to troll everyone just so they don’t have to deal with things.
Shut up!: Muse has advanced hearing.
Try!: Muse decides to get a new hobby and is obsessed over it.
What is that?: Muse is now curious about everything, normal day objects turn into new adventures of science and exploration in any way imaginable.
What music?: Muse blasts their favorite music and refuses to lower the volume no matter what.
Sex? Whatever…: Muse feels no need of having any sexual experiences at all.
Sex? Let’s do this shit!: Muse is turned on and ready to sleep with everything that moves without hesitation.
Copy/Paste: Muse decides to mimic everything the first person on their dashboard does.
Holy F**K!: Muse has to end or begin every sentence with a curse word.
Once upon a time there was a goat..: The muse now has a pet goat they have to care for until it disappears in [x] hours/days.
Some sort of electricity: Muse now has no idea of how modern day technology works.
Assbutt!: Muse tries their best to offend the people around them, but has to do so with the vocabulary of a five year old.
Plot Twist: Muse has the sudden urge to play monopoly.
Edward: Muse now sparkles as soon as their skin is exposed to the glorious rays of the sun.
Plot Twist 2.0: Muse has finished a game of monopoly and brags about how long they endured it, since they played it with themselves.
Yo Hulk!: Muse now has anger tantrums and deals with it by destroying everything around them, though not other muses.
No Capes!: Muse now has a very distinct sense of fashion and tries to get everyone to dress as they think is the best, although it’s really not that good at all.
Drunken cuteness: Muse is now drunk without having any form of alcohol in their system, and all they want to do is to hug, cuddle and be affectionate to everyone around them. Any Alcohol consumed during this curse will only add up on the fluff.
Edward 2.0: Muse now sparkles no matter where they are or what they do. Sparkles for everybody!
Sing with me!: Muse wants to have a sing-a-long with everyone they see.
King of the hill: Your character has a sudden urge to prove to everyone how great they are.
Give me a drink: Muse wants nothing more than to get drunk, but every liquid that touches their lips turn into Pepsi.



If my muse disappeared without a trace, what would your muse do?

If my muse disappeared without a trace, what would your muse do?