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Tag Archives: ask game

What are you to me (check all that apply)?
[] A stranger.
[] No one important.
[] An ant under my boot.
[] A pet.
[] A toy to mess with.
[] A source of entertainment.
[] Someone I would like to fuck.
[] Someone of romantic interest to me.
[] Other (will specify).

Where did I meet you?
[] In a club/at a bar.
[] On the streets.
[] I found your lost dog and brought it back to you. (Actually, I just used that as an excuse to come up to your door.)
[] I stole someone’s phone and found your contact information.
[] In a graveyard.
[] In your apartment, making myself at home.
[] In your kitchen where you found me rifling through your fridge.
[] In your bed. It was comfortable, by the way.
[] That one time I was swimming in a pool of blood.
[] One of your friends arranged a meeting with you.
[] I don’t even care where we met.
[] Other (will specify).

I think you (check all that apply):
[] Are a waste of molecular matter.
[] Are strange, odd, and/or weird.
[] Would look good covered in blood.
[] Would make a nice hood ornament.
[] Would taste good with a bit of red wine.
[] Are easy prey.
[] Are not worth my time.
[] Need to get me a pie before I shank you.
[] Are obnoxious.
[] Are fun to tease/mess with/scare.
[] Try too hard to gain my attention.
[] Are asking for trouble.
[] Are wasting my time having to fill this out for you.
[] Are my worst enemy reincarnated.
[] Are late.  Where’s my sandwich?
[] Are one of life’s greatest mysteries.
[] Other (will specify).

If you kissed me?
[] I would smile and laugh.
[] It would be a quickie.
[] It would involve tongue.
[] It would be aggressive.
[] I would softly bite your lip.
[] I would explore your neck and jaw.
[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember what happened last time?
[] I’d say that’s awkward…
[] I’d be shocked.
[] I would slap you.
[] I would push you away gently.
[] I would shove you away harshly.
[] We wouldn’t.
[] Lol no.
[] You would lose your tongue in a few seconds.
[] Other (will specify).

If you were caught in an explosion, I would:
[] Laugh in amusement.
[] Tell you to stop being a drama queen.
[] Check to see how injured you were.
[] Get upset that your blood got on my clothes.
[] Steal your wallet while you’re distracted with your broken limb.
[] Take your kidney while you’re passed out.
[] Pick you up and hang you by the legs in a nearby tree. (To ensure you don’t get hit by a car?)
[] Leave you there to die.
[] There was an explosion?

If I saw you right now, I would:
[] Steal your kidney.
[] Stab you with my knife.
[] Poke you in the eye.
[] Move into your apartment to piss you off.
[] Make you take my dog for a walk and hope you give her a bath as well.
[] Give you a hug while I whisper death threats in your ear.
[] Push you into oncoming traffic.
[] Tell my boyfriend “That’s the one who gave me a black eye!”
[] Yell at you.
[] Do nothing.
[] Other (will specify).

What I want from you (check all that apply):
[] A good laugh at your expense.
[] One of your limbs.
[] To test this questionable liquid substance.
[] A kiss.
[] Sex.
[] To be my bitch.
[] My money back.
[] To kiss my ass (figuratively).
[] To kiss my ass (literally).
[] To get hit by a car while I film it.
[] A sandwich.
[] A conversation.
[] Your blood.
[] Your soul.
[] A date.
[] To just shut up.
[] To just go away.
[] To give my dog a walk and a bath.
[] Your wallet.
[] Other (will specify).

Send me a ( # ) and I’ll fill this out. (Psychopath Edition)


Tell me in detail of who they would be to you and what you would do.




turn off / not my thing / haven’t thought of it before / cool / hot damn / TURN OOOOOOON / TAKE ME NOW

((OOC: Feel free to ask Liefully questions.))







In vivid fucking detail. If I’m too embarrassed to post it, you win. But you won’t.


i’m ready for this