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((OOC: Off I go! Bye for now.

Oh and I’ll try to respond to my email. I’m so slow about that.))




Message me your reaction if your muse found out mine was pregnant.

“Uh….thanks, I think….It must be some sort of trick ‘cause all the doctors say I’m infertile…”



“It’s okay, Liefully.  I’m fine with it, really.”

“‘Tis unfortunate nonetheless… Having the parts yet they are unable to function properly. I cannot imagine what that must be like. Well, if ‘tis not a trick, perhaps magic is involved. A mortal I knew was once impregnated with my child and I had never even lain with her. Magic is capable of many things.”


Message me your reaction if your muse found out mine was pregnant.

“Uh….thanks, I think….It must be some sort of trick ‘cause all the doctors say I’m infertile…”



i’m 5 foot.

((hey, that’s how tall I am! :3 shorties high five!))







“Thank you Loki, apologies for waking you at this untimely hour.” She walked in the front door and took as many wet layers off as possible before she curled up shivering on his couch. Her hair dripping occasionally. 

She looked into his eyes seeing his pained expression. “Loki, what is wrong?” She then heard him remark about his clothing on her and decided changing the subject would be best. “If only I could get a wardrobe like this. You have excellent taste.” She felt like she had a taste of what she’d look like if born not on Earth. She looked around for cats. “You need not worry, cats and I get along well. As for my clothes, if it’s not too much of a burden that would be wonderful.” You are a great person Loki, you shouldn’t have to be so sad.”

Since she moved from her question of concern to a compliment, Loki took that as a pass to refrain from answering. “Thank you,” he said. “I visit mortal shops frequently… as well as read their magazines. I do not particularly object to the manners of clothing the mortals have for males. Though ‘tis considerably less in layers and weight than I am used to, surely.” He stepped past her to pick up the sopping wet clothes from the bathroom, carefully draping them over his arm to where they wouldn’t touch and dampen his sleeve, yet equally so that they would not drape over his wrist. He couldn’t stand something so heavy touching his scars.

Folding shirts edge just as an extra precaution to keep it from slipping over his wrist, Loki spoke, “I would not have asked if it was a burden, naturally.” Making sure he picked everything up, he walked past her to where the washer and dryer were. “I believe I would have to disagree with you. I am not so great an individual, surely, or so ‘twould seem the fates would believe it so.” He laid the clothes into the dryer, allowing them to slip past his wrist momentarily; that he was able to bear. 


“A very difficult life, I suffer,” he added as he gently closed the dryer’s lid and returned to standing, briefly looking at her before turning his attention to the dryer’s settings. He leaned over the machine to read the dials. Adjusting one to have the clothes dry for about 40 minutes, he pressed the start button then turned to face Astrid, crossing his arms over his chest as he rested against the dryer’s edge. “It should take a little less than an hour for your clothes to dry.” 

She smiled faintly “It is quite a bit less in this Century if not the entirety of this realms existence. One day if the gods were kind and less keen on me being bound to here I would truly enjoy visiting the higher realms, get a taste of being the deity I party am. I wonder how expensive their clothing in their shops are?” She tried to jest. Astrid had a black cat jump onto her lap and smiled petting it adding. “I’d love to raid Freya or Sif’s wardrobe.”

She listened intently as he spoke of the fates and her eyes darkened in both sadness and resentment of such beings. “If the fates exist and do such things then why do the decent mortals suffer down here?” she whispered “Why am I chained down here.. to die and come back again and again?” 

She looked at Loki. “You shouldn’t have to suffer Loki..” She noticed him remaining in the other room crossing his arms. “You don’t have to stay over there, I wont hurt you, you know..”

“I cannot say with certainty what price the clothing of Asgard have as I had been a member of the palace for the bulk of my life and as such, money was no concern to me,” Loki shrugged. Though the mention of Freya inspired a small smile on his face, “I have on occasion explored the wardrobes of goddesses such as Freya and Sif. They are not too stunning… though perhaps my idea of stunning is biased due to my previous life of luxury. I did, however, manage to acquire a piece belonging to Freya that she remains unknown to my possession of it. ‘Tis nothing too big, I would not say.” 

He stood in silence considering her questions for a moment. “If you do not mind my asking, what exactly is the nature of your existence? You speak of being half a deity and being bound to this planet.” Releasing his arms from their crossed position and allowing them to drop to his sides, he pushed himself off the edge of the dryer and walked over to her. “It was my impression that you were some manner of Valkyrie at one point, though I know very little of you.” 





“A misconception, surely. Here there is no god of mischief that he so wrought. Here there is a god who mischief sought.”


“Rebuilding my reputation would require an energy I no longer have, unfortunately. I only wish to maintain a simple and quiet life in my exile now. What mistake have you made? If you do not mind my asking…” 

Catherine chuckles as she open her arms with a shrug, “Going a group that I’m sure you heard before and ended up having to be experimented to find the source of my witchcraft.” She told him before place her arms down.


“I’m sure the Hydra, ring a bell?”

“Nay, I have not heard of this ‘Hydra’ of which you speak. Is it something I should be aware of?” Loki asked. 




I’d probably need umakoo or someone else to weigh in on this. It probably is just the way of referring to someone who is son of their mother, which is pretty much not a standard ending

umakoo said: i’m pretty sure the -jar is like adding the -’s in English. it’s the possessive for the -ey ending.

the-halfbreed-hobbit said: I believe it is to indicate either the word before -jar itself or the person it refers to is female. I know Helshades wrote a long post about it some time ago. I have to go to bed now, so I’ll see if I can find it tomorrow evening, if no-one else does so sooner, (its 2 at…

katandadrieninatree reblogged this from lokisergi and added: It’s a matronym instead of a patronym, the latter is the usual way.  eg. Scarlet Johansson <— this surname has says one of her ancestors was the son of a man named Johan.  However, while in the Marvel universe, Laufey is a man, in the original Greek mythology, Laufey is a woman, and because she is in a position of power, Loki is name for his mother rather than his father, thus Laufeyjarson. c:

So there you have it –  several people weighing in on the -jarson

 And one more addition!

saelokason said: “-jar-” is a genitive female declination, marking that the “son” belongs to Laufey. It reflects Laufey’s gender.


Fill in the blanks. (x)