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So I’ve seen a whole bunch of posts about body positivity. And it would be great, but they’re really bad at actually representing different body types; big girls in particular. So I’ve drawn a comparison.

I’m tired of seeing posts that totally miss the point. Those posts are supposed to make you feel good about your body. But it’s hard for bigger girls to feel good about themselves if they’re represented by women that aren’t big. Fat is okay. But here’s some things that people almost always ignore when drawing bigger ladies:

– Rolls

– Cellulite

– Stretch marks

And some misconceptions/ common mistakes:

– Larger breasts ( a LOT larger) 

– Wider hips

– Same size waist as girls with less body fat

I’m going to put it bluntly: I’m sick of seeing fatter girls be misrepresented. I’m tired of seeing posts getting glory for drawing bigger girls when they don’t. I have yet to see a body positivity post that shows cellulite, stretch marks, folds, and spillage. These things are real, and they’re beautiful.

So try and remember these things next time you try and represent fat girls. Because if you’re not thinking about the “ugly” stuff, you’re doing it wrong.

In the end, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and to criticize someone’s idea of beauty, whether it’s depicted in the left image, in the right image, or even a really skinny girl, that’s just not right. I can understand criticizing someone’s depiction of a 22in J cup with like a 10in waist and 30in hips. That’s just plain unrealistic. But body positivity can be expressed in many ways. Just remember, in the end, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I just find stressing about the way we look in general to be wasted energy. Just work on being happy with yourself, fuck what anyone else thinks. u__u

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