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((OOC: Hey, sorry for not replying to this sooner. I’ve been awfully scatter-brained or otherwise away from the computer lately. XD Anyway, of course I will RP with you. I’m available to RP with anyone. Since your RP blog is a secondary one, what you can do is send Asks as Anon and sign them with your RP url, or even just send an ask with your own username. Or you can just write a starter and tag it with liefullyloki for me to find in my tracked tag, which I check fairly often, and I’ll reply to it when I can.

Don’t feel shy reminding me it’s my turn to reply. I am awfully scatter-brained and disorganized so you’d be doing me a solid by letting me know. XD 

Liefully currently lives on Midgard (Earth) and has a wife named Kristina (she’s more like a friend to him, their marriage was “mun magiced” XD) but he travels often to places like New York, London, and San Francisco. Really nowhere specific so I don’t believe location poses any problem there. But things are rolling in motion that he might be returning to Asgard soon. I’m not sure how I’ll factor that in with future roleplay, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. XD 

Basically all you need to know is he dresses like any regular civilian. Liefully is very thin, thinner than Tom Hiddleston, I’d say. Liefully has green eyes (not blue), and they’re a vibrant green, not a deep green like emeralds. His hair is black and extends beyond the shoulders. And he paints his nails black. XD He’s really friendly for the most part. You could totally find him in a library, a museum, or out checking out malls and shops. He likes to walk so it’s possible to run into him on the street.

And that’s about it for a debriefing on him. Feel free to write a starter, like I said before. Or I could try to write a starter, but that’ll take a few days because I have to mull it over. XD What’s your character’s blog URL?))

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