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If it was raining I would:
[] Give you my jacket.
[X] Run off leaving you behind.
[] Hug you until it stops.
[X] Push you in a puddle.
[] Kiss you in the rain.

-You are:
[] Ugly
[X] Ok-ish
[] Pretty
[] Funny
[] Gorgeous
[] Good looking
[] Beautiful
[] Perfect

-If you kissed me, I would:
[] Punch you
[X] Kiss you back
[] Laugh
[X] Look at you weird
[] Blush
[] I don’t know
[X] Walk away slowly
[] You wouldn’t

-You are:
[] Potential bf/gf material
[] Friend
[] Close friend
[] Best friend
[] Enemy
[] Bf/Gf 
[] My baby 
[] Dunno
[] Ex
[X] Don’t care

-You should:
[] Hug me
[] Call me
[] Text me
[] Talk to me more 
[] Have sex with me
[] Come out one time
[X] Give me a lock of your hair

-I would:
[] Give you the world
[] Cuddle you
[] Marry you on Facebook
[X] Party with you
[X] Bully you

-I like your:
[] Body
[] Smile
[] Hair
[] Laugh
[] Eyes
[] Lips
[] Voice
[] Personality
[] Everything
[X] Ass
[] Boobs/Dick

I’d rate you-
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5 
[] 6
[] 7
[X] 8
[] 9
[] 10

When were older-
[] We won’t know each other
[] We’ll be married
[] We’ll be mates
[] We’ll be enemies
[X] Dont know yet
[X] Don’t care

Would I ever go out with you?-
[] Yes
[] No
[X] Dunno
[] Already have
[] Don’t wanna ruin our friendship
[] Any day
[] Already am

How much your worth to me:
[X] A nickel
[] 100 dollars
[] Thousands
[] Millions
[] Billions
[] The world

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