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Having a mortal blindfolded and tied tighter than necessary to a chair, Dalie grabbed their forehead and forced them to bend their head backwards, exposing their neck. He traced the tip of his knife aganst the paleness of their flesh, starting along the chin and slowly dragging it down to their collarbone. The mortal started to beg which Dalie only responded to by throwing their head forward, causing them a moment of dizziness.

Having let go of them, he walked some place behind them as they sobbed and uttered a prayer to their god. He thought it was amusing. “And what doth the human believe in?” he asked as he stepped further back, deliberately making each footfall echo in the near-empty room. “If there is no one to save you, no hero at the end of the day like in all the fantastical stories, is there really a god?” He scanned the table pushed up against the wall behind the mortal and set his knife down, fingers tracing the edge of another.

He returned to his place behind the mortal, still sobbing where he was strapped down as he continued to speak. “Or does he just not care about some pathetic lifeform whom is merely the blip of an existence in the sands of time?” With that, he grabbed the person’s face and violently snapped their neck. He tilted his head and eyed the now dead sack of meat before him then looked up the ceiling before removing himself from that room.

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