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((OOC: Friendly reminder that I have several blogs. These are my main ones: 

To roleplay with either of my muses, you need to:

  • Read this
  • Take action. (send an IC Ask, or write a Starter and tag it as one of my muses, and always remind me when it’s my turn to reply and I have not replied in at least as day as I have terrible organization skills)
  • NOTE: Will roleplay with anyone, whether your muse is in the same fandom, a different fandom, an OC, a female, I don’t care. They will talk to you. Just don’t be shy and remind me if I haven’t replied to our thread in a while.
  • NOTE: You do not have to be a roleplay blog to interact with my characters. They will talk to anyone, roleplay muse/mun, or regular people. 

:3 Hope to hear from you!))

Liefully Loki ((ON HIATUS)): ((OOC: Friendly reminder that I have several blogs. These are my main…

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