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Requested rebloggable a few times. I had to cut it up to get it all in there. ┐(‘~`;)┌

((OOC: I do my best to tag my triggers. Most of the posts I reblog or post have 6 or more tags. I run a pretty tight ship as far as tag organization goes. I do the best I can to help my followers not have to put up with things they’d rather not see on their dash. Because I know what it feels like to see untagged things that you don’t want to see but at the same time, there’s still a lot you enjoy about a certain blog that’s on your dash.

At the same time, I feel that yes, it is a case of “It’s my blog, I do what I want.” But you know what? While it is your blog and you can do what you want with it, your followers do NOT have to put up with your shit. If you’re going to post what you want and not show a little consideration toward your followers, consider that some of them will be triggered by what you post, then don’t get pissed off when they unfollow you. You have no right to be mad, no right to make your followers feel bad for leaving you since you wouldn’t tag your triggers.))

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