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((OOC: Friendly reminder that I have multiple blogs! 

Things to know:

  • If I’m not here (on Liefully’s blog), I am probably on Dalie’s blog, if not sleeping/afk having a life.
  • My mun blog is a subblog, so you will never see “liemunade is following you” or something like that because subblogs cannot follow.
  • Whether I am on Liefully’s blog or Dalie’s blog, any messages/asks/submissions sent to Liemunade will always be received regardless of whether I’m on Liefully or Dalie’s accounts since my subblog is accessible to both accounts. 
  • I run Dalie’s blog on Firefox and Liefully’s blog on Google Chrome, so never think it’s a burden to ask me to RP as one or the other since they are both always signed in and it is only a matter of switching browsers. 
  • I will roleplay with anyone! I don’t care if you’re the same character (Loki), in the same fandom (Avengers/Thor), in a different fandom, or are an OC. Never feel like you’re being a bother when poking me to reply to our thread. I am extremely forgetful/unorganized so you’re doing both of us a favor. 
  • Keep in mind that Dalie is typically mean/vicious, and it is not for any apparent reason other than to simply be. Liefully, though mostly sweet, can be vicious at times. 
  • I do have other blogs but these are the three main ones I am on.
  • I have a skype for roleplayers to contact me with and only give it to those who have RPed with me a little bit and also who ask for it.


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