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Could you pretty please with cherries on top send me some drabble prompts?

  1. Send me a prompt (however long and/or detailed you want to make it) either via an Ask or use the Submit tool, or just reblog/reply to this post with your drabble prompt. I will accept multiple prompts from one individual, of course. You can use this masterlist if you’re stumped on prompt ideas.
  2. Let me know who you want in the drabble besides Liefully (if anyone), like your character (if we’ve interacted a bit), some other RPer’s character (but I have to be familiar with them), or a canon character.
  3. Tell me if you want it to be an AU setting or mainverse setting. If it’s AU, tell me how they are AU (i.e. Liefully is a mortal, or has a certain hobby or something, anything goes).
  4. Then tell me what kind of setting you want this to take place in (i.e. a park, the theater, etc.).
  5. Pick something that should occur or be mentioned in the drabble (i.e. one accidentally trips the other, they do some specific activity in the setting provided, anything.).
  6. Tell me how long you want the drabble to be. Minimum is 3 sentences. If you don’t specify a length, I will write it however long I want to.

Thank you very much if you send me a prompt or two.))

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