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Now how may I answer that simply? I think I may not… I have taken some pleasure out of causing accidents on freeways, some fatal and some only casing serious injury. Once or twice, I entered the hospitals of those whose car accidents I caused and suffocated them with pillows or stuck them with needles full of air. I also sealed one industry with their workers inside then dropping in some old mustard gas to suffocate and kill them. Once I entered a mortal’s home and slipped into a closet door, waited for them to fall asleep and fed them a couple drops of potion that would force them to sleep for a few hours uninterrupted. As they slept, I removed one of their legs and healed their body so they would not die from blood loss. Then I waited for the potion to wear off and watched them discover something missing about themselves that was there before they slept. ‘Twas certainly most amusing to see them panic and stress out, completely drowned in confusion as to how it could have happened. I kidnapped a juvenile delinquent from his home and teleported him to the middle of a desert, no food or water either way for days of walking. Then I left him there. I came back for him a few days later, found his decaying corpse and brought him back to his home for his foster family to find. ‘Twas amusing they did not bother to call the police during his absence, having been so used to him leaving unannounced and returning several days later. One another day, I captured four cats, killed them by twisting their necks, then tied them to the ceiling fan of one particular cat hoarder’s home. I then sliced open each carcass’s underbelly and rigged the wiring of the fan to turn on with the light. She did not come home until late in the evening. Imagine her shock and horror at the sight of four cats, one to each blade of her ceiling fan, blood splattering the floor in circular patterns. I also went to a nature preserve and stuck a few of the wild animals into the holes of the fence and let the preserve’s workers discover their corpses the next morning. While there, I picked up one vicious wild animal and teleported it to an unsuspecting mortal’s home. When they came home from work, they found a wild tiger in their front room, tearing up some of their furniture. Not too long ago, I ran into a mortal who was deathly afraid of snakes. I then gathered several non-venomous snakes and tucked them into her bed while she slept and let her discover them snuggling against her body in the morning.  I tied weights to two mortals and drowned them in a large aquatic exhibit for the workers to find in the morning. I force-fed four mortals jewels that I stole from prominent jeweler stores and erased the memory of being force-fed from their minds. They died shortly after due to digestive complications, and never knew why they suffered. I later entered an abortion clinic, stole an aborted fetus and disguised myself as a female, entering the waiting room with the dead fetus in a jar and set it on the table for the others waiting to see. I said, “I will not be needing this anymore,” and then left the clinic. Later on, I made a sign and placed it near a garbage can in a small neighborhood park. I then kidnapped a child and instructed it to stay in the garbage can until someone found it, explaining it was a form of hide and seek. The sign read, “Dispose of unwanted children here.” Of course the police got involved and the parents got in trouble as I left the paint can, newsprint I painted the sign over, and several pieces of wood that the sign was made of in their garage. And recently, I dissected one individual. She disliked it yet behaved well all things considering. 

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