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((OOC: Friendly reminder! 😀

I have other blogs! So if you ever wonder how I’m doing, you may like to know I don’t always post here. This blog has over 1,200 followers which quite a huge following! So I tend to post OOC more on dalieisinyourcloset (a little more than 500 followers there) and on liemunade (only 50 followers there) as I do feel like I am more Strictly RP on Liefully’s blog and less pressure on my other blogs.

I also have artoftruthandlies, my OC, however since I’m stuck to mobile, I currently don’t check that blog.

And you might be happy to know that liemunade is a sub-blog so I will always see messages directed straight to me, the mun, on any of my RP blogs (liefullyloki, dalieisinyourcloset, and artoftruthandlies). Ah the beauty of sub-blogs. I do not do follow-back policies. I follow whoever I want, though people with follow-back restrictions should keep in mind that sub-blogs cannot follow other blogs. So y’all follow-back-only people are missing some cool blogs.

So! Once again, if you wonder how I’m doing (especially now that I can’t really be online much) and it doesn’t appear that I have posted anything on Liefully’s blog, you can visit dalieisinyourcloset and liemunade to see if there’s anything new.

I always say Read the Disclaimer Page before following Dalie’s blog. Liemunade, LiefullyLoki, and ArtofTruthandLies are all pretty friendly blogs, and Liemunade and LiefullyLoki have LGBT Friendly sticker-type things in their descriptions. (The only reason why ArtofTruthandLies doesn’t have one of those stickers and an anti-anon hate sticker is because the description space is so damn small, LOL!) But Dalie’s blog isn’t exactly friendly to anyone. So proceed with caution there!!

Love you guys and hope you’re all doing well!))

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